Monday, October 03, 2011


Theres either a problem with the net, my ip or blogger and after 6 tries I gave up trying to load my I will be back a little later and hopefully the internet fairy will be kinder...speak then everyone
Mina xxx


  1. OOh Poor you, hope it works soon, sorry I've not been around much, I hope to be back more often:0) Gay xxx

  2. You know when that little wheel thing is going round, well I'm not very patient, and sometimes it can take forever, so I click on it, once, twice, sometimes three times and pop, up she comes, so now I click on all my image I want to post, and when its spinning, I click them, then all my pics are there, highlight the first, post it, and so on...

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  3. Oops know that feeling Mina hope you have better luck next time

  4. Mina this little tyke is just precious !!! Simply adorable in his hansdsomely colred suit !!!
    Hugs, Janie

  5. Stupid computers!!! Lol ~jeni :)

  6. Goodness Miss Mina! This is just so Darned Precious!! Love every last detail! The image is too Darling for words and you've colored him up so Gorgeously too! I love the dp's and your sentiment and all the Adorable buttons! Just a Fabulous Card! 8-)


  7. Hi I am with Virgin and they don't seem to be much better lol. It really is a pain sometimes. I love this little one's wee face. I live the papers and all the buttons. Thanks Kitty :D


Thanks for leaving me a comment I love reading them and appreciate you taking the time
Mina xxx