Monday, November 29, 2010

Altogether now...aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh - Create4fun challenge week 48 sketch + Allsorts challenge-Monochrome

Good morning everyone, did you have a huggy Sunday then? was snowing and too cold here so we (my darling husband Phil and me) pumped the heating up full and he made us bacon, sausage, mushroom, potato bread and poached eggs and I made 14...yes 14 cards, my mojo must have been on form...the meal was just lush and yummy and I could eat it again now in fact, the 14 cards were for friends who had asked me to make some for them...well did you all say aaaaaahhhhhhhhh then isn't he just the cutest dog ever, now anyone that knows me will know I don't really do animals, not that I don't like them its just I don't think I colour them well but Mo's Digital Pencils animals are about the only animals I do....oooohhhhhh and I do have a soft spot for those Nellie Snellen Moo cows too though...this fabulous Lahso Apso is fabulous to colour and so quick too, I coloured him with Distress inks and teamed him up with this sparkly lush Making Memories paper from the Noel specialist paper pack, all I needed to add was some fab satin ribbon and two bone brads crossed for a doggy kiss...the sketch is from Create4fun challenge and I'm also entering this for the Allsorts Monochrome challenge I hope its monochrome enough...have a fabulous day everyone and I hope your not snowed in
Mina xxx


  1. was für ein schoenes weihnachtshundchen, klasse
    lg gila

  2. Mina this is soooo cute and I love the sparkles on the fur around his hat! A lovely monochrome card!
    I'm planning to work on a different Mo image today and now, after seeing your card, I'm looking forward to it more than ever!
    Diane x

  3. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, that IS cute!! What a wonderful card Mina! I'm still looking for a dog stamp (like Bev I have 2 Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, she's got 6 (!), but intil now I can't find one. Greetz, Frea

  4. Oh hunny, even as a catwoman I have to say ahhhhhh! Gorgeous! 14 cards in one day? Wow! Mum has received her cow card and it is taking pride of place, thank you so much sweetie. Hugs, Sxx

  5. oh hun ,can he cook for me too oh makes me hungry hehe,
    this card is adorable hun that image is beautifully colored as always,and the detail is just first class,stay warm hun,hugs cheryl xxxxxxxx

  6. oh my goodness.... oh yes... lots of ooooohs and aaaaaahs over here :o)
    LOVE the image and your colouring and the whole card is just amazing! Gorgeous creation!!!
    {hugs} Sylvia

  7. That's a lovely image and beautiful card!

  8. Adorable, cute card Mina, its gorgeous.

  9. What a great card and Oh I love this image of the little Llasa Apso! Looks beautiful!

  10. Oh I have to say he is gorgeous, he looks double cute and the card is just fab.xx

  11. hi Mina ,what a cuttig pie this one, and 14 !!! cards, wow what a talent hihihi xx

  12. Hi Mina. I love this card. The image is gorgeous and the colours and papers are beautiful. You are making me hungry and have put me in the notion for this for lunch. I am so jealous of you making 14 cards. I find it hard to get the time to make one. Hope you are keeping warm again today. Donna

  13. Hi Mina, I feel for you.If you look out its all white,but its frost.Well chuck, another gorgeous card.I love the way you coloured your pooch,and that bow is just lush.Well done you on getting so many card made.
    Stay warm.
    Hugs Sue xx

  14. Hi Mina,
    This has got to be one of the cutest images ever. I love the papers and colours. A wonderful card.
    Fiona x

  15. ARRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!! What a cutie-snooty dawg! Love it xxx

  16. Gorgeous Mina,VERY cute image and i just love the colours you have used too.

  17. OMG he is far too cute!!!!!

    A gorgeous card.


  18. Aaaahhhh - bless he's a cutie and love the green hat matching your lush ribbon!! Mmmmm that dinner sounds lovely too, been ages since I had potato bread - you've given me an idea for tea! hugs, Jane xxx

  19. Fab card Mina, love this little doggy. Love all Mo's images.

    The ribbon looks amazing. Love how you ruffled the ends.

