Wednesday, October 13, 2010

How do you photograph an easel card?...Truly Scrumptious Challenge 43-Easel card + City Crafter week 26-Take flight + Papertake weekly-three of a kind

Good morning the question is exactly how do you take a photo of an easel card, is it the first one I took or the second, on the side or front on...I never know which to do, which way do you take it?...oh and another question for you today, I'm full of them today I think lol...why do men stand and stare at what they are meant to do for at least 10 mins before moving to the other leg and disappearing to make a cup of tea that has baffled me for ages and why don't they ever read instruction books but then expect to pick up a new iPhone and work it perfectly and get mad when they cant lol...these are the questions that have baffled womankind for centuries (well maybe not the iPhone one) so if you have answers I would be so grateful lol...right onto my card for today which is for our new challenge over at Truly Scrumptious which is a fab sketch with the added option of making an easel card I hope your all going to join in this week and have fun using the sketch, our sponsor this week is Robyn's Fetish Digital stamps and the fab Robyn generously gave us some images to play with, I chose to use this stunning Poppy Fairy isn't she beautiful, I coloured her with Distress inks

the gorgeous scrummy coloured papers are from a paper pack by My Minds eye called Be Loved from Bunny Zoe's Crafts, I love the stunning colours in this pack don't you, lush...I added some red stitched ribbons and three patterned buttons to answer to Shirley's question yesterday, its usually sheer luck if my cards match challenges unless they are sketches of course...I'm entering this one for the City Crafter Take flight and the Papertake weekly three of a kind challenges...I hope you like it and when you have time don't forget to pop on over to Truly Scrumptious to check out the rest of the DT's amazing work...have a fantastic day and I hope I havent made your brain whirl with my questions lol
Mina xxx

p.s. Did you know that October is Breast Cancer Awareness month so remember to do all the right checks not just this month but every one...the fantastically inspirational Jacque who I have the honour of calling Friend is offering some amazing candy to help the awareness so hop on over and join in before the 15th October xxx


  1. Super card Mina, the second one is the way I would photograph it :o)
    As for question 2! Who knows, gave up trying to figure men out many years ago :o)
    Jackie xx

  2. hahaha Mina, you make me lought this morning.
    I read a book long time ago "Men are from Mars, Women from Venera" and few others, there is really very funny answers.
    Your card is very beauty.
    I find difficult tast to take foto's of Easel card, but Rach do it so beautifly.
    Have a wonderful day!

  3. Beautiful card Mina, really gorgeous hun. Your "men" question reminded me of a Toad incident a few weeks back. He's bought a new gadget. Straight away, plugged it in, and muttered that he couldn't get it to work. A few days later he shouts "it's working now". So I asked "what did you do different?" His reply? You ready for this? "I read the instructions"!! Sxx

  4. Wonderful card, Mina and you've coloured that fairy so delicately - she's truly beautiful!
    In response to the questions about men, my theory is that they're conditioned to think that if they stand there looking baffled for lone enough, some woman will come to their rescue! Who did the conditioning? Their mothers, of course! So you see we're the makers of our own conundrum!
    Diane x

  5. Good morning Mina, great card and beautiful coloured as usual.
    Its difficult photographing an easelcard but it did workout perfectly. Men ahhhhhhh what should I add ..... better nothing haha. Have a great day, Ageeth

  6. I cant answer either question lol... its a mystery! But i guess Michael would say why does Lisa have to make such a mess when she makes a small greetings card ??
    The photo looks fine to me - beautiful card
    Lisa ;)

  7. such a pretty card Mina, I love the soft colours & she is beautiful.

  8. So pretty and whimsical ... Thanks so much for sharing with us at CCCB

  9. hi Mina, ohhh what a great card,love this stamp xx

  10. Alas to question 2 there is no could stand for hours just watching & wondering...WHY? Spend those hours in peace making fab cards & leave them to it!!!xxxx

  11. stunning card mina,a beautiful image and your colouring is your colours and papers :D
    as for your question about men, my hubby drives me nuts,i find it easier to do things myself, i`m a get it done now kinda person,lol.

    xx coops xx

  12. oh mina hun what a stunning card the image and papers are just lush,as for men hun one they have no patience,and 2 they can be as thick as you know what,if only they took time to read things first instead of trying to be so clever,but better still let us do it as we are way far more intelligent,and have patience,too hugs cheryl xxxxx

  13. Oh wonderful adorable card Mina, beautiful fairy.

  14. This is just beautiful Mina - soo soft and calming!

  15. Fantastic card Mina, love the beautiful image and wonderful papers.
    I share your dilemma re the photographing easel cards - I just end up taking several different shots and choose the one that looks best - not much help am I???
    hugs Heather xx

  16. I always struggle with photos of easel cards as well so not much help here, I'm afraid. Same with your question about men - I think it's just coded into their nature, lol
    Your colouring on this fairy is outstanding, almost photoraphic feel to it!

