Wednesday, December 07, 2011

a little rant...

Good morning everyone I hope your all keeping well...I'm going to have a little rant today, well I'm about due one lol...I'm not a gamer and I don't own an Xbox or 360 or anything Linklike that, I have only played one racing game once and I fell over twice when going round corners on the racetrack, I'm not built for games too top heavy lol...anyway back to the point, have you seen the advertisements for all those horrendously expensive games for Christmas, is it just me but does it seem right to you that the ads aren't actually the game footage, how on earth do they get away with that, its like showing a Mercedes on an ad for a Mini after all their both on earth do they get away with it just because they have in tiny print 'not actual game footage' would any other product get away with that...ok rant over lol...I'm still at the farmhouse so I'm sorry but no commenting or blog hopping this week but I will catch up with everyone this weekend I card for today is using this beautiful image from Crafts and Me called Angel Rays...she has a real ethereal look about her (oh my way a big word for this time of day lol)...I coloured her with distress inks and added loads of glitter...the fun fab paper is from Basicgrey's Jovial collection called Button Nose, I love those little snowmen don't you...the beautiful ribbon is from The Pretty Little Ribbon shop and is called Sheer Ruffle Edge Antique Gold, gorgeous rich colour isn't it...I'm entering this for the Totally Papercrafts challenge and Cardmadfairy digi challenge too...enjoy the rest of your day and have a good one
Mina xxx


  1. Hope your still enjoying your stay Mina the card is gorgeous im not into gaming either but my two sons are and it costs them a fortune and me for the bloomnin things!!!!

  2. So beautiful card Mina,I love the image and the colours.
    So gorgeous papers.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  3. What is this a brilliant creation, so beautiful!

    Hugs Lia

  4. Hi sweetie lol @ your rant, I live in a bungalow surrounded by xboxes, nintendo's & PS3's & I do know what you are saying it is shocking that they dont show actual game footage especially for the price of the things......its all my youngest has on his crimbo list.....14 xbox games!!! I have 9 of them so far it cost a darn fortune!! Altho I do like to play Call Of Duty with them lol.

    Your card is sheer gorgeous hun love the image & your colouring as always is amazing.....

    Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

  5. Stunning - LOVE the ribbon! Juliexx

  6. What a sweet card Mina! That image looks really special, love the glitter on her wings. Have a nice week! Hugs, Hanneke

  7. ohhhh how lovely and great this is xx

  8. Ooh this is so gorgeous Mina...and I'm loving your rant are so!

    big hugs Vicky xx

  9. I had to go back and read again because I thought you said that you WERE a gamer! The image that conjured was quite alarming, lol. We are Wii-ers in our house, and the price of the games is shocking, and I totally agree about the adverts. It's similar to the false eyelash/mascara enhanced post production fiasco. Beautiful card hun, that image is so gentle and sweet and with your delicate colours she could be an angel. Fab fun papers too. Hugs Sxx

  10. Lovely image and great colouring Mina and that ribbon is fab. Hope you are getting all your jobs done and enjoying your stay.

  11. stunning cards!!! Love the colours, and the fabulous glitter detail!

    Hugs Juls

  12. Love your gorgeous card.

  13. Likewise Mina, I do not own any of those things and I have wondered the same thing myself. It should be a preview of what is actually on them! It is misrepresentation pure and simple, and should be illegal!
    In the meantime, I am trying to catch up on commenting. I absolutely love your latest cards, as always your colouring is impeccable :o)
    Jackie xx

  14. Stunning card! and I totally agree with your rant on the games!

  15. Such a beautiful card the colours and really gorgeous ribbon. your image is lovely and you have coloured her so beautifully!