    Michelle :-)

  20. Seriously, Mina, 14 cards in one day !!!?!! Wow ! I'm deeply impressed :-)
    This card is beautiful; think your colouring here is just perfect; cute dog.
    Have a nice day in cold Britain (you don't wanna come over here, we had 11 cold celcius degrees this morning..) !

  21. Hi Mina,what a cutie,and you colourd him super.
    14 cards? I struggled whit 2 lol
    Hugs Heidy

  22. SOOO cute, Mina! I just love that adorable puppy, and the sparkle on his hat, and those bones! Just perfect.

  23. Hi Mina . card is beautiful with dog coloured perfectly and that ribbon ...WOW

  24. gorgeous card Miná the dotted papers... and that dog makes me smile!
    xxx Margreet

  25. he looks a little grumpy! very excellent card x

  26. Oh Mina...he is just too adorable!!
    Gorgeous card...I love it!!

    Karen x

  27. oh Mina - i want that little pup .. he is just adorabke and i love the green colour scheme .. gorgeous
    Lisa ;)

  28. gorgeous card mina.stunning image and so cute.i love your backing paper and lush bow :D

    xx coops xx

  29. Ahhhhhhhh!, isn`t he just sooooo cute!. Such a wonderful card. Love Val xxx

  30. wow your card is so elegant and amazing. The dog is so cute.

  31. Oh how cute is that doggie! Thanks for the closeup so i could see his expression, lol. Love your monochrome card (love greens). And you made me hungry, LOL! 14 cards? Wow I could never make that many in one week, me thinks, lol.

  32. Hi Mina
    gorgeous card, what a super cute image, luv his sparkle, lovely papers & design, luv the ribbon n bones, sue,x

  33. What a beautiful card Mina,I love the image and the colours.
    So gorgeous papers.

    Hugs Riet.x

  34. I do love the look on his face, Mina. LOL. Love the folds you have achieved on that ribbon, it must have been so fiddly, and the crossed bones is inspired. Fab!!!
    Tine :)

  35. Hi Mina, this is so gorgeous, just love the dog. Sue x

  36. Nearly an Ulster Fry Mina Lol' sound yummy' though I don't like mushrooms yuck!!!hehe' so glad you had a lovely Sunday chum, this image is so cute and coloured beautiful love this colour of green fab detail throughout as always Hugs
    Sarah x

  37. 14 cards and a lovely big fry up!! You've got it made girl lol. This card is just gorgeous, not a colour I enjoy working with but I've green with envy now!!

  38. Oh my goodness,this is stunning!.x

  39. Super sweet and beautiful! I love the green colours and the lovely image!
    Hugs Jacqueline

  40. Hi Mina This is stunning!!!! and wow love the colour!

  41. gorgeous!!! what an utterly adorable image!!! Love the green, all the polka dots....and I do find the way you use ribbon just utterly gorgeous! HUgs Juls

  42. wow, what a cute doggy, love the sparkle and the lush green ribbon. flippin eck..... 14 cards... I think I have done well if I do 3 !!!!!!!

  43. oh my he is super cute Mina,i love him and the papers and layout are fab your colouyring is as always fabulous
    love n hugs
    p.s nothing beats a good old ulster fry lol

  44. A gorgeous card - that little doggie is such a cutie and what an expression! The colour is lush and I love how you've added the ribbon.
    Love, Andrea xx

  45. this is adorable, such focus on details! Thank you so much for entering the Allsorts challenge this week and good luck!

  46. oh how cute is he?? love the image and he looks adorable in green

    thanks for joining in the monochrome fun at allsorts this week and good luck in the prize draw


    Amanda xx

  47. Great coloring! the little dog is so cute! Janine


Thanks for leaving me a comment I love reading them and appreciate you taking the time
Mina xxx