Friday, June 04, 2010

Just Magnolia Special Monthly Challenge - Tutorial by Mindy + Sunday Sketch and Stamp Challenge 29 + Sem's Sketch

Good morning everyone and yes its Friday and time for a new Just Magnolia challenge and its our Special Monthly challenge and we have a fantastic tutorial for you from the wonderful Mindy Baxter...its a great tutorial on how to make the frilled lace on the side of my have to have a go at this it looks so brilliant and is really easy to do and wait until you see what the rest of the team has made, wow...I used the new leaning Tilda from the last Magnolia stamp kit and I masked her and used the fantastic Elegant Heart Magnolia stamp behind her (you can get it at Bunny Zoe's Crafts), the beautiful paper is from Bunny Zoe's too and is from the Fancy Pants My Family pack, this really is a stunning pack as it has flocked acetate, alphabets, rub ons and tons of paper, brilliant, the cotton lace is from my local sewing shop and was an amazing 60p per metre...I finished with some gingham ribbon and a bow and a Prima rose and buttons, I used the Sunday Sketch and stamp sketch for this too...I hope you like it and enjoy the rest of your Friday everyone
Mina xxx


  1. Hi Mina
    totally gorgeous, love the colours, seen the tutorial great, that was my last whats on my desk, takes too long now to get round everyone, have a great weekend
    Christine x

  2. Oh Wow Mina,gorgeous as always,how do you manage that?Love the gigham ribbon.
    Enjoy your day.
    Big Hugs heidy

  3. That is such a pretty card, Mina and I love the way you've coloured Tilda!
    Diane x

  4. Gorgeous card, very pretty. Love how you've displayed Tilda.

  5. Soooo beautiful Sweetie!! Aww I always look forward to seeing one of your posts on the dashboard as I know I'm gonna be in for a treat. Gorgeous card again. Thanks for the anniversary wishes too. Have a super duper weekend. Lotsa luv xxxx

  6. Hi Mina what a fab card,i love it.The lace is really effective,going to pop over and check out the tutorial.

  7. Absolutely stunning Mina! luv how you masked little Tilda...she looks soooo pretty ~ perfect colouring as always & beautifully laid out xx Lizzy xx :)

    Have a fabby weekend hun xx

  8. Wow Mina, that is some stunning masking hun! Beautiful card, the lace is fab so I'm off for a peek at the tutorial. Wonderful work, as always. Hugs, Sxxx

  9. thank you for your comments on my blog !!

    i love so much your creations !!
    of course i prefer your Magnolia's creation ;-D !!

    have a nice day !!

  10. Adorable Tilda Mina and what a fabulous card, love all the details.

  11. Wow what a beautiful card Mina.
    I love all the details.
    The paper and the image is so lovely.

    Enjoy your weekend.

    Hugs Jannie.

  12. Hello Mina!
    Gorgeous card. Love the image.
    Have a nice and sunny weekend.
    Hugs Paula

  13. Hi Mina .. up to my elbows in wallpaper paste! - but sneaked away for a qick peak at some blogs. LOve this summery card. Tilda looks beautiful, and those Dp's are absolutely stunning.
    Love the gingham ribbon.. reminds me of a picnic lol

  14. I love the lace and how you you masked the image, fab card :)

  15. Such a pretty card, Mina . Will check out tutorial on lace fitting . love the masking and the gingham ribbon .

  16. hey mina hope your well,thank you for your lovely comment on my card. I love this card the lace and gingham are fab xxxx

  17. Lovely card Mina! fabulous papers and love your ribbon trimmings. Super coloring as always! :)

  18. Aww Mina another BEAUTY, its perfect.
    hugs chris xx

  19. Hi! Mina i just think this is gorgeous,such pretty colours and Tilda looks so sweet(love her hair).hugs Lou.xx

  20. totally gorgeous mina,love everything about it,x

  21. Hi Mina
    A gorgeous card and beautiful paper's,
    Hugs Dianne xx :)

  22. totally gorgous - such an adorable card, love it!

  23. This looks amazing! I'm so happy you liked my tutorial. I love your card. Tilda coming out of the heart.. amazing! I love your colors and details. I'm so honored to be working with you talented ladies this month! Hugs!

  24. hiya mina, wow a really beautiful card, love how you have masked tilda and gorgeous colours and the lace and gingham ribbon.luv coops.xx

  25. Beautiful card Mina,i love your image and your papers.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  26. Drop-dead gorgeous Mina!! Simply stunning!! Juliex

  27. Mina this is just so beautiful. Love how you have stamped Tilda and the heart image. Gorgeous colours. Hope you have a good weekend. Rosie x

  28. Beautiful card! Lovely papers and I like the lace on your card, super!
    Hugs Jacqueline

  29. Cuuute!! Love the gingham ribbon and frilled lace, will go and check out the tut now!

  30. This is absolutely brilliant. Just love it. she is a gorgeous image .. Your lace and ribbons are beautiful Colouring not bad lol kitty c

  31. This is absolutely stunning Mina. I love the paper and the lace and ribbons look fabulous.

  32. Hi Mina love the card the papers are so pretty hugs Toni

  33. cant begin to tell you how much I love this!!! so gorgeous and that red gigham ribbon is just LUSH!! stunning creation, hugs Juls

  34. gorgeous card, the image is super cute, lovely ribbons :)

  35. Gorgeous card!! beautiful colors.

  36. WOW... I love the layout etc & the colours are just so vibrant 8o) love n hugz JustAng xXx Docrafts

  37. Love this Tilda card. Like the way the paper, ribbon and lace all blend together to make the card POP!
    Hugs Cheryl


Thanks for leaving me a comment I love reading them and appreciate you taking the time
Mina xxx