Sunday, January 29, 2012

a touch of spring green...

Good morning everyone did you all have a fabulous day yesterday?...we didn't get to Ikea our home phone broke down and we had to spend the time we should have been drooling around Ikea wanting everything in sight checking out the specs of phones and finally deciding on one although I say we I'm the gadget person in our house poor Phil still doesn't know how to use our TV yet bless him, now I just have to spend hours reentering (is that a word it doesn't look right but spell check says its ok) all our phone numbers into a new phone...oh joy of joys lol...we are going out with our Daughter and other half today so cant get to Ikea today either, oh well it gives us an excuse to go next weekend doesn't it and gives me 7 more days to look at the online store and decide again how many thousands I could spend card for today is using this stunning fairy from Crafts and Me, shes called Casting Down Imagination and is by the amazingly talented Sara Burrier, I coloured her with distress inks and of course you know the rule, if she has wings she has glitter

the stunning paper is a double sided one from the Panduro Tilda kitchen Garden paper pad I bought ages and ages ago, don't you just love that soft green and of course the gingham...oooooooohhhhhh I love gingham don't you...I finished with a sentiment, a butterfly charm and a couple of Prima flowers...the fabulous sketch is from My Time Made Easy challenge and I'm also entering it for the Paper crafting Journey challenge and Crafty Catz challenge too...ok now onto the tidy craft room photos

the wardrobe (which I put shelves in as a cupboard), the kitchen table desk, chair (love my chair) and two chests of drawers (perfect size for my printer on top of them) are all Ikea, all massive bargains of course...the small table at the front with my guillotine on is also from there too...don't you just love the cardboard box on the side of my desk, I need more storage

the picture was there when it was my Daughters bedroom, its not my taste but I just haven't got round to replacing it yet

ok now hands up all those people who fancy a rummage through these huge piles of paper (there's another one under my small table too ssssshhhhhh don't tell anyone), the box in the centre is full of my 6x6 paper pads, the sofa is my Daughters sofa bed she used to have her friends stay over on, it is all marked with make up so that explains the throw covering it lol

ok this is about two thirds of my cards all piled up in bags...shocking isn't there's my craft room, not the biggest, most organised or tidiest but its all mine and I love it to bits...its my space and I bet you all know exactly what I mean...I hope whatever you get up to today you have a fantastic time and don't forget to pop back later for my candy
Mina xxx
colours used
skin - antique linen, frayed burlap, tattered rose
hair - antique linen
hearts on dress - forest moss
dress - crushed olive


  1. WOW, this image is stunning and even with the little color, it makes such a statement, love it!!
    I think, maybe, lol re-enter might look better.......hehehehe
    Ok, my hand is up for going through the paper, looks delish, just a bit far to drive, ok, lol, cannot drive, will have to fly!!! All the way from South Africa!!
    love your craft space and do agree, no matter, it is yours!!!
    lotsa luv

  2. Mina your card is gorgeous,the image and colours you have used are beautiful.
    Your craft room is brilliant,oh for a room like that,one day!
    WOW,i thought i had a load of stash but you defo beat it!you can never have enough right!!!!!That`s my excuse anyway.Have a lovely day and hope you make it to ikea next week.
    Hugs kelly.

  3. Wonderful card, love the soft colours. You craftroom is much tidier than mine :o)
    Jackie xx

  4. Hi Mina,
    Gorgeous card and a wonderful image. Love the soft colouring.
    Your craft space looks fabulous.

  5. What a stunning card Mina and your craftroom is great!
    Hugs Jacqueline

  6. Beautiful, elegant card Mina and shall I get on a flight with an empty suitcase and help you get rid of your paper stash??????


  7. Magic touches the heart with much tenderness!

  8. Lovely image in so sweet and soft colours!
    And a great craft room too - lots of stash to create with;)
    Have a nice and creative sunday!

  9. Beautiful card. Love seeing other people's craftrooms. Yours is so much bigger than mine but mine is tidier, lol! Whatever we have its our space and we all love it.

