Tuesday, June 14, 2011

better late than never...

Good morning everyone, how are you all doing?...I hope your all well as there's a lot of colds and flu going around...I was just having a think about my Mum this morning and thanks to some of your fab comments was thinking about all those wonderfully wise and daft things our Mums say to us that we don't cherish until its too late sometimes...do you have any wise or funny things your Mums said to you as I would love to know...I woke up yesterday morning to two big deep scratches on the inside of my upper arm, bleeding and everything...now I have been known to sleep walk, which is something Phil worries about when hes not here, I think he feels one night I will take a dive of the top of the stairs or go for a walk outside and has visions of me tramping down the road in my jimjams...I cant figure out where these gouges have come from or where I must have caught my arm, twice...weird or what?, maybe it has something to do with the full moon...its a day for philosophy today as I would love to know how my Dad can ring and ask if I will go with him for bread and coming back with his loaf and three bags of shopping for me when I needed nothing at all...now that's even weirder isn't it lol...anyway enough waffle today's card is late it should have been posted yesterday but I couldn't get on to post it and had to wait until now...its for our new challenge at Bunny Zoe's Crafts challenge, wow thank you all so much for entering last month for my choice of lace, we had an incredible 457 entries...the challenge this month is Fairies...I really wanted to use this fantastic Michelle Perkett studio Flower Goddess digi so decided with a little help from a Martha Stewart butterfly punch I would add some wings to this beauty to make her a fairy, I coloured her with distress ink and made some of the flowers 3d...the beautifully bright and summery papers are from the Wild Rose Studio 6x6 paper pad Cherry Cupcake of course you can get the papers and image from Bunny Zoe's Crafts...I finished with some lush satin ribbon and a satin ribbon sentiment with a few teeny punched butterflies...the fab sketch is from Sunday Sketch and Stamp challenge and I'm also entering it for the Stamp Something something punched challenge too...when you have time pop on over to our challenge blog to check out the rest of the DT's lush work...I haven't a clue what I'm up to today except I'm not going shopping because I really don't want another three bags of shopping...have a great one everyone
Mina xxx


  1. What a sweet and wonderful card Mina. The colours and the image are so beautiful!
    Hugs Jacqueline

  2. Sounds all very mysterious and weird! Brrr.....full moon???!!! Your hubby better tie you up and lock you away LOL kidding!
    I love what you did with the ribbon on the card!! Btw, I love what you did with the entire card! It looks beautiful!
    Dutch Tulip

  3. mmm.. what a mystery ..lol
    love the pretty colours in the card
    Lisa x

  4. Hi Mina, I love this card, what a great idea to make her into a fairy!! Hugs ,Frea

  5. Oh Mina, are you safe to be left alone hun? All sounds very strange, lol. And you wouldn't want to know some of the things my mother comes out with - she's a terror at times. Loving your card hun, those colours are fab and the image is too cute with her pert little nose, gorgeous. Hugs, Sxx

  6. Hi Mina, lovely card,she is very pretty,love the ribbon and butterflies.Take care of your arm. Hugs Sue xx

  7. OOW!! spooky.
    Love your gorg card Mina!
    Great image and the wing idea is brilliant!!
    I love how you do your beautiful ribbon.
    It's funny but the things my Mum has said to me most of my life have always been right!!
    I am firm believer in the old adage
    'Mum knows best'
    Love, Mel. xx

  8. I always go out with 1 bag too & come back with more!!! Beautiful colours on your card today (not that your cards aren't always luverlee!)xx

  9. What a beautiful card Mina. The ribbon looks wonderful and the colouring is gorgeous.Beautiful image, so gentle and feminine.
    Luv CHRISSYxx

  10. Hi Mina, Beautiful card and wonderful colouring. Great idea to add the wings. I love how you do these ribbon trails.

  11. Wunderschönes Motiv,so zarte Farben,es passt alles perfekt.

    LG Tinchen

  12. Morning!!! Love this card Mina, such pretty colours , your colouring is outstanding, I think I need some lessons I'll be over later yup? Oh! now wouldn't that be grand, big smiles ahh maybe one day, big sigh, Have a good one, hugs Gay xx

  13. My goodness this is lovely and the Butterfly wing is very creative. Another wonderful card, Mina.

  14. Oh wow Mina,what a beautiful card,and look at her wings,gorgeous!
    Hugs Heidy

  15. another totally stunning card!!! Love how you have added wings to her! Hugs Juls

  16. wow Mina,
    this is such a gorgeous card.
    beautifly done.

