Tuesday, August 30, 2011

a sugary sneak peek (again)...thicko me showed the wrong one

Good morning (again)...how stupid am I my head must have been away with the fairies (or angels) as I showed the wrong sneak peek...I'm so sorry everyone...here's the real one this is the stunning Wish Upon A star, don't worry though you wont have long to wait as she will be available along with her stunning friends on Thursday 1st September from Funky Kits...isn't she stunning...I coloured her with distress inks and the amazing papers including the one I cut the Merry Christmas from is from Echo Park

are you enjoying the sneak peeks?...isn't the work just amazing...sorry about the dark photo but there wasn't a drop of sunlight the day I took it...don't forget you have another sneak peek tomorrow staring on Sugar Nellie and then theres an amazing double day blog hop starting Thursday...right I'm off to get a smack on the hand from Gayle have a wonderful day everyone
Mina xxx

p.s. many apologies if you left a wonderful comment on the last one but when I deleted the post the comments went too boo hoo


  1. Hi Mina,
    Gorgeous card hun and delish papers. I am so enjoying the sneak peeks of the coming images. This one is just adorable. I am not going to be able to resist any of the fairy ones.
    Lovely colour combo and layout.

  2. What an adorable fairy you have here, Mina :-) Your colouring is fabulous !

  3. Lovely card, Mina. I like those papers and the ribbon detail with the letters for 'merry' is great. Elizabeth x

  4. Dont worry Mina,you have another gorgeous card and fairy.
    Hugs Sue xx

  5. Hi sweetie this is just gorgeous & this will be the first one in my ickle basket on thursday......they will probably all go in to be honest lol.

    Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

  6. Lol Mina,she's breathtaking too!
    XXX heidy

  7. oh dear. if you edited the post, then replaced the picture, you would not have lot your comments.

    Gorgeous card, beautiful papers, sweet image. I loved the previous red card that was accidentally shown.

  8. Oh Dear Mina, never mind Im sure you will be forgiven, love this image isnt she just gorgeous and your colouring is beautiful. hugs Shirleyxxxx

  9. Aw an adorable little image. Love your compilation, x

  10. Mina, I'm sure all is forgiven looking at how fab this is, oh she is such a cutie and you coloured her so sweetly, just love this card....no smacks for you today I don't think...xxx

  11. Oh Mina...this card is just perfect, darlin'! I love your designwork...and oh, oh, oooohhhh...I LOVE this new fairy! I NEED them all!!!! Hugs. Pat Frank

  12. Another fab creation mina and I just love these new images..everyone of them...lol

  13. Hi Mina,
    this such a cute card.

  14. oh Mina!!
    This is such a sweet card!
    I love the papers you have used! (who makes them?!)
    Super-cute stamp, beautifully coloured!

    Regards Nina :O)

  15. *oops sorry I see now where the papers are from! I must have been reading too fast :O))

  16. An amazing card you made Mina, love the beautiful stamp and your colouring !!

    hugs Astrid

  17. Mina this is an absolutely beautiful card. Lee xx

  18. Gorgeous card, love the papers and the image is so sweet. Debs xx

  19. Lol Mina
    what are you like, fabulous card, pretty image, awesome colouring, fab papers & design, sue,x

  20. Mina this is just adorable x

  21. I love this one too Mina, So pretty
    HUGZ Fleur xXx

  22. Oh Mina - this is soooo adorable - I think I'm going to have great difficulty resisting this one LOL!
    I love the papers you've used too.

    It's not just you making silly mistakes today - I read an e-mail today when I went back to work after almost a fortnight off about a training course so I booked myself on it, and then realised I don't need the training, I've already done it! I haven't admitted it yet though because my e-mail reply was a bit snotty about not having much notice for the training ;o Have to face that one tomorrow!
    Love, Andrea xx

  23. gorgeous card Mina...I am having this one!!


  24. oh she is a sweetie .. i love those little letter tiles
    Lisa x

  25. She is adorable too...love the colouring, and the discs sentiment.
    Fabulous card.

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  26. Ah she is just gorgeous and worth the wait. love the gorgeous papers you have used.

  27. Gorgeous card Mina, she has the cutest sweet face just beautiful x Susan x

  28. fantastic card mina.the image is so sweet and i love your stunning modern colours ;D

    xx coops xx

  29. Mina, this is beautiful! The colors are so pretty and your soft coloring is perfection!

  30. What a delightful card and image, the papers are fab too :o)
    Jackie xx

  31. Hi!this is so gorgeous Mina,really lovely colouring/colours and papers too.
    hugs Lou.xx

  32. Hi Mina, She is totally gorgeous as is your beautiful colouring, love it Gay xxx

  33. Wonderful colours on this one, Mina and a super cute image - just lovely!
    Diane x

  34. Beautiful card Mina...well actually all of your designs are just so pretty! These new Sugar Nellies are so cute they are edible!


  35. This is cute, beautiful, adorable and just lovely x


Thanks for leaving me a comment I love reading them and appreciate you taking the time
Mina xxx