Sunday, December 11, 2011

glamorous footwear...

Good morning everyone, I hope your all well and are having a fantastic weekend...well have you got everything sorted for Christmas then?, I bet your all super organised and even have some of your food shopping done...I have a few photos to show you this morning and I will be back later with a card too...I was having a really good practice with my camera and this amazing house is miles away from the farmhouse but with the help of the 28x zoom I got this fantastic close up shot...wouldn't you just love a look into that house and a rummage though the outbuildings

we had a little bit of snow while I was there but it didn't lie for long but it was freezing...because the house is stone built it retains the heat so is like a mini oven when it heats up but when its cold my goodness its freezing...this is the view over one of the garden walls towards the village

this photo is of one of the lanes leading up to the house, now that's what you call a puddle isn't it and it is as deep as it looks...the shadow is me but my hips aren't that bit honestly lol...I had a basket for holly with me...I swear its true

now wow how glamorous is my new footwear, but my jeans were so thick I couldn't get them tucked in so I had a bit of a balloon effect going on with them, mind when I went down the lane I was glad I had these on as I slid into puddles twice

this is some of the holly I cut, there is a huge amount of it, but not one single berry, there are a lot of birds about though so maybe that's the reason, because the walls are solid stone I didn't get one of the pictures up I took with me to hang, every single nail, picture hook and even screws buckled before they were even a teeny bit in, I think I will have to resort to sticky stuff and hope they stay I gave up and when I was stepping down from the chair I misjudged and whacked my hip and upper thigh on the back of the chair, good thing we are detached because they would have heard me swearing but it bloody hurt lol, but I did manage to clean some carpets and rearrange some of the curtains Phil hung (he did a brilliant job but they needed a fluff if you know what I mean)...right I will speak to you all later when I pop back with my card....ohhhh by the way did you see I have candy below, don't be put off by the photo the papers really are lush and I will try and get more photos of all of them so you can see them...bye for now
Mina xxx


  1. Great photos Mina, lovely scenery, and great basket of holly.Love the as mine.

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  2. Mornin' Mina, sounds like you may have a doosy of a bruise later. Great photos. We haven't had any snow yet here in deepest Norfolk but I guess it's on it's way.

  3. Fab photos, the holly looks great even minus the berries, LOL, gotta feed those birdies! Your footwear is the height of style for puddles.

  4. Fabulous pics Mina
    Hugs Dianne xx :)

  5. Beautiful photos Mina.... and OMG to that puddle! Love your red wallpaper too. Our holly bush in the garden has lots of red berries - sign of a bad winter here in Yorkshire? hope not!
    Christine x

  6. Oh hun, you have made me feel desperately "homesick" with your photos. How I miss looking out onto open space and green fields. Hope the bruise isn't gonna be too bad! Hugs Sxx

  7. Hi wow it looks such a wonderful place full of character lol. The holly looks so green don't think I ever seen the real stuff before !! Lol. Super post thanks Kitty :D

  8. Hi Mina, what wonderful photo's, thanks for sharing, I can't believe that you go and pick that holly, I have only ever seen the plastic variety here in Australia lol. I'm laughing but not kidding, your view looks magical to me.
    Hugs Cheryl

  9. What a fantastic photos Mina.
    I hope you have a fantastic time?

    Hugs mariska

  10. It all looks so beautiful Mina, I love the country, pretty at any time of year......thanks for sharing these.xx

  11. Morning, Mina. Looks like a fab place to stay - all that green and my goodness, that holly looks lovely! Love the red wallpaper too and your wellies!!
    Jo x

  12. Great photos Mina,love the wellies,great footwear for puddles.Lots of holly too.Maybe you only have a he or she holly bush,or just hungry birds.Hope your bruise is getting better.
    Hugs Sue xx

  13. What gorgeous pics Mina, your new camera is doing a superb job.
    Love your boots!! hope your hip is not to bad.
    Love, Mel. xxx

  14. I enjoyed you pics as much as your cards. Can you say multi-talented?

  15. I have those boots in pink lol!
    Gorgeous pictures Mina!
    XXX heidy

  16. what beautiful countryside, I used to love collecting holly when I lived at home

  17. Beautiful photographs Mina, so pleased you are getting on with your new camera. I love the trendy footwear :o)
    Jackie xx

  18. Gorgeous pics,you seem to be mastering your new camera.Love the Holly soooo Christmassy.xx

  19. Hi Mina. It looks like you are getting to grips with your new camera rightly. What an amazing view you have. Oh and I love the gorgeous wallpaper you have too and that is a BIG basket of holly, though it looks like you are going to have to get out some polystyrene balls and a red marker to make some berries! At least the birds are well fed anyway. Lee x

  20. What gorgeous photos Mina! The one with your basket of holly on the table wouldn't look out of place in one of those glossy 'ideal home' mags!

  21. Gorgeous photos, Mina! Love your garden boots! I hope you don't get too big a bruise! Have a wonderful day!

  22. super photos hun love that basket of holly and love your boots hugs cherylxx

  23. I think I goofed - for some reason I thought you lived in England. I have never been to Ireland and would dearly love to go. One of my favorite authors is Maeve Binchy. I love everything she writes. Again - Merry Christmas!

  24. Well perfect boots for the weather, lol... what a lovely bunch of holly!! Shame there are no berries, but after all, the birds need their food, lol! Great photos, very clear, you must have a steady hand and a great camera, none of which i have, well a steady-ish hand maybe, but i need a new camera, lol. Hugs! Brittany, xoxo

  25. Wonderful pictures. I love your glamorous foot wear. Ha! The picture with the holly, looks so inviting. Hugs

  26. fabulous pics mina.its looks so peaceful and quiet.
    i hope your bruise is not too bad.

    xx coops xx

  27. Love looking at your pictures Mina. Ireland is one place I have always wanted to visit. Now I can through you. Hugs, Linda

  28. Great Stylish welly Boots Mina I think your holly is from the wrong sex bush... :~ but looks wonderful with that gorgeous wallpaper xx


Thanks for leaving me a comment I love reading them and appreciate you taking the time
Mina xxx