Tuesday, October 25, 2011

a bit of gold on a soggy day...

Good morning everyone...ok which one of you turned the tap on because you left it on and we have more than enough water now so whoever it was could you turn it off please, it has been pouring down and doesn't seem to want to stop...my poor Daughter had a 30 minuet detour going to work because of flooding and of course the same back...I didn't get my snuggle day yesterday, my gorgeous Nephew, the one who was supposed to come here Saturday came yesterday so we went out and then to dinner with my lovely Dad last night so I didn't get home until after 9 last night...I know I'm a dirty old stop out lol...I ate far too much as they have the lushest Caramel apple crumble with custard and it is so so yummy so of course I had to have some and it was worth it...right now onto my card for today which is using this poor little long neglected Home Grown Manga stamp called Goldilocks from Funky Kits...I love her hair don't you so it had to be gold didn't it...I coloured her with distress inks and just a little bit of glitter, I so want a pair of glittery shoes can you tell lol...they remind me of a party outfit my Mum bought me when I was little, it was a beautiful cream dress with loads of layers under the skirt for it to stand out and a pair of silver glittery shoes, I felt like a real Princess in it...the lush paper is from Fancy Pants All Fall range and is called Recess...I perched her on top of this fab chipboard sentiment I found in one of my stash boxes and added loads of blue buttons to bring the blue out of the paper...the fab sketch is from The Sweet Stop and I'm also entering this for the Totally Paper Crafts Layers challenge too...I am having my snuggle day today come rain or shine, ooohhhh what movie will I watch...have a wonderful day whatever your up to
Mina xxx


  1. Aw Mina shes lovely and I love the use of all of those beautiful blue buttons xxxxxxxxx pouring in newcastle ad gale force winds ugh!!!! bet your pleased youmoved!! xxxx

  2. Mina i promise it wasn`t me,i didn`t do it honest!!!!
    WOW your catd is gorgeous,beautiful image love all the buttons and papers are fab.
    I hope you manage to get your snuggle day today.
    Hope the rain stops for you soon,we have been lucky,so far!

  3. It wasn't me either hun - I reckon it must have been the same person who turned our lights out... sooo dark! Gorgeous card - just look at that hair, fabulous! Have a super day sweetie. Hugs Sxx

  4. hi hun oh this is just gorgeous the image the colors layout and detail just brilliant work hun love it,hugs cherylxxxxxxx

  5. So cute and gorgeous Mina. I love the sounds of that dessert, yum yum. Has the weather been the pitts! Its supposed to NOT rain today but I don't believe them.

  6. Gorgeous xxx Sorry to rub it in but no rain here... yet :-(

  7. Morning Mina,you are getting the same rain as my poor DD. She and her family are in Cornwall for a week,soggy.
    Gorgeous card,love the paper,fabulous image too.
    Have a great day.
    Hugs Sue xx

  8. beautiful card mina,i am ashamed to say i have only inked this stamp up once, i must try to use my older stamps more.i love your pretty colours and her lovely long locks look stunning ;D
    no rain here in staffs yet but its as grey as dishwater outside.

    xx coops xx

  9. aww - so sweet and wonderful colours
    Lisa x

  10. What an awesome card Mina!!! Love what you did with the glitter!!

    gr. arjette.

  11. I love this little girl and her glittered shoes, we have just had 3 days of nice weather, but that has changed today, I saw you push that big cloud towards Manchester lol

  12. Oh superb desing, your card is so nice Mina ! Love this little girl !

  13. Gorgeous Mina,love her shoes.
    The waether here is poorly to yak!
    XXX Heidy

  14. Beautiful card Mina and so sorry that you've got it wet and soggy.... still dry here in Yorkshire!
    Christine x

  15. Cool Mina, all the buttons! I love the colors and the glitter!
    Dutch Tulip

  16. What a cute card with a lovely girl.


  17. Wow how great is this ?!
    Beautiful and I love the sassy sentiment x
    ((hugs)) Suzie xoxo

  18. What a sweet card Mina. Love the cute sitting image, the colors. The buttons look perfect. Thank you for playing along with us at The Sweet Stop this week. :o)

  19. Your card is beautiful, Mina - I love that little girl and her lush hair! And your posts either make me laugh out loud or make me hungry, LOL! "dirty old stop out"? um...what? lol.

  20. Caramel apple crumble sounds absolutely delicious. A marvellous card. The colours and backing paper are great.

  21. She is gorgeous - such wonderful hair - highlights by Mina!!! Hugs, Juliexx

  22. Aww this is such a gorgeous card beautiful image

    thanks for the comment on my blog
    Roma x

  23. Hi Mina~
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such a sweet comment and also becoming a follower.... I'm here browsing your blog page and wow I really enjoy everything I see here... I really like all the cards you made they are just so so pretty... I'm glad I hopped on over... I'm also your newest follower....
    TFS - hugs to you~

  24. I am a sucker for any image whose legs dangle over the image panel! So fun! Thanks for playing along with us for the Sweet Stop Sketch Challenge!

  25. Caramel Apple Crumble!!!??? Sounds too yummy!
    Great card Mina!! Love this layout and all these blue buttons. ~jeni :)

  26. Every girl should have a pair of glittery shoes. I had a pair during my Prom days, but that was so long ago. Don't know where I would wear them now. She has a beautiful head of hair too. Stay dry. I promise I did not turn on your rain.

  27. oooh! totally gorgeous Mina!! awesome colouring as usual!


Thanks for leaving me a comment I love reading them and appreciate you taking the time
Mina xxx