Tuesday, January 24, 2012

freaky happenings...

Good morning everyone, I hope your all well and having a great start to your week...I had a freaky one yesterday, I had a great time colouring and made some cards, but I forgot to make my bed so popped up to my bedroom at lunchtime to make it and sitting in the middle of the floor was a scarf, now not any old scarf but one my Mum lent me for a wedding about a year before she passed away, I loved it so much she gave it to me and after her death I stashed it somewhere and forgot all about it because I couldn't have it near me as it made me burst into tears, when I picked it up it still smells of Chanel no 5 my Mums perfume...I have no idea how it got there and as I'm the only one here it definitely wasn't me and couldn't have been someone else, how strange is that...then I went downstairs later on and switched one of the lamps on in my living room, the bulb exploded now I don't mean just went pop but shot out of the lamp and hit the ceiling exploded...now if my Mum is trying to tell me something I wish she wouldn't do it so violently and try to take my face off in the process lol...freaky eh?????...well I'm sure I will find out whats shes trying to say in time...now onto my card for today which is using this stunning little sweetie from Sugar Nellie, its from the newest Puppy Love release and is called Trip to the Park...I coloured her with distress inks and teamed her up with lush papers from the Prima 6x6 Madeline paper pad, defo my favourite pad atm...I love the pinks and blues in this pad don't you...I added a sentiment cut from the same pad and finished with a huge bow and punched butterflies...I'm entering this for the My Mums Craft shop challenge (my favourite colour combo blue and pink) and The Ribbon Girl Pink and Blue challenge...the lush sketch is from The Sugar Bowl challenge...I'm off out today for a catch up coffee with my Dad so you can all relax as hes sure to put all the worlds troubles to right while we are sipping it...have a wonderful day whatever your up to today and watch out for freaky happenings
Mina xxx


  1. hi Mina, ohhh dear that"s a sign from your mom, dont be scard dear, your mom loves you and she is your cardian angel that what i believe, xx and your card is sooo lovely xx

  2. Hi Mina...

    Love your card... that ribbon is so perfect for it too!

    And I have odd things that happen here that are similar (though not as dangerous! LOL) to your happenings... And I KNOW that those that I loved are closeby.... which is quite comforting!

    Christine x

  3. Hi Mina, Beautiful card! Such a sweet image and gorgeous papers.

    I have had similar things happen to me ... does worry you a bit at first doesn't it. Hopefully what your lovely mum is trying to tell you will soon become apparent.

    Lisa x

  4. Mina, the card is very fresh and charming! I am glad that you are happy with the poem! Hugs!

  5. Hi Mina, This is another gorgeous card, sorry I've been missing of late, all a bit chaotic with me atm, Gay xxx
    p.s Have a feeling the light bulb might not have been your mum I don't think she'd want to frighten you but maybe the scarf:0) LOL All too freaky for me LOL x

  6. Hi Mina,hope you find out what your Mum wants you to know and that you have a good day with your Dad.
    Love your beautiful fresh card and lush ribbon.
    Hugs Sue xx

  7. Oh I love your adorable card, its gorgeous too.

  8. Gorgeous card hun, such pretty delicate colours too. Perfect. I wonder if the scarf was a message for you from mum, to let you know she is with you, but the exploding lightbulb .... what's your dad been up to lately?? Have a good day sweetie. Hugs Sxx

  9. I've just been having a catch up scroll through all your wonderful work, Mina and truly wonderful it is - including this one! I particularly love that big, lush bow!
    Diane x

  10. Oh Mina, I think your mother is definitely letting you know she's watching over you (I find that so reassuring & wonderful) - my mum wears chanel no. 5 too :) Another fabulous card xxx

  11. Lovely card Mina that ribbon is fab.
    How weirrd is that about your mums scarf perhaps she just wants to keep you company when youre on your own..Enjoy your day with your Dad