  16. Mina I'm so with you on the misleading advert issue!!
    The mascara adverts are the same.
    They make you think buy using their mascara you will have massive long lashes like the lady in the advert.
    Then in teeny tiny letters at the botton it says that her lashes have extensions on!!
    Gorgeous card lovely!
    That ribbon is lush.
    Love, Mel. xxx

  17. Mina I am just glad my lad is grow and he gets his own games.So I take no notice of game adds,well most adds really.
    Your card is beautiful as is she.Fab colouring and great papers.
    Hugs Sue xx

  18. Hi Mina!

    I love your card and that image is so sweet! Have a nice stay at the farmhouse! Hugs Sandra

  19. Hope you have a great time Mina!
    What abn adorablecard!
    XXX Heidy

  20. Hope you are having a nice stay at the farmhouse, Mina! Enjoy the rest! Your card is gorgeous! That image is wonderful and of course, your coloring is perfect!

  21. Go for it Mina, your sooooo right to, drives me mental and so very misleading.......Fab card, so goreous.xx

  22. Lovely ethereal card Mina. Glad to see you join us over at Totally Papercrafts too!

    You go girl. I always enjoy your rants.

    Hugs, Linda

  23. Magical card Mina, love this adorable image.

  24. enjoy y our break, love the card x

  25. Im afraid when it comes to advertising Mina, the companies get away with quite a lot. But you have to take every advert with a pinch of salt. I dont think for one minute that using the face cream thats advertised will make me look like the wrinkle free air brushed model. Nor do I think that buying the amazing new deodorant for my husband is going to have flocks of young, single women in bikinis knocking down our front door to jump him, matter how much he wafts his arms aint gonna happen. So there is always a bit of misdirection and illusion when it comes to adverts until the day that its stamped out. The thing with gaming companies is that they know gamers very much get into the role of the game they are playing and can take it all very seriously. So when advertising games, they create an imaginary but seemingly real scenario in their advertisement that caters to their gamers imaginations. And usually the games arent even complete at the time of making the advert so they dont have real game footage to use. So what you find is they do mini trailers to advertise the the games storyline. It doesnt have to be actual game footage but as long as it represents the game play, they can get away with it. Its not right, but every company from makeup, food to gaming are all guilty of stretching the truth. Phew! Think I may have over explained that a bit. I dont work in advertising or gaming....honest! heehee. Ah the thought of women knocking down our door to get to Mark because of the deodorant he's wearing has given me a fit of the giggles, lol. Your card is really beautiful Mina. The wee image is gorgeous, such an angelic wee face. Lee xx

  26. Beautiful card as always Mina! I agree with you about the advertising but as Lee points out, it's everywhere. Not right though, is it?!

  27. so stunning mina.,really beautiful image and your colours and design are gorgeous :D
    totally agree about the gaming adverts, its the same with a lot of adverts now.

    xx coops xx

  28. Its the same with all advertising, look at how they show even the likes of lego on tv, its always looks like it can fly etc but can't!! A big expensive disappointment on Christmas morning! I love your gorgeous card though, the image is so pretty and delicately coloured.

  29. Hi What a lovely image she is so modern and beautifull drawn. I love the soft colouring and the beautiful ribbon !! I agree with you on the game front ! It is really out of order! Going to look that word up on the online dictionary lol ! Kitty ;0)

  30. Another lovely card Mina, this colour combination is wonderful. Hugs Michelle x

  31. She's very pretty, Mina! You don't want me to get started on the subject of advertising, be it games or food! Hope that things are going well at the farm house and you are totally recovered and feeling 100%.

  32. Gorgeous card Mina,such a pretty image and beautiful soft colouring.. cannot comment on adds, never watch them, as I'm always at my desk and dont look up at the tv...but it is always listen to programs, when I'm colouring, if blogging I loose tv all together.. but will try to tune in to the adds, see if I have the same ones.

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  33. Ohw what a gorgeous card. I love the image.


  34. Hi Mina. Beautiful card. The image is fab and love the colours. Often wondered about the advertising on games when they say it is not the actual footage. My girls are into the singing and dancing games and hubby the motorbike games. Always good fun at Christmas. Donna


Thanks for leaving me a comment I love reading them and appreciate you taking the time
Mina xxx