  10. Such a stunning card Mina, beautiful colours. I love your crafty space too. Enjoy your Sunday, Hugs Teresa xx

  11. Beautiful card. The image is lovely and the colours are so delicate.

    Your craft room looks great - I'm sure everyone seeing the pictures will just want to get into the middle of all those papers - marvellous.

  12. Gorgeous card, very elegant, love the flowers and your craft room looks perfect to me, take care, Doreen x

  13. what a wonderful fairy, she is beautiful.... the card is so pretty,

    YES please ----- I can come and help with your paper lol, but I know I would not be first in the line!
    enjoy your Sunday

  14. Hi Mina, Gorgeous card, beautiful image and love the paper and flowers....

    Love your craft room and all the stash....OMG... all the I would have a field day with that

  15. Hi Mina wow stunning card I love you soft pastel colouring and those gorgeous papers.
    Yes you certainly could do with some more storage, but what a lovely room, I bet you do enjoy playing in their, perhaps hubby could put up some shelves for you as that might help, it certainly does for me. hugs Shirleyxxx

  16. This is fabulous Mina and love those flowers. Yes I guess I could rummage through that lot :0) lovely tidy craft space enjoy. and enjoy your day with your daughter.

  17. Absolutely gorgeous card and beautiful image. Wow! It's always fun to see where others create, thanks for sharing.

  18. Hi Mina,your card is beautiful,love the colouring on your image.
    I am also in my Daughters old bed room but I wish it was anything like yours.I also have her sofabed covered in craft stuff.I would love to have a mooch through that paperstack.Have a lovely day.
    Hugs Sue xx

  19. Totally beautiful card sweetie loving the colours.
    Recognised the ikea things straight away especially the drawers, are they the metal ones? I have 4 of them 3 sets for my A4 card & another 2 for my 6x6 paper pads lol your paper collection is nearly as bad as mine hun lol. Absolutely know what you mean about having your own room at the mo I'm redecorating mine so I'm crafting from my bureau in the conservatory which I absolutely hate it.....theres just no room & I've took over the dining table in the conservatory as well.....good job we've still got the kitchen table to eat at lol. At least my own room I can shut the door on it so no-one sees the clutter or mess when there is

    Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

  20. Beautiful! Love the soft colours. Michelle x

  21. Hi Mina, the card is amazing so gorgeous and elegant.
    Your craft room , look very good, if you see mine you are going to fall down , hahahaha

  22. Hi Mina. Beautiful card. Great image and love the colours. Can't believe you keep your cards in plastic bags!! I don't have a craft room, just use the kitchen table but I got one of those large 13 x 13?? shelving units from Ikea and it holds everything. It has twenty five shelves and not to expensive. I used to have a small bookcase and it had everything piled high, now everything is spaced out and I know where everyting is, unless of course Hollie has pinched it. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Donna

  23. oh wow gorgeous card - love those flowers .. and lovely to see you craft space..
    Lisa x

  24. Gorgeous card Mina - Love the image and soft colours!

    Paula :D x

  25. I love your craft room Mina and your card is fab, love the touch of colour!

  26. Sorry you didn't get to Ikea. Perhaps Phil would have forgotten he wanted a chair but the time you get there! Great start on your craft room too, Mina. Lots of lovely stash to still go through!
    AND wonderful, beautiful, elegant card! Enjoy the rest of your Sunday! Hugs, Lesley

  27. oh wow Mina that is one stunning card really beautiful image,and the detail is just brilliant.
    Love your craft room Hun,really love the chair too,looks so comfy oh wish I had my craft room back really miss mine,to bits,hugs Cherylxxx

  28. oh wow Mina that is one stunning card really beautiful image,and the detail is just brilliant.
    Love your craft room Hun,really love the chair too,looks so comfy oh wish I had my craft room back really miss mine,to bits,hugs Cherylxxx

  29. Shame about Ikea but more time to plan what you want for next weekend.Beautiful card Mina, the soft colours are stunning and go lovely with the beautiful image.I love your craft space, we all need our space, mine is the dining room/craft room.Have a lovely Sunday.Love Debbie x