  12. Beautiful card. Lovely image and papers. The marvellous bow just sets it off. Great.

  13. Love the card - so very girly! not sure about your freaky happenings though...weird!

  14. Hi Mina. Beautiful card. Love the softly coloured image, so cute. Donna

  15. Hi lovely,
    Oh how funny that you found the scarf like that!
    I love your card, so very pretty!
    Gorgeous bow.
    And love the image!
    Mel. xxx

  16. love the papers on this fab card, isnt it strange how loved ones can let you know they are with you, I bet you would have serched ages to find that scarf... I have heard a few reports of exploding bulbs this past week though
    have a good day with Dad

  17. Wow, that is freaky! Love your card, the image is so sweet and that bow is great. Hugs, Hanneke

  18. Oh that is a bit freaky!
    Love your card, she is gorgeous. Fab colours x
    Wendy x

  19. oh hope you find out what you mum wants Hun,bit freaky,as for your card its just gorgeous the detail is stunning and love that ribbon hugs Cherylxxxx

  20. Beautiful card Mina - such a pretty colour combo and gorgeous papers.
    Your Mum was probably telling you off for not making the bed!!! Doubt the light bulb was her - she really would not want to cause you any harm. I find occurrences like this both comforting and a goose bumpy - LOL.
    Denise xx

  21. Mina this is a beautiful card, gorgeous image and love the ribbon. Eeeek so pleased the explosion missed you! very freaky indeed. Joey x

  22. Gorgeous image, Mina, lush papers and that bow is gorgeous!
    Jo x

  23. Oh Mina I have goose bumps all over..lol...makes you wonder when something like that happens....

    Love your card, it's so beautiful.xxx

  24. Gorgeous card, Mina! I love the papers and the wonderful image! The coloring is so soft and pretty! How nice to have a sign from your Mum (the scarf, not the exploding light bulb!). Hope you're having a pleasant day!

  25. Oh my goodness Mina, what a strange couple of incidents youve had. This card is absolutely beautiful and girlie and perfect. Lee x

  26. Gorgeous! Love the coloring and your awesome designing. Could you please tell me what coloring medium you use and the color names for the hair! I love it! sweater32@aol.com

  27. Gorgeous card Mina such pretty soft colours stunning make as ever chum,
    I'm sure you were taken aback when you seen the scarf,
    Ahh' Mina I believe maybe your Mum wants you to wear her scarf chum, and also letting you know she is always there...
    I don't think the light bulb!! was your Mum, you where lucky it didn't hit your face chum, hope you had a lovely time with your Dad..
    Lots Hugs
    Sarah x

  28. Beautiful card sweetie I love the paper pad, I loved it so much I brought it in both sizes last year lol. Fabulous image as well hun.

    I used to wear 3 necklaces what my dad had got me but they were forever getting tangled & knotted & he was forever telling me about it. About 3 months after he died my necklaces were sooooo badly tangled I asked Craig to untangle them just as we went to bed. He had a quick go but they really were in a mess & as it was late he would have another try in the morning but they were the worst knot he had seen.
    So we went to sleep in the morning I woke up to 3 necklaces hanging loosely & all perfect around my neck.......it would of been impossible for me to do it in the night cus it was that bad. Craig doesn't believe in things like spirits & stuff but even he says it was my dad who did it & loosened all my necklaces. They are always with us sweetie, guiding us thru each day just when they were here. I truly believe that.

    Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

  29. Wowwww Mina,What a beautiful cards.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  30. Gorgeous card Mina, love the wow! bow and adorable image...gorgeous blonde hair.
    I get visits from my husband..he puts thought in my head...sometimes warnings, like my garden furniture and I ignored it...next morning it was gone, never to be seen again...that is what I listen to..and in finding things..'come on Dave, help me'
    and you know I actually end up where I started, for no reason, and there it is..weird, but not spooky, makes me feel safe somehow..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  31. A beautiful card, Mina! And a message from your Mum to say she is still watching over you. I absolutely believe that! Hugs, Lesley

