Sunday, November 21, 2010

Bunny Zoe's monthly candy winner, a little bit of commenters candy and a DT Call

Good morning everyone did you have a lovely Saturday, ours was the usual run of supermarket and getting the necessities of life, but we did have a fantastic scrummy chinese meal last night....mmmmmmmmmm...anyway there's no card today and you will need a deep breath because this post is packed full
Ok first brilliant news for all you Mo's Digital Pencil fans (and who isn't)...we at the Dreamteam are having a DT call...hop on over to the Dreamteam blog and read what you need to do...

right next I forgot to give some commenter's candy when I got back from the NEC so here's one for you, a mixture of lush papers and some of my favourite buttons...I chose my Friday Magnolia DT card for the commenter's and Mr RNG says its commenter no .........

11....which is........................................... JULIE
Huge congratulations Julie can you email me your address and I will pop your goodies in the post
and finally its time for the winner of that fabulous Magnolia stamp for my monthly Bunny Zoe's Crafts...the number is 41
huge congratulations to you too Margreet if you email me your address I will pass it on to Nikki
don't worry about not winning any of my candies, there is a biggie coming up for my two year blogaversary really soon.....ok that's it for today and sorry it was such a long post...have a fantastic Sunday everyone...not sure what we are up too but I really must start my Christmas shopping I'm beginning to feel the pressie crisis creeping up on me
Mina xxx


  1. Thank you, Mina. Congrats to the winners! Have a nice Sunday you too! Miria

  2. Hi Mina,good luck whit your shopping and congrats to the ladie,s who won your gorgeous candy
    Hugs Heidy

  3. Congrats to the winners and you have a great Sunday, Mina! Thank you for the word about the DT call!
    Diane x

  4. Congratulations Ladies for winning the beautiful candy and hope all goes well with the Christmas shopping Mina. :-) xx

  5. hi mina
    i wish you a fine sunday to
    enjoy your christmas shopping
    congrats to the winners

    hugs angelique

  6. Hi Mina - congratulations to the winners ..
    Hope your Sunday is going well
    Lisa ;)

  7. Hi Mina. Congrats to the winners and enjoy the rest of your weekend. Donna

  8. Great prizes , Mina . Congrats to lucky winners . I'm late with you I start my shopping tomorrow , Monday. Hope everyone else has done theirs so shops wont be crowded.

  9. I'm such a lucky girlie,I never win anything like this,Thankyou soooooo very much!!!!
    Have a great week,Julie.x

  10. Whoohoo....I'm so glad to be the winner of that fab Tilda!!!!
    Mina..I already sent you a mail!
    xxx Margreet


Thanks for leaving me a comment I love reading them and appreciate you taking the time
Mina xxx