Monday, July 11, 2011

look what I got...

Good morning everyone, how are you all I hope everything is good with you all and your all well and happy...Im back yep me in real life, I actually got back on Saturday as Phil decided to drive me back and spend a couple of days here, I think he just wanted a rest bless him...right hands up everyone who knew I would go back to Laura Ashley and get the wallpaper...well you were right we went last Saturday morning just before we left...mind Phil had to drag me kicking and screaming out of the shop before I bought everything in the sale lol...heres the wallpaper and material I bought...lush isnt it
on our way down last Saturday we stopped at a little village called Moy and found an antique village there, it was fabulous, about 4 houses jammed packed full of antiques and knick knacks, theres even a fab coffee shop next door so I knew with a good start like that we would have a productive week and despite a few mishaps (including something that could only happen to me lol) which I will tell you about this week everything went pretty smoothly, we decided instead of Phil paying horrendous rent on his one bed apartment we would do our very best to get the house habitable so he could move in asap, so designing went out the window and I went for a clean simple look for our bedroom which works really well, the design touches will have to come later...of course that meant a trip to Ikea for the sale so we could buy the biggest bed I have ever have to go to the Ikea sale if you havent been we got a huge triple wardrobe for the bedroom for an unbelievable £17 yes £17 would you heres the before shot of the bedroom, its not a good shot as the room was very smelly and stinky, I have never seen dirt like that on wallpaper...
and the after...well after stripping the dustiest, dirtiest wallpaper ever, washing the walls down, two coats of cream paint and two coats of cream gloss and a lot of flat pack building (I love building flat pack furniture dont you), this is what it looks like now...what do you think
the bed is massive 168cmsx200cms and the headboard is just as huge and as tall as me but I found a bargain bedspread at Argos that actually fits it...I maybe should have ironed the bedding before the photo though lol...the room has a wonderful airy bright feel to it, after that we sorted out the kitchen and bathroom and moved Phils stuff in and we stayed there from Thursday night...have you ever been in the country at night, the darkness is really dense as theres no light polution like you get in a town...and so so so quiet too...I woke on Friday morning and thought wow those cows sound loud, opened the blind and it was like a western film scene, the cows had got loose and had surrounded the house...I took one look, cows really are huge arent they, and thought...nope they can stay there until the farmer gets them lol....right enough waffle, sorry about the long post but it could have been three times longer you know so consider yourself lucky lol....Im off to collect a parcel from the PO and then I really have loads of work and commenting to catch up on...have a wonderful day everyone
Mina xxx


  1. ohhh woww mina what a story,and the bed !!!,how great is that, i soon come to visit and try the bed whaaaaaaaaaaa zzzzzzzzzzzzz xx

  2. Faaannttaasstic Mina, What a transformation, you must be so pleased, it looks brilliant! Welcome back, I'll wager you're both exhausted to, well done! Gay xxx

  3. Hi Mina,
    Wow! Such a transformation. Great bargain at Ikea. Hope it didn't take long for the farmer to round em up!

  4. have both worked so hard, but these results are gorgeous. So clean and airy, really lovely.
    Luv CHRISSYxx

  5. Oh my Mina,it looks like you have worked very hard its a changed room.
    Hugs Sue xx

  6. Mina the wallpaper and material are so gorgeous!
    WOW what a transformation you made to the bedroom.
    It looks amazing!!
    And £17.00 for a wardrobe! what a bargain.
    Love it.
    Mel. xx

  7. WOW mina what a difference abit of paint and work makes your bedroom looks fab much more sensible for Phil to live there and save on renting more to spend on the house :00 )love the wallpaper and material will enjoy seeing your future improvements Good luck.

  8. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm sooooooooo jealous Mina, it's gorgeous.
    I can't wait to see what you do with the other rooms
    Anne x

  9. wow, that is a room to die for!

  10. Hi Mina,
    Your obviously in your element with all this spending lol. What a transformation in the bedroom - obviously hard word but well worth it. This house is obviously a big project but at least you have made a fabulous start.
    Fiona x

  11. Ooooh its lush Mina sweetie I love the mo I have lots of flat pack furniture to put up in my sons bedroom.....when I've finished painting these darn bricks lol......actually I better shift me ass & get cracking!

    Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

  12. Wow, That room is stunning, what a change!!
    I love the wallpaper and material too.
    Claire xx

  13. oh wow that is just one stunning room hun this is just gorgeous oh,just love it hugs cheryl xxxxx

  14. WOW!!!
    amazing change!!! it really needed a LOT of work but i can say it is worth it!!!!!!
    hope you spent many many more quiet nights!!!!!
    really like the bedspread!!!!

  15. Drooling here over that gorgeous wallpaper and, you did a good job buying the things on sale at Laura Ashley's!
    That bed, sigh............The room looks so lovely!!!!!!! Well done!
    Dutch Tulip

  16. OMG Mina what a difference!!!!! WOW! it looks gorgeous - so fresh - hehehe love the HUGE bed :)!!! I love sleeping in the country as I like it to be really dark but don't think I'd fancy being surrounded by cows in the morning LOL! hugs, Jane xxx

  17. Oh! Mina what a Transformation, It is Gorgeous, but had you in mind for that huge No we don't want to know !!!!!
    I just love that LA paper and fabric too xx What adventures you have, Its so good to have you back though xx Mau

  18. Oh Mina,that room looks gorgeous and so light
    Love it!
    hugs Heidy

  19. WOW!! absolutely beautiful Mina, what a difference you have made, well done to you both. Love the bedspread and that bed looks so comfy. The wallpaper and material is gorgeous too, keep us updated, really look forward to your transformations!

    HUgs, Barbara xx

  20. Love the stunning paper and fabrics, the bedroom is lush already with the fandangles....what hard work though

  21. Wow Mina what a stunning bedroom and youve performed miracles in such a short time, it looks gorgeous. hugs Shirleyxx

  22. The light colors make such a difference. They will be easy to decorate up when you get the time. Love the Laura Ashley. You are right, I knew you would go back for it. Scrumptious.

  23. Ooh, beautiful lush fabric and wallpaper! Will look fab in the new place. And the done over bedroom is beautiful! And LOL @ the cows - they really like you, I think, lol.

  24. wow the paper and fabric look gorgeous ... and the room looks fabulous .. do you do short breaks lol
    Lisa x

  25. The room looks beautiful and what a little bargain hunter you are!! Can't wait to see the rest of the house!!! Chanelle xxxx

  26. Beautiful wallpaper, can't wait to see it up. Great progress in the bedroom! Can't believe the cows...too funny. ~jeni :)

  27. wow. your bedroom looks fabulous mina,really restfull and i love your new wallpaper and fabric.
    cannot believe you got a triple wardrobe for 17 quid, mega bargain.we don`t have a ikea near us or i`d be there like a shot :D

    xx coops xx

  28. Wow, you must have worked your fingers to the bone!! What a that huge bed!

  29. Your bedroom looks absolutely wonderful, Mina - you must have worked so hard!
    Diane x

  30. Glad you didn't do yourself a more serious mischief falling through that floor! The bedroom is lush...what a dfference :-)
    As for bargains...well I never seem to find any anywhere!

  31. Hi Mina. Great photographs. Love how you have decorated the bedroom. Hope to get to Ikea this week as I am decorating the girls' bedrooms at the minute and they are looking for those little finishing touches. Donna

  32. WOW! what a turnaround. Are you sure that's the same room! Fabulous job! Looks very restful. You were kidding about enjoying building the flat pack weren't you? Hugs, Lesley


Thanks for leaving me a comment I love reading them and appreciate you taking the time
Mina xxx