Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I need some tea and sympathy - Lili of the Valley Challenge + Creative Inspirations challenge

Good morning everyone, I have an injury today, now I expect sympathy and lots of aaawwwww's lol...when I was getting out of the shower on Saturday I whacked the sink with my hand and then Sunday night in bed I hit the same hand on the bedside table getting up for a drink, I could hardly use it yesterday and its so stiff and bruised its agony today, I don't think its anything serious just a whopping big bruise and stiff is all, but I just wanted some sympathy so thought I would tell you about it, you know what my Dads like if I told him he would just say, you clumsy woman lol...luckily its my left hand so it hasn't effected my card making that much, I'm just a lot slower than normal (can I have another aaaawww please, you do realise this is going to go on this whole post don't you)...my card for today is using the fab sketch over at Lili of the Valley challenge and for the Creative Inspirations Red white and Pink challenge too...I used this fabulous Lili of the Valley Rosie with Cake stamp, coloured with distress inks and glittered and this lush Basicgrey Bittersweet Hand dipped paper, the fab pink sentiment is from the Thickers I bought at TK Max, love these so much and I finished with Thickers dots and a lush pink ruched ribbon...I caught up with loads of blogging last night, thank goodness I can type one handed (right this is where you come in with another aaaaawwwww lol) but didn't get hardly any crafting done at all so I may need a catch up today...whatever your up to today have a fantastic injury free day everyone
Mina xxx


  1. Ouch Mina .. sounds painful.. can give you an G and T lol
    I also injured myself yesterday - have a huge burn on my wirst .. right where it bends .. oh we will have to feel sorry for each other together lol
    Love the card .. the pink writing is fab!
    Lisa xx

  2. ooohhhooo wauw this is adorble!!!!
    xx petra

  3. Awwwww Mina, hope your hand gets better real soon Hun! Another gorgeous creation, luv the way you've coloured Rosie and glittered her up too, lush dps! Lotsa luv, hugs xxxxx

  4. Hi Mina
    A gorgeous card as always and hope your hand is feeling better soon,
    Hugs Dianne xx :)

  5. Made my eyes water hun just thinking about it - sending you loads of awwwwwwhs. Gorgeous little LOTV fairy, and super colours, good to see a poorly hand hasn't held back the Mina magic. Hugs, Sxx

  6. Ouch! I am really clumsy too at the moment just dropped something really heavy on my foot so I feel your pain!

    A beautiful card however with a gorgeous image x

  7. Morning Mina, an accident happens in a second, what painful it is, but thanks goodness it is your left hand Mina! |(how selfish of me sorry) so we can enjoy your beautiful card of today! I love it.
    Take care Mina, Hugs Ageeth x

  8. Lovely card Mina great sentiment
    and papers. Hope your hand is easier today...Pop over to my blog for a little surprise for you
    Wath what you are doing today :0)

  9. love this image cut out, never seen it this way before, the whole look of the card is amazing, your cards always have a really perfect simplicity, great crafting.
    sending you some hugs and rubs for your poorlies. janex

  10. Awwwwwwwwwwwww bless you.What are you like.Hope your hand is better soon.What a cute card.The image is such a sweetie.Beautiful accessories used.Take care.Debbie x

    There! That's enough...Moving On!
    Another fabby card despite your wounds...what a Trouper! xx

  12. Hi Mina. Your LOTV image is beautifully coloured and I love the sugary icing. Hope your hand recovers soon - are you able to rest it? My crafting is curtailed rather today with workmen coming round. :( My hands won't be rested though as I will be getting my housework done instead!
    Tine :)

  13. Hi Mina,
    Firstly, your card is gorgeous. Beautiful design papers and colours. I love the cute image and the lettering.
    Now on to the sympathy. There is always tea here if you can come (but bring your craft stuff with you). I'm tempted to ask what kind of drink you were getting up for lol. I think to be on the safe side you need to be cocooned in your craft room till the hand is better. Take care.
    Special Hugs,
    Fiona x

  14. Hi! Mina,
    Oh! you poor thing, hope it starts to feel better soon. Gorgeous card you made anyway, love the colour combo, and such pretty papers.
    Luv CHRISSYxx

  15. you poor girl, well... thank god it was the left one =)

  16. been there done that Mina.
    awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww - is that enough for you lol
    Gorgeous card, love those big letters:)
    Anne x

    Well your card is lovely Mina
    XXX Heidy

  18. Oh Mina, you daft bugger, you will have to be more careful. My hubby has been limping around for a week with a strained leg muscle, talk about feeling sorry for himself, mind you I suspect it is painful.
    Stunning card love the papers and your image is gorgeous as always. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxx

  19. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Mina thats always the way a beautiful card Mina love the little image and the writing brill,
    Chris x

  20. AAAWWWW, I'll put the kettle on as soon as you get here . I bet that hurt so bad . Poor you .
    Still you managed another beautiful card . Love the background paper .And the " PARTY"

  21. What a trooper. Here you are with an injury and still creating. And quite wonderfully I might add. So cute!!

  22. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
    Poor you hun ouch bet that hurt,
    as for your card sweetie its just lush and your detail as ever is stunning,hugs cheryl xxxxxxx

  23. Awww Mina you poor thing, I hope your had heals quickly.

    I'm happy to see that your injury did not stop you from making a postively gorgeous cards.