  17. Hi Mina,beautiful card,I take a few pictures and choise the one I like best
    And for your other question,I dont have an awnser
    Hugs Heidy

  18. I struggle with photographing easel cards too! And your other question, my husband just pretends the job isn't there let alone and and think about it!! Your card is gorgeous and I love the papers.

  19. I think the second image is great but either way it is a beautiful creation and your colouring again is superb. Just love those buttons.
    Hope this does not offend ...but
    Q; What did God say after he had finished making man??
    A; I can do better than that!
    And then he made woman.

  20. brilliant Shirley I love it lol xxx

  21. I can help answer the easel card question, and that is a a downward angle. As far as the others I am just as baffled as you.LOL!! Beautiful card, I love the sentiment and she is just lovely!

  22. Sorry cant answer your question on men,they have a knack of making all jobs look harder than they are.
    I love your little fairy,she is cloloured beautifuly as ever.Love the colours you used on the card too.
    Hugs Sue

  23. What a stunning little fairy. I love this card Mina.

  24. So pretty, love that fairy image, thanks for playing along with us at CCCB!

  25. such a pretty card - I really like the colour combo and layout you have used

  26. Hi, Mina. I usually take the photo from the front but don't listen to my tips 'cause I'm a bad photographer! about men, my hubby usually reads instructions carefully but he gets angry all the same! The card is super! Hugs. Miria

  27. What a lovely card Mina, so beautiful!
    Hugs Jacqueline

  28. Gorgeous card,such a pretty fairy image.

  29. Beautiful card Mina,I love the image and the colours.
    So gorgeous papers.

    Hugs Riet.x

  30. wow gorgeous Mina and the papers are lush!!my man ann be gormless! i asked him to throw some trifle out that was left,then i went to wash the bowl it was in, not there?,i asked him where it was he said "you told me to throw it out"!!!!!!!!?????? i give up!!

  31. Love this card Mina the colour choice is beautiful fab layout and DP and lovely image, gorgeous easel card, I know what you mean chum on pic I just take a few from different angles.
    As for men my OH takes forever to make a sandwich I could have a 2 loafs of sandwiches made in the same time talk about slow he is meeting himself coming back sometimes lol' but mind that is only when he is in the home at work he goes at a completely different pace wonder why!!! lol' Hugs
    Sarah xx

  32. Hi Mima. Beautiful card. Love the colours and layout. Love the easel style as well. Think your photographs are fine. As for men, if you want something done, better to do it yourself and then you know it is done right. Gave up asking a long time ago. Donna

  33. Wow, Mina this is so gorgeous. Sue x

  34. Bee-u-ti-ful, Mina! It doesn't matter how you take the photo tbh, it will always look fab if it's one of yours!

    Oooh... MEN! My fella says "I'm giving it a good coat of looking at" before he decides to do anything. Then he gets around to doing whatever it is weeks/months later, if at all :S

    Meesh. xx

    BTW... Thank-you so much for commenting on my Hatter project. I'm sure yours will totally put mine to shame. xx

  35. So sweet and lovely! Thank you for joining us at CCCB!

  36. So pretty! The colours are soft and gorgeous.

  37. Well...the answer I would give about the men "because they're men...and when they're staring, they're probably thinking about a roll in the hay. After that, they have to get something to drink" LOL! JMO, and you know what those are like. *smiles*

    Now for your card....stunning!!! You do such beautiful work! The colors, the papers, the way you colored this gorgeous image, everything! I love it! Fantastic card! Thanks so much for joining us at PTW and hope you join us again soon!
    hugs, Sharon


Thanks for leaving me a comment I love reading them and appreciate you taking the time
Mina xxx