Sunday, November 20, 2011

its about time but I think I finally got it...

Good morning everyone, I hope your all well and happy and have a wonderful day planned...I know your probably fed up with the camera saga, nearly as much as me, but there was sun yesterday morning and I ran around like a loony in my fluffy dressing gown before it disappeared again and managed to take some photos and by gum I think I cracked it, I was so chuffed with the photos I got, I even replaced the ones below made with the Manger, isn't it amazing what a bit of sun does to your colours...I was downloading them and was having a good look at my camera and noticed these photos were taken on the auto there you go all that faffing about with different setting, shutter speeds etc and all I needed was to put it on Auto and get a bit of sun me a favour if you have a sec scroll down and see the new photos on the Manger card below and these and let me know if you think I should stop faffing with the camera and leave well alone, because you know what I'm like I will niggle away at it until the cows come home lol...we had a fab day out yesterday I got loads more ticked on my list, we have a fab lunch and I even managed to get a late appointment to have my hair cut...I have never seen anyone look as bored as Phil did in the hairdressers, the poor man even resorted to reading the hair magazines...but then its his own fault I told him to do what he wanted while I was there but he would insist on waiting for me, maybe he thought I was going to talk about him lol...onto my card for today, how amazing is this stunning new Whimsy Wee Silver Fairy stamp I bought from Bunny Zoe's Crafts...I love her wings they are stunning, such a perfect clear crisp image too as all Whimsy stamps are, as soon as I saw her I knew I had to buy her...I coloured this beauty with distress inks and just to make up for yesterdays no glitter day I went ott with the glitter here but come on now shes a fairy and deserves a load of glitter doesn't she, I teamed her up with more of the Kaisercraft Velvet Ensemble papers, this is gorgeous and the black on it really is velvet...beautifully tactile, I finished with some punched leaves, a white bias binding bow and some more of these stunning new Prima gold tipped roses, I so wish I had bought more of these at the Kings Hall, the fabulous sketch is from Mojo Monday and I'm also entering this for the DYSU challenge...we are having Sunday lunch with our Daughter and her partner today which I am so looking forward too (well Phil does cook it and its so yummy too), whatever your up to I hope you have a brilliant one
Mina xxx
p.s. see why I don't like using red, I just noticed the glitter glue must have touched the red as there's a bit that has spread...oops


  1. Gorgeous as ever Mina, glad the camera is sorted out, mine is on 'simples' too...just auto! Ruby x

  2. Stunning Mina, and if youuse auto and set it to super macro you can get more detail as it crisps it up, thats how I use my bridging camera although your photos look perfect to me!!! xxx

  3. Another beautiful one. I love the way you did the seam binding bow and flowers. Both pictures are clear and crisp. I would just use auto and not worry with it. Set it and forget it! :) Hugs, Linda

  4. Hi Mina
    A gorgeous and beautiful card
    Hugs Dianne xx :)

  5. Gorgeous card Mina, lovely sketch and if you get photos this fab on auto why change it? Debs xx

  6. this card is a real treat for the eyes, Mina!...enjoy your Sunday lunch!
    xxx Margreet

  7. Очень красиво, как и все Ваши работы!

  8. So sparkly and beautiful the new photos, I always keep mine on auto...only because I cant be bothered changing

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  9. Fabulous card. Beautiful image and backing paper.

  10. Hi Mina,
    I just love that design paper and the image is beautifully done. This is a gorgeous card.
    Fiona x

  11. WOW from me Mina I love faries and she is lovely and I love your paper I just want to touch it. Glad youve got to grips with your camera we have a macro setting on ours that seems to do the trick. Im despeperate to have my hair cut too but no energy at the moment. Enjoy your day with your family and Phils lunch.

  12. Hi Mina,glad you are getting to grips with your camera,I use Macro on a lot of my photos,that works for me.I like the new photos.
    That paper is gorgeous,love the colour too.She is so cute.The flowers are fab.Have a lovely day.
    Hugs Sue xx

  13. every fairy deserves lashings of glitter, it's never too much lol, loving your velvet paper and roses. the photo's are great, I wonder if a new camera will help mine (maybe there is just no hope for mine) lol enjoy your Sunday
    Tilly x

  14. Hi yes she is a pretty fairy . Love these papers too ! And the glittery wings ! I am not so good with cameras ! And I think you are right it's all about the light ! Pictures are super with auto and the sun !! Have a great day with your family ! I am skiving at work lol ! Kitty :D

  15. Hi Mina... yes she is a lovely fairy and you've made another fabulous card with her!

    And I do think your photos are perfect.... but then I did on Thursday too!! LOL! Did you get my email?