  32. Beautiful card Mina!! I just adore that big pink & white striped bow!!! Keep listening, if she is trying to tell you something you will know.
    ~jeni :)

  33. Hi Mina,Stunning card.Oooooh spooky lol.xx

  34. Very Pretty! Love the colours and composition.
    Thank you for joining us at MMCS.
    Trudie X

  35. Oh Mina, I love this little cutie. Once more some fabulous paers and colours and a stunning ribbon. I could tell you several stories relating to my late FIL. Since he dies 10 years ago he has spoken to me many times and on the odd ocassion told me to do things. One time he told me to go up the road (inlaws lived500 yds away). I did as he told me only to find my BIL and his wife loading their car up!! Spooky.. I also used to see his feet shuffling in our last 2 houses and thought once we moved here that would be it. But a year after moving I started seeing his feet again. He always said he would 'look out' for us and I firmly believe that is what he is doing.
    Love Sheila x

  36. Hi Mina, a beautiful card and thank you for your kind comments. I have 4 girls and 11 grandkids, oldest is 22 and youngest is 2, I was 19 when I married, 21 when my first daughter was born, so yeah I am old!! LOL. My mum sends me messages too, its very comforting to know she is still watching over me.

    Take care
    Barbara xx

  37. so stunning mina.adorable image and i love your beautiful colours and lush big bow :D
    i certainly believe your mum was trying to tell you something.

    xx coops xx

  38. Mina,
    Your card is beautiful. I couldn't help but read the other comments regarding the strange happenings you have had. I think we all agree, the lightbulb was just defective & not something your mom caused. She would only love & protect you, not scare you. I think you should wear the scarf. It will bring you great comfort.

  39. Positively precious and I love, love the soft colors. I think maybe your mom was trying to tell you not to turn on the light, she's protecting you.

  40. Finding that scarf and smelling my Mom's perfume would totally freak me out too. Maybe it was a warning to be careful with the light. You could have your head over the shade when it exploded. One thing for sure, she loves you and will watch out for you. Hugs, Linda

  41. Hi Mina, no wonder you are freaked out , you are giving me goosebumps... eeek.
    Your card today is lovely , cute image and all the details are gorgeous.
    Hugs Cheryl

  42. Your card is adorable, Mina! and what a freaky event! It's either your mom or you have gremlins. You have some trippy things going on in your home. You are so brave or used to it - but I would be freaking out if I were alone. we've had some gremlin things happen from time to time = like toys going off on their own - playing noises in the middle of night or items disappearing/reappearing, but nothing scary, scary. thank goodness.

  43. Another lovely card. You always use such perfect papers for your images.
    My granddaughter passed away in' 05, her 27th birthday was Saturday, SHE burnt out three light bulbs before I told her to knock it off, it's not like I forgot her. Maybe you Mom just wants you to wear the scarf and keep your neck warm.
    Blessings Bernie

  44. OOOOOOOOOH what a story Mina!!!! Maybe it's just like someone else writes and your Mom wants you to wear the scarf??? My Mom too always used Chanel No.5 and she smelled soooooo gorgeous. On me its was rubbish otherwise I would have continued that tradition just to have her near to me!!!
    Your card with the huge bos iw soo sweet!!!

  45. I saw coops using this image it is adorable. Lovely card x

  46. Hi Mina, beautiful card to match a touchy post..what a morning you had that day,,i do believe things happen to remind us!!! Ruby x

  47. This is a very pretty card Mina and thank you for joining in with the Ribbon Girl colour challenge! and what a strange morning you had and I hope your Dad calmed you! Mary G x

  48. Beautiful card! I love that adorable image.

  49. Your card is adorable, Mina! Cute image and lovely papers and that pink stripey ribbon is delicious! Think I need some...I mean, a girl can never have too much ribbon now, can she?!! Lisa x


Thanks for leaving me a comment I love reading them and appreciate you taking the time
Mina xxx