  17. wow Mina,
    this is such a gorgeous card.
    beautifly done.

  18. Hi Mina, Hope your ok, bet that arms sore, careful now, no wonder your Phil worries....I love your gorgeous card, it's beautiful.....as for things Mum said, oh we could all write books I suppose..lol...one that sticks was , never feel sorry for yourself, theres always someone worse off than you.....and my Dad's was, I'm sure it will rain or go dark before the morning...lol..always made me smile....xxxx

  19. Hi Mina, maybe you were crafting in your sleep...lots of sharp objects. My Mom's idea of "words of wisdom" is dont eat yellow snow. Hee Hee, hope you get better ones. Your card is gorgeous!!! I just love blue and yellow together and your coloring is fabulous. ~jeni :)

  20. Hi Mina. Beautiful colours on this card, sweet image and great layout. Sounds really weird what happened to your arm. As for mums, mine always had a saying for most things and I find myself repeating them to the girls. Donna

  21. elegant and stylish card Mina...have I ever told you I love the way you put the ribbon????...lol..
    xxx Margreet

  22. What a gorgeous car Mina.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  23. Oh Mina what a gorgeous image, I love how youve decoupage the flowers and popped the wings in. Stunning colouring yet again. hugs Shirleyx

  24. Oh great idea for the wings ! SUperb card Mina !

  25. beautiful card and wierd goings on at your house lol
    Tilly X

  26. oh wow you could be a werecard maker!kind of like the howling with double sided sticky tape! pretty card.EE

  27. beautiful card mina.the image is stunning and i love your fresh colours and big yummy bow.
    i wonder how you got the scratches, very strange.

    xx coops xx

  28. Gorgeous card Mina, love the delicate colours you use.
    Hugs Hazel xx

  29. Another beauty! Such delicate colors & beautiful bow! How strange about your arm. Do you sleep with a cat or dog whose claws might have scratched you? Take care!

  30. Oh, Mina, this is so beautiful! I like the 3D effect with the flowers and the colors you used. Great idea using the butterfly for wings! Pure genius! You mentioned advice your mom gave you. When my mom turned 60 I put together a book using quotes from all of us kids as well as her friends. Her name is Helen so I called the book "Helenisms". Nineteen years later she still has that book sitting on her coffee table! The one thing I always remember her telling me is "Pretty is as pretty does." That and "are you still in there coloring? It's after midnight!" Some things never change! Thanks for your note today. I'm doing well, just had a period of burnout I guess.

    Barb xoxo

  31. Such a pretty card, Mina! Now you've got me wondering about my mom's sayings. I would love to document it - once my brain is working, lol. And two deep scratches?! Not to sound weird or anything, but have you ever thought of getting your house blessed? (of gremlins and the other one that hurt your arm in your sleep, too, was it?) If you are the one truly doing it to yourself in your sleep, then I'm curious to know what the heck you dream about and yeah, you should be locked down, lol! Take care of yourself, girlie!!!

  32. Oh I love this - perfect and wow - what a bow - love how you have lifted out her flowers
    Sarah - StressedStamper

  33. The wings are perfect! Michelle @ you are glowing!

  34. Couldnt get on yesterday Mina hence todays belated comment.Love your card all those tiny flowers are adorable.How on earth did you do your arm perhaps you had a nightmare and scratched yourself anyway hope it is on the mend today take care and no shopping.

  35. What a beautiful card, Mina, soft colours, and your bow - wow !!

  36. Another stunner Mina.... love the blue and cream colours together.
    And eeek to the arm wounds... and full moon? YIKES!
    It's nice that you're thinking about your Mum... I always think when my parents are fresh in my mind, that they are close by...
    Christine x

  37. Gorgeous card Mina, as always, thanks for joining us at Sunday Sketch and Stamp this week!

    Hugs, Barbaraxx

  38. What a gorgeous card!!


  39. How is a bad commenter like me supposed to keep up with prolific ol you!
    You are producing a card a day and I just don't know how you do that and have every one of them so darn perfect. This one's a treat. She has a great nose! Lovely colour work and clever addition of wings! Hugs, Lesley


Thanks for leaving me a comment I love reading them and appreciate you taking the time
Mina xxx