Wednesday, June 22, 2011

green roses and blond hair...

Good morning yes its little old virtual me, don't you just love technology, its so brilliant isn't it...I'm away but all the work I have posted is being shown up on time (well hopefully)...btw I asked my Dad if he would like an ipod for his Birthday and he asked me whats an ipod, so I showed him mine and explained all about it...he was gobsmacked that you could get so many songs on that 'teeny tiny little thing' and how exactly do you get them in, I left it at I will load them for you Dad you don't need to worry about that, I have visions of him trying to ram a cd into this teeny little thing lol, so he decided he would love one, as hes hard of hearing I think it will make his music much easier to listen too without deafening everyone else don't you...I asked him did he wanted a pink one card for today is for the Sugar Nellie DT, this is the gorgeous Goldilocks from the Homegrown Manga range, just look at all that lush hair, shes a dream to colour and I used distress inks for her...the amazingly yummy is from the Crate Paper Cottage collection and is called Bloom, those roses are stunning aren't they...the fab sketch is from the Truly Scrumptious challenge...well Im on my back today so normal service will be resumed asap...whatever your up today have a super fantastic one
Mina xxx


  1. wow, she's lovely, I used to have hair like that many moons ago lol, hope you enjoyed your break

  2. She's a real cutie Mina, and all those flowing locks, wow. Superb colourwork hun. Love the rose paper too. Think I might need some of that, lol! Hugs Sxx

  3. This is so pretty Mina I like the green backing paper youve used sets here blonde hair off beautifully.

  4. oh just love this mina,hun that is one,gorgeous image and loveing those papers hugs cheryl x

  5. we got my Aunt an ipod .. se is virtually blind - but manages it really well and it saves her trying to struggle with CD's and loads of buttons
    LOve the green papers
    Lisa x

  6. GORGEOUS background paper and super how the color comes back in the image!


  7. Gorgeous card, I love the green roses. Love your other cards too, couldn't comment yesterday! :o)
    Jackie xx

  8. Hi Mina,
    This is a gorgeous card. Beautiful paper and a cute image.
    Your dad will love an ipod. William puts talking books on his and listens while he gardens.
    Fiona x

  9. Hi Mina
    A gorgeous card love the paper,
    Hugs Dianne xx :)

  10. Gorgeous card hunni love the soooo sweet ya know I cant remember if I have this one..... isnt that shocking? I know I have a few of these but cant remember which ones....can you tell I've still yet to ink them lol.

    Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

  11. This is beautiful, Mina, love the image, so beautifully coloured. Green roses and blond hair, you say, so glad it wasn't the opposite- ha ha !
    The black string across the card is a great detail - love it !
    Have a nice day :-)

  12. Gorgeous Mina, love the paper piecing, fab! An ipod would be an ideal gift for your dad, loved reading you post. Ruby x

  13. great card with fab colouring (esp. the hair!)
    xxx Margreet

  14. gorgeous card mina.adorable image and her golden locks are beautiful.really love your scrummy paper. :D
    have a safe journey home.

    xx coops xx

  15. so so gorgeous!!! Love the scallop detail and the ribbon!!!! Hugs Juls

  16. What a gorgeous card. I love the image.


  17. What a fab, happy card you've made Mina. The image looks great and I love the way you have decorated it
    great work :)

  18. Lovely Mina, and pretty embellishments too.
    Tine :)

  19. Beautiful card Mina.
    Love the image. Your colouring is so pretty!
    Love the colour combo!!!
    Mel. xxx

  20. gorgeous card Mina, love the colours x

  21. Mina, your dad just sounds adorable!!! Now I am wondering what color he will pick. Lol
    GORGEOUS coloring, just love it!! ~jeni :)

  22. Oh such a pretty card, love this stamp !

  23. So gorgeous card Mina,I love the image and the colours.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  24. This is stunning Mina, fabulous colours and details!perfectly gorgeous and the papers are beautiful!
    Hope your dad likes his ipod

    Hugs Linda

  25. Fabulous card Mina,gorgeous image and love the paper.
    Wendy xx

  26. Hi Mina,she is so lovely,her shoes are great.Gorgeous card.
    Sue xx

  27. Mina, beautiful image and your coloring is so inspiring! I like this card alot, with the contrasting colors and details. Your story about your dad and the ipod reminded me of when I tried to get my mom on the computer --- now I can't get her off!!

  28. Love the image and card Hun thank you for joining us at truly scrumptious sketch challenge.

    Wendy DT TS

  29. Ooh, gorgeous coloring - I love her blond hair! and what kind of songs did you end up loading? and I bet it wasn't a pink ipod, lol!

  30. Another gorgeous job of coloring. And I love the color choices. I don't do a lot of green cards, but should as they are lovely. I have to laugh at the vision of your dad trying to deal with today's new world. My dad would be the same way!

  31. GORGEOUS! Love the background paper and how you carried the color into the image!
    Blessings Bernie

  32. Beautiful card and colouring Mina.. and lovin the tale of the IPod!! I now have an image in my head of the CD being pushed and pushed.... hehe
    Christine x

  33. i never knew what an ipod was daughter explained to me..lolol..
    Mina i don't think you ever have a "bad card day"..both of these are as always art..tfs..loves ya

  34. Gorgeous card, Mina! The DPs are pretty and I just LUV how you colored her hair blond! So soft and pretty!
    Hugs, Cami


Thanks for leaving me a comment I love reading them and appreciate you taking the time
Mina xxx