  30. Stunning card love the soft tones you have used thank you for joining us at crafty catz
    linda x

  31. What a stunning card! Love the image and colors. So sorry to hear your telephone broke down. Your crafty space looks great and I would love to rummage around in those stacks of paper. Wow, you have so many cards! I hope you can find a great destination for them. Hugs, Hanneke

  32. Hi Mina
    Such a beautiful card - your colouring amazes me every day!
    You lucky person to have your own room to craft in - I have to work on the kitchen table and tidy up after every crafting session! :(
    I always wondered what you did with the beautiful cards you make - and now I know! LOL!
    I'm sure I've seen a challenge blog somewhere that accepts cards for charity - I wish I could remember what it is!
    Love, Andrea xx

  33. This is the blog I was thinking of
    St Lukes Charity Card Challenge
    Love, Andrea xx

  34. Hi hun
    totally beautiful card, gorgeous image & colouring, luv all the sparkle, lovely papers & embelies, great craftroom pics, luv my space to hun, sue,x

  35. Your card is simply lovely. As they always are! And thanks for sharing your craft room with all of us. I wish mine was that tidy!

  36. What a beautiful cards Mina.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  37. so stunning mina.gorgeous pretty colours and details and i love the beautiful image :D
    love your craft room, its huge and there is plenty of room for me to move in,hehe :D

    xx coops xx

  38. Wonderful card, love the soft colors. Your craftroom is wonderful, thanks for sharing it with us.
    Blessings Bernie

  39. Just stunning Mina, lovely image and love the mixture of floral and checked paper and the colour choices.
    fab little craft area too. I have a whole room but I only use it as storage and craft in my family room so I can have tv on and spend time with hubby. It is also way too hot in there during summer.

  40. Hi Mina, Wow that image is stunning and the way you have coloured her is beautiful, I do love that gingham paper it's adorable.
    Thanks for showing us your craft room, it's great. I was just thinking about a tidy up myself yesterday , but didn't even get started, oh well tomorrow is another day lol. Hope you can get to that ikea store soon, that voucher is burning a hole in your pocket hehehe.
    Have a great day.
    Hugs Cheryl

  41. Stunning card, Mina! I love the softness and the gorgeous image! Enjoyed the peek at your craft space! Would sure love to rummage through your paper piles! I'm envious of your organization! My papers are strewn across the floor so I can barely make it to my desk!

  42. I love the soft neutrals on your card Mina!! The image and flowers really pop!! Stunning coloring!!

    I am envious of your craft space since right now I am working out of boxes due to our upcoming move.


  43. Good rule Mina - If it has wings, it must have glitter! I think that is a law, punishable by death if broken. Ha Ha. Very little coloring yet so very stunning.

    Thanks for showing your craft space. My fingers are just itching to go through those stacks of paper. I think I may be breaking out in hives, LOL.

    You should enter this in Sassy Cheryl's SMT blog.

    I am getting ready to post a pic of my oh so very messy desk.

    Hugs, Linda

  44. This card is absolutely beautiful Mina. And your room is gorgeous and sooooo tidy. And boy oh boy would I love to rummage through all that paper, lol. Lee x

  45. Hi Mina

    A gorgeous and beautiful card love the image and paper's,thankyou for joining us this week at CraftyCatz

    Hugs Dianne xx :)

  46. Hi Mina
    OH''this is a beauty of a card love the delicate coloring on here chum it is stunning.
    My craft room was also my daughters old bedroom, but I got rid off her bed as I needed the space it's not a large room, hope you get to Ikea soon then you can get your papers all organised, great idea with the wardrobe too.. your chair does look comfy!!
    Hugs Sarah x

  47. lovely card and great pictures, thanks for joining us at Crafty Catz

  48. Gorgeous cards, thanks for joining us at Papercrafting Journey xxx

  49. What a gorgeous card! Such stunning details! Thanks for joining us at MTMEPPS!


Thanks for leaving me a comment I love reading them and appreciate you taking the time
Mina xxx