    Michelle :-)

  24. Poor you Mina,a big aaaawwww.Hope it gets better soon.Now for your card,its gorgeous and all done while nursing a sore hand.What a trouper you are.
    Big hugs Sue xxxx

  25. This is really sweet!! Love the added glitter and yummy pinks!! :) HUGS

  26. Hi Mina, gorgeous card, pretty in pink, love the dp. Sorry to hear you hurt your hand, sending loads of sympathy wrapped up in a bow with a card of course lol. Hugs Donna x

  27. Ohh Ouch! Awww, hope the soreness fades real soon.
    Another fabulous card and gorgeous image. Fabby colouring as always and love the sparkle.

  28. First of all AWWW. I understand 100% I bruise and hurt myself on an hourly basis (hubby says I am the clumsiest oaf he has ever met!) hehe. Secondly your card is just beautiful so sore hand and still gorgeous cards. Aww hehe x

  29. AWWWWWW,Mina, how sorry do I feel for you.....that must have hurt....on the other hand...forgive the pun....you have still managed a beautiful card, so you must have a touch of the 'wonder woman' about you...take care, hope it soon feels ok.xxx

  30. Hi Mina. Sorry to hear you have hurt your hand. There's nothing like injuring yourself in the same place again. Your card is gorgeous. Love the sweet image and layout. Great papers and colours. Take Care. Donna

  31. hello Mina,
    Thanks for visiting my blog
    your blog is very nice and even your cards.
    I wish you a wonderful week.
    big hugs

  32. love your card it is fabulous and colouring is stunning as always,im hoping to get some crafting done tonight fingers crossed kealan sleeps,heres my sympathy are you ready!!!!???!!!! aaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwww,you poor thing,just sounds like sumit you would do lol what you like woman hehe think your dads rubbing off on me lol hope ur feeling better soon
    love n hugs

  33. papers just right for this challenge, and how careful is she being with that big cake lol, hope the hand is soon better
    Tilly x

  34. Aaaawwww, hope your injured hand heals up right quick! Your card is adorable - love the colors and that fab colored image - love her!

  35. Aaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwww Mina, you poor thing! ;O) I hope your hand gets better soon!

    Your card is very beautiful!
    I love that image and and the colours.


  36. AAAAWWWWWW, poor you look after that wrist, you know, you only get 2! Fabulous card, thank goodness it wasn't your right hand! :0) xxx

  37. Awwwwwwww - hope your wrist is feeling better now! I think you've done really well to make a card and type with just one hand - I couldn't do it! Hugs Tracey x

  38. What a stunning creations Mina! I know I always say that, but you always have the most gorgeous cards! Gorgeous image! Hope your hand gets better soon!
    HUGS Janine

  39. Well I guess you have got all the sympathy for your injury that you wanted and then some! I do sympathise as at our stage in life everything takes a while to mend. And your craft is unaffected - smashing card, careful hugs, Hazel x

  40. heres a big aaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! from me :D
    now to you card :D its gorgeous mina.really sweet lotv image and i love the pretty colours and paper :D
    oh and i need an aw too, i just pulled my tooth out on a toffee :(

    xx coops xx

  41. This is such a cute image, Mina with your usual superb colouring. If you absolutely had to bash the same hand twice, it's a good thing it was the left one! (I am going aaaawww very loudly though!)
    Diane x

  42. Stunning card Mina, I love that image, the papers & the dimension (everything in fact!)


  43. Awwwwwww Mina, I hope your hand feels better. :(
    Fabulous card, Lefty!
    One more....Awwwww. ~jeni :)

  44. Poor you, hope it's much better now & someone kissed it better.
    You've managed a terrific card, with a sore hand,
    Ann x

  45. Sorry to hear about your hand but it hasn't stopped you making such a lovely card

  46. Awwwwww you poor thing - hope it feels better soon, lovely card though, I like the way you have layered the same patterned paper - supercute image too - beautifully coloured, thanks for sharing xxx

  47. Aaaawwwww! Hope your mit feels better soon! It really doesn't seem to have affected your creativity though - love this little LOTV confection! Hugs, Lesley

  48. Ouch and Aaawww! Hope you get better soon! This card is just adorable! Glad to see you were able to create! So sweet!

  49. Oh Mina this is a most delightful card. Am almost tempted to have a couple of these stamps.But later all spent out.. Now to your war wounds.. you said getting up for a drink lol another. Best stay in bed save and sound.. Bless K

  50. wow this is gorgeous love the image
    ouch hope your hand feels better soon

  51. Thanks for the kind comments and wonderful inspiration. I have left a little award on my blog for you.Hugs Tania

  52. oooooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeee,
    you poor poor dear woman, I'm certain it must be serious. Probably need lots of bed rest, roses and cookies brought to you along with having you pillow fluffed and well must I go on. Hope you feel better soon. The card is precious

  53. Bless your heart Mina! I would milk this hurt hand w/dh for all it's worth!! Glad it's not your coloring hand cause this card is da bomb!

  54. Fabulous, adorable card Mina.

  55. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww loads of sympathy for you Mina! I hate when something hurts.......
    Fab card (as always!), I have that image on my desk to colour today!
    Christine x

  56. just adorable! I love her sparkly red shoes!!! Hugs Juls

  57. AWWW!!! Is that loud enough, lol.
    Sorry you've got a poorly hand but its clearly not affected your cardmaking skills. Another beauty, x

  58. I can imagine how painful it is, and two times the same hand... thats really ouch :( I hope it will get better soon. Anyways, the card is super cute! I love the girly, she reminds me Kiki from Kiki's delivery service cartoon :)

  59. awwww!!! Mina sorry to here about your hand chum, I hope it's a lot better today, this card is stunning papers are lush and that sweet image is sooooooo cute!! take care of that hand now wont you' Hugs
    Sarah x

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Thanks for leaving me a comment I love reading them and appreciate you taking the time
Mina xxx