    Christine x

  16. Oh i have had such trouble with mine been taking better pics with my phone gr roll on summer but this is fab and love what you have done and image is stunning.

  17. Beautiful card. Love the way it works with the background.

    Most of the time
    i leave the camera on auto but sometimes portrait works.


  18. Oh Mina that is gorgeous I love her red hair, its almost chestnut and the glittering looks fabulous to. hugs Shirleyxxx

  19. gosh just gorgeous ina ~beautiful!! ~i just cannot take good photos of my cards ~never look the same as in real life!!
    vanessa xx

  20. WOW this card is beautiful!!
    Love it Mina, the pics look fab!
    I use macro on mine too.
    Love, Mel. xxx

  21. so stunning mina.i love your gorgeous paper and details and the image is so beautiful :D
    really love how crisp and clear you pics are and the manger card looks really fab using your auto can really see the gold gilding on the paper :D

    xx coops xx

  22. Hi Mina..this is one of my favourite images, she is so lovely. Great colours as always and how did you let yourself use that beautiful paper? Note to self.....paper is bought for using not just keeping and hiding and gazing at!

  23. Oh wow Mina,gorgeous card and pictures.
    In my post for tomorrow I have made a link to your blog I hope that's ok!
    XXX Heidy

  24. Well Mina, I think your photos are superb - if this is what happens when your camera is on auto I would definitely leave it on auto LOL!
    Your card is gorgeous - I love the velvety paper, and the image is beautiful - I love the Wee stamps.
    Love, Andrea xx

  25. just stunning, leave it on auto, that's what I do too :0)

  26. ohh, this is lovely Mina, she is so sweet.
    Hugs Gretha

  27. Another stunner Mina! xx

  28. This is so sweet !! Love the colors and the sweet image!!

  29. Hi Mina... only me again... have resent the email.. not sure what's happened there..
    Christine x

  30. Stunning card sweetie loving the image I love these images but still need to colour them up. There is no such thing as OTT with glitter & its LAW that ALL fantasy images with wings MUST have glitter lol.

    Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

  31. What a lovely card mina, so beautiful!
    Hugs Jacqueline

  32. Mina the card is gorgeous and so is that photo, wow it's crystal clear, glad you sorted it.....

  33. Hi Mina. Gorgeous card. The image is beautiful and the papers are really lovely. Glad you got lots of shopping done. Enjoy your family lunch, wish I had someone else to cook, Leslie's idea of a night of cooking for me is a take-away. Donna

  34. Hi Mina. Gorgeous image & fab papers & layout too. Love her hair, such a pretty colour. Great card.
    Tine :)

  35. Hi Mina awesome card, I have this image though not used her yet lol,

    I recently bought a camera and the man in the shop said it's best to put it on auto and move closer to the image if you want a close up, the man has worked with cameras for years and knows his stuff, so no problems leaving it on that lol, hugs Liz xx

  36. This has to be the most beautiful fairy in all of fairyland! You have colored her to perfection & the DP is just gorgeous as well. Love, love the red hair!!

  37. Yow, so gorgeous, girlfriend! I love your coloring of that sweetie and the papers & embellies you used! Stunning! Which also means that your camera is rocking!

  38. I'd have to agree with you, you've got it! Gorgeous pictures of beautiful cards. I liked the manger card with the old photos, like it even better now! You're fairy is so sweet and the papers are yummy!

  39. HI Mina, I hope you had a scrummy dinner today. This card is so beautiful, that paper is INCREDIBLE! I love the wee image so, she's so whimsical looking. Lee x

  40. Mina, it's a gorgeous and soft card! Fairy coloring your fabulous! Congratulations!

  41. Your coloring on her hair is just incredible! It looks perfect!

  42. i love this!!! i love the image, colors, everything here!! beautiful!!

  43. Soooo pretty.Love that paper.xx

  44. STUNNING!!!!!! I love the monochrome look and her most gorgeous sparkly dress!!! Hugs Juls


Thanks for leaving me a comment I love reading them and appreciate you taking the time
Mina xxx