Friday, May 27, 2011

Just Magnolia challenge week 108 - Friends + I need a favour please

Good morning everyone I hope your all well and keeping warm...I have this thing that whenever I'm travelling it doesn't matter if its a car, plane, train, bus whatever I fall asleep and not just nod or snooze but stone out so I hate travelling alone not because of the company, I don't mind that bit as I have a book and my ipod so quite enjoy that bit but just because I have woke up in the past talking to myself out loud or drooling really badly with my head squashed against a window, now that's not a good look is it so lets hope I haven't shown myself up yesterday lol...I need a favour from one of you lovely people, I'm not here to enter this for the Sketch Saturday challenge so would one of you lovelies enter it for me card for today is for our new challenge at Just Magnolia & hAnglar & stAnglar challenge which this week is our fab Jacqui's choice and she chose Friends...I have a clue what this little sweetie and her friend is called and I haven't even a clue where I got this image as I don't have the stamp but I coloured her with distress inks...the amazingly gorgeous papers are from My Mind's Eye Fine and Dandy Tickled Pink 6x6 paper pad...lush aren't they, I added some orange ribbon, orange bow and a couple of flower sprays and stamped and cut out a banner saying Friend...hopefully today I'm lying on Phil's apartment balcony bathing in the sunshine topping up my tan, anyone wanna a bet I'm not lol...whatever your up to have a fantastic day everyone and when you have the time pop on over to Just Magnolia to check out the rest of our amazing teams creations
Mina xxx


  1. hiya mina.i have entered your card for you at sketch are entry no 104.
    stunning card, the colours and papers are gorgeous and i love the sweet tilda.
    have a safe journey :D

    xx coops xx

  2. :)))))always interesting to read of your life moments!
    The card is very beautiful soft and nice colors !!!


  3. oh love this hun that tilda is just so cute,love the soft colors on this too hugs cheryl xxxxxxxx

  4. Gorgeous colours and a fab. Tilda image Mina. Love your little stories too!
    Have a great day - hugs, Sylvia xxx

  5. aww so cute - and i love that bunting paper.. have a fab time .. hope the house gets your seal of approval
    Lisa x

  6. Hi Mina,what are you like,I can just see you now cuddled in to the car window,face all mushed.
    Gorgeous card,love the paper and the cats face always makes me smile.Good luck in the challenge.Hope you are having a lovely time.
    Hugs Sue xx

  7. Hi Mina, ohh dear, when you travel all alone and then sleep brrrr, i never sleep in car ,bus ore what ever ihihihi, your card is soo cute ,love it, have a great weekend xx

  8. so cute! Loving all the bunting! Hugs Juls

  9. Hi Mina, Another gorgeous card and super cute image. Love the papers and that pretty corner decoration.

  10. Hi Mina. Gorgeous colours and layout and Tilda is beautifully coloured. Hope all has went well for the house-hunting and enjoy your weekend. Donna

  11. That's really cute, Mina and I love those papers!
    Enjoy yourself whether the sun shines or not!
    Diane x

  12. Gorgeous card Mina..and I'm with you hun, as soon as the motion starts I'm gone, dont think I drool, but snore I do...and proudly.

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  13. Hi Mina,
    I hate falling asleep in public.
    Chris says my mouth falls open.
    Not a nice look!!
    Love your Tilda card! She is just so cute!
    The orange ribbon is stunning.
    Love, Mel. xx

  14. try to picture you drooling and
    Lovely card! beautiful coloring!
    Dutch Tulip

  15. Oh I want to see you drowling and your face all mushed to the carwindow lol
    What a sweet card!!
    Enjoy your weekend!
    Hugs Heidy

  16. Hello Mina . I have always loved your journalling Mina . Often get a chuckle from your posts .
    Another wonderful card from you .Another that shows off your colouring skills and coordinating talent . Love those unusual flowers too .Love the look on that cat's face , .A CAT'S GOTTA DO WHAT A CAT'S GOTTA DO!!

  17. Beautiful card Mina colored to perfection

  18. Hi Mina, love your beautiful card, like everything about it! I visit you every day. Have a nice weekend! Hugs Ageeth xx

  19. Hi Mina

    Gorgeous card!! Love the pretty background paper.

    Your story about falling asleep while travelling made me laugh.

    I remember taking a very long bus trip once to the north of Western Australia.

    I fell asleep and ended up cuddling up to this poor man next to me. As I sort of came to I realised that I had my head on his shoulder, one arm hooked through his and the other arm sort of draped around his middle. EEK!! I just pretened to still be asleep and sort of rolled over towards the window. I was mortified!! Luckily he got off the town before my stop. Since then It doesn't matter how tired I am I will not fall asleep when travelling, lol!

    Michelle :-)

  20. This is a so beautiful card Mina, colours are so sweet and this stamp is so so cute !

  21. Lovely card Mina like the name on the banner.Good luck in the challenge.
    Hope you got some sun on your trip.

  22. Oh Dear Mina, so far Ive never fallen asleep while travelling never found anywhere comfortable enough to do so.
    Love your card shes such a cutie, have you ever looked at her feet they look as if their back to front, not quite right she looks as if shes but the shoes on the wrong feet like little ones do.
    Love the colouring and the papers. with hugs Shirleyxxx

  23. Hi Mina
    A gorgeous card love this Tilda one i had forgotton i had,
    Hugs Dianne xx :)

  24. Your card is adorable Mina, so beautiful too!
    Hugs Jacqueline

  25. So wonderful card, thanks for joining us at Sketch Saturday this week.
    Hugs, Bente

  26. Hi Mina, Hope you're not out there embarrassing yourself or us crafters we have reputation to maintain y'know! I also hope the sun's been shining on you and you're having a lovely time:0)
    Your card is gorgeous, beautiful colouring and that ribbon sings it's so happy :0) xxx

  27. Mina,
    I really think you should publish a book of your life stories. And include lots of pictures! I'm not sure what I look forward to more, your lively wit or your gorgeous cards! Thank you for both!

  28. Hope you're basking in the sun! Great card

  29. What a gorgeous cards Mina,I love the images and your papers.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  30. Sweet little girl with her kitty. Lovely, Mina!


Thanks for leaving me a comment I love reading them and appreciate you taking the time
Mina xxx