Saturday, February 19, 2011

anyone want the recipe for coma stew - Crafts & Me challenge+Sketch N Stash challenge+Papertake weekly challenge

Good morning everyone and huge apologies for being such a bad blogger, I had every intention of spending the whole evening and night blogging but I made the fatal mistake of making a lush beef stew for Phil coming home and we ended up eating far too much of it and nodded off in front of the tv, do I know how to cook a romantic meal or what I put him into a coma lol...we woke up hours later and after typing this went to bed...but I promise I will catch up with you card for today is using one of the new Jasmine Becket-Griffith stamp from Crafts & Me, I love love love them and of course couldn't just buy one but missed out on the one I really wanted as its gone already boo hoo...this stunning beauty is called Making a Wish, I want a fairy on my shoulder like this teeny one, someone to makes wishes come true whenever I want don't you, I coloured her with Distress inks and glittered her wing and the teeny Fairy's wings too...the lush papers are from the Making Memories Gossamer paper collection, I think I bought this from Crafty Emma's but not 100% sure, I added some fabulous pink velvet ribbon and a bow and the sentiments are one of the bargain ribbons I bought a while back 50p for a whole load would you believe, oooohhhhhh I do love a bargain...the sketch is from Sketch and Stash challenge I'm also entering this for the Crafts & Me with wings challenge and the Papertake Weekly putting on the glitz challenge too...Im off craft and food shopping today, I need a glue pen and the fixing for a family Sunday lunch as my Sister and family are coming to visit and teamed up with my Dad (who is well on the mend now) and my beautiful Daughter and her partner goes to make one fab Sunday...whatever your up to today have a brilliant one
Mina xxx
p.s. don't forget today's the last day to enter my candy


  1. This truely gorgeous Mina, absolutely adorable and you have coloured her sooo perfectly.
    She looks like a still photo.
    Luv CHRISSYxx

  2. Your colouring on that fairy is sooooooo perfect Mina.... and I love the image with the little fairy too - we'd all like a little fairy to look after us, wouldn't we?
    Love those gossamer papers too.
    Enjoy your shopping today - bet you don't just come back with a glue pen from your craft shopping.... hehe
    Christine x

  3. What a beautiful card, very pretty.
    Stew and dumplings is my favourite winter meal, in fact I can eat it all year round :o)
    Jackie xx

  4. What an amazing image,you've truly done her justice,you are the queen of colouring!! and Beef stew :)
    Have a great weekend,Julie.x

  5. Stunning card Mina,gorgeous image and love the colours,
    Hugs Dianne xx :)

  6. Fab image and a great card Mina. You can certainly use those Distress Inks! Have a great weekend with your family.
    Tine :)

  7. Oh Mina that is gorgeous - enjoy your weekend xx

  8. Hi sweetie wow this card is divine dontcha just love this stamp wow she really does look so beautiful your colouring is fabulous hun. I love this Gossamer paper its one of my faves. Glad your dad is a lot better hun & hope you have a fab weekend with your family.

    Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

  9. cute! the image is so pretty (love that coloring, too!), and the color combination are great!

  10. Hi Mina

    Oh my word, this is just stunning!! Your colouring is incredible, you have really brought this gorgeous image to life. I love the added shimmer too.

    Michelle :-)

  11. Hi Mina. Love the image and it is beautifully coloured. She has the most amazing eyes. Love the soft subtle colours and layout. Enjoy your family lunch tomorrow and don't spend too much while craft shopping. Donna

  12. this is just gorgeous! Hope you have a lovely weekend, sounds all set for it =)

  13. so pretty lol.. i think i have a little devil on my shoulder telling me to eat all those chocolates lol
    Lisa ;)

  14. Oh Mina,she,s gorgeous and you have colord her perfect!
    Hugs Heidy

  15. Hi Mina,
    I love the design paper and the pinks you have used. the image is beautifully coloured. There is definitely a magical feel to this card.
    Could you ship over a helping of that stew - it might help my insomnia lol.
    Fiona x

  16. hi mina what a lovely card!! your colloring is sooo perfect!
    xx petra

  17. Another stunning card, Mina! The colouring of the fairies is awesome - love that hair!
    Diane x

  18. so beautiful, love the image and you have coloured her perfectly x

  19. Another fab card Mina, do like that image too, she is lovely....

    Sounds like you have your week-end all lined up, enjoy, but don't put all you guests to sleep

  20. Coma stew? Too funny! Pretty card. I have never heard of anyone coloring with distressed inks before you. Do you have a tutorial?

  21. Coma stew? Too funny! Pretty card. I have never heard of anyone coloring with distressed inks before you. Do you have a tutorial?

