Tuesday, December 07, 2010

I think this little fella needs a cuddle - Mo's Digital Pencil Dreamteam DT card + Totally Gorjuss challenge 59 - Sketch

Good morning everyone I hope your all snug and warm, the snow hit here with a vengeance yesterday we had about 35cm in one morning and its bleeding freezing bbbbbbrrrrrrrr....we had put a new fat ball (a ball mixture of fat, seeds and grain for the birds) out on Sunday and I was watching the birds feed and thinking thank goodness I didn't have to go out in that snow to hang one when a robin flew onto it and was feeding, I love robins don't you...when he had finished for some weird reason he decided to land on the ground and promptly disappeared into the snow the daft thing, I was torn between giggling and going out to see if he was alright but he flew up shook himself and boogied on out of there...daft thing that he is lol...I hope none of you need a cuddle as much as this poor little fella from Mo's Digital Pencil, I bet quite a few of you went aaaaahhhhhhh when you saw him isn't he gorgeous, the image is called Needs Mummy and hes just perfect to colour, I used distress inks, I teamed him up with some of the new Basicgrey Marjolaine papers, this one is double sided and called Tuxedo Pie, I cut a couple of the flowers from the papers and layered them with a button, the green ribbon is from my stash...I used the fab sketch from Totally Gorjuss challenge for my card...I'm off to hibernate for a while in the hope the snow disappears, have a snuggly day everyone and if you live somewhere hot go on make us jealous lol
Mina xxx


  1. Wow and ahhhh,he's so adorable,well done ,I had to pick up my grey old translater book to look up hibernate,well I hope your dreams will filt up with sunshine.
    Enjoy your hibernate.
    Hugs Heidy

  2. Awww Mina look at that trembling bottom lip lol.. so adorable lol.
    Love the papers
    Keep warm
    Lisa ;)

  3. Oh so adorable Mina, what a little cutie! Gorgeous work hunny. Chuffty cold here too. Although the snow thawed at the weekend, it is -5 this morning. Too cold for squirrels. Hugs, Sxx

  4. Awww, so very sweet!
    Love the papers.

    Hugs, Jolita

  5. Hi Mina , is it my imagination or is the layout/ embellishing a little different than your usual ?
    Totally adore this card . Cutest image .

  6. So cute.Love the image and the colours used are fab.Keep cosy.Debbie x

  7. That is just uber cute!! Think he's got a bad cold judging by all his paper tissues!! Hugs, Frea

  8. What a wee cutie. Don't you just feel sorry for him. Adorable card Mina, love it.

    Kat xx

  9. Hi Mina. Beautiful card. Love the colours and papers and this image is so cute. It is very cold today after all that snow. It was -8.5 when hubby was defrosting the car and when he got to work it was -10. Thankfully girls are off school so don't have to go out in it. Keep warm. Donna

  10. This is adorable and so sweet ! Papers are superb, and this image is so cute !

  11. Hi Mina, yes he does look so sorry for himself, reminds me of my hubby when hes got a cold, poor little chap. But youve coloured him so beautifully and the papers are gorgeous.
    That Robin sounds just like the daft ones that visit our garden, they do give you such dirty looks when there food runs out. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxx

  12. Oh yes maam! He does need a hug and he is the cutest little thing ever! Love how you worked with him. The colors are wonderful!!!
    Hugs, Dena

  13. Aaaah, Mina! Doesn't this poor little chap look forlorn? He definitely needs a cuddle but he and you together have made a gorgeous card!
    I did think of you last night when I saw the news - keep warm and don't let the snow get down your wellies cos it's just the pits when that happens!
    Diane x

  14. I love this cute little fella, gorgeous choice of papers too Mina.
    That little bird sounds like my dog, he bounces up out of the snow then bangs down again, its over his little head and he is so funny out there!

  15. Beautiful card Mina, he's sooo cute. Our snows all gone now, just a dusting last night but too cold to melt!!

  16. Hi Mina, This post has given me a much needed laugh, can just imagine that poor little Robin..lol...awww.....Your card is gorgeous and YES i did say awwwww.xxxx

  17. Hi Mina,
    What a gorgeous card. I love the colours and papers. The wee boy does look as though he needs a good cuddle. I love this one.
    Fiona x

  18. ohhh the little boy is a bit ill or sad, let give him a big hug.
    Fantastic colours combo Mina.

  19. aw stunning card mina.the image is so cute,just look at that little face, ahhh.love the soft colours and fab papers :D

    xx coops xx

  20. What a sweetie!! Yes you have to say aaaaaahhhhhh.

  21. I did go aaaaah when i saw him over on mo's dream team, and just had to jump right over hear and have a closer look. Your colouring is wonderful, makes it really alive. I have to get this image by the way, my grandson is ill so many times during the winter it's hard to keep up. I'm in the Midlands and it will make you sick to know we've hardly had any snow. Today we had a very heavy frost, and it is so pretty...if like me you don't go out and so don't have to worry about how cold it is out there lol. Sorry I've nearly written you a book lol. Hugs lin

  22. He is just too cute for his own good, lol....love the colours and papers.....well, how was the poor robin supposed to know how deep the snow was ??? shame on you for laughing !!!! hehehehehe
    Tilly x

  23. Hi Mina Adorable image!! and wow gorgeous card you made!!!!

  24. Yes - this little cutie really has the awwwwww factor Mina - the soft colouring is so beautiful, and I love your choice of papers and embellishments.
    The white fluffy stuff is getting a bit boring now isn't it!!
    x Sylvia x

  25. Me again! Forgot to say thanks for joining us at TG this week.

    Kat xx

  26. Def. Awwwwwwwwww! How absolutely adorable!

  27. gorgeous!!! Love the colours of this one!!! Hugs Juls


Thanks for leaving me a comment I love reading them and appreciate you taking the time
Mina xxx