  22. Mina, why am I suddenly craving fairies and cuteness? Have I spent too long making cards? Your stamp is to die for and my finger fairly twitched to go and buy it and I am trying to 'stash diet'! Oh, that explains the cravings, lol! Have a great weekend with your family. I feel asleep after my lunch with Mum yesterday so I know how you feel! Hazel x

  23. rofl Mina, been there and done that:)
    Love the card, gorgeous image, she really is pretty.
    Anne x

  24. What a fabulous image Mina, and I love what you've done with it. Had to laugh about the stew:))) x

  25. Oooohhhh this card is really gorgeous!!!! What a beautifull stamp!!!
    Have a nice weekend!

    gr. arjette.

  26. Such a gorgeous card Mina. Love the image you've used and the colours also. Hugs Michele x

  27. Wow, what a beautiful card! The image you used is awesome!

  28. Another WOW from me Mina I love it fabulous stamp and everything about it Just perfect.
    Enjoy your family lunch tomorr5ow.

  29. Perfect coloring! She looks real! I love the color combo and the ribbon edges & bow. Pretty!
    And a stew coma sounds wonderful ... I love stew, but my Hubs won't hardly touch it.

  30. my, my.... Mina,
    she look sensational.
    Amazing papers and the velvet ribbon make the card so beautiful.

  31. absolutely stunning card mina.the image is so beautiful and i love your soft delicate colours and lush papers.
    mmmmmm beef stew, oh meat is one of the things i have got to cut back on now so i will imagine instead how yummy it tasted :D

    xx coops xx

  32. Wow this is gorgeous Mina you have colored her just perfect and i agree it,s a fab image.Hope you have a great sunday with your family and thanx for joining us at Crafts and Me.
    Trish (-\;

  33. Ahh happy days food and a nap. I so love this card it is absolutely super duper gorgeous and lush. Image is fantastic and superbly coloured x

  34. Simply Stunning Mina a beautiful image so pretty and love the DPs and ribbons with these words on, love it just gorgeous. hehe' you had me in fits of giggles with your coma stew lol' Have a super family Sunday chum,
    Sarah x

  35. Ooh! Luv that velvitty (NOT real word!) ribbon! This fairy is lovely xxx

  36. Such a beautiful image and a stunning card. Love the velvet image and the sentiment.
    Hope you have a fantastic family lunch.
    Love, Andrea xx

  37. Mina this is just fantastic and perfect colouring I just love it and all the added detail devine! Love Chanelle xxxx

  38. Gorgeous card Mina, the backing paper looks fab and the image is beautifully coloured. Have a fantastic Sunday with all your family. :-) xx

  39. Hey Mina, this is GORGEOUS! I love that image - and your coloring of her is stunning! I've kinda been MIA too - in a sort of card slump, lol. Self-induced coma without stew, lol. Have a great weekend!

  40. As always, a lovely card! Your coloring is perfect!

    Hugs, Pat Smith

  41. Beautiful card Mina! Wonderful colours and a fantastic image, super!
    Hugs Jacqueline

  42. Well we now know how to get hubbys to sleep, a good old stew. I do love this image her hair is so pretty and your colouring is so gorgeous, just wish I had that figure, unfortunately Im well passed my sale by date, a stunning card. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxx

  43. Love your **GLITZ**!!
    Thank you so much for joining in the the fun at Papertakes Weekly!!

    See you next week!



  44. WOW Mina this is absolutely stunning, luv the sweet image & so beautifully coloured as always...the soft colours & dp's are lush too.

    Thanks for joining us at Sketch N Stash ...good luck!

    xx Lizzy xx :)

  45. cant begin to tell you how much I love this one!! truley magical!!! Hugs Juls

  46. Another stunning card Mina and love the image!

  47. Such a gorgeous card. Love the image you've used and the colours also.
    Thank you for your lovely visit, good to make you laugh:)
    Hugs Lill

  48. What an amazing image- gorgeous card!!!



  49. This is just Gorgeous Mina, how sweet is she. You have coloured her to perfection, and love your papers xx

  50. Speechless with admiration Mina!! Fabulous card-your colours are awesome and so is your colouring! Wow, and thanks for joining in our challenge at Sketch N Stash this time around! :) Juliexx

  51. Absolutely stunning honey, love the image and card, thanks for sharing , lol at the soporific stew, must try that one on my husband, might get a chance to steal the tv away for an hour xxx

  52. Wow this is so pretty!! I adore the colouring and what a bargain with that ribbon :D
    Thank you for joining us at Crafts and Me and good luck.


    Amy xx


Thanks for leaving me a comment I love reading them and appreciate you taking the time
Mina xxx