Thursday, February 02, 2012

Steampunk Alice...

Good morning everyone, are you all staying warm?...I hope its not as cold where you are....oooohhhhh I cant wait for spring to peep through that's if it ever does here lol...I did manage a bit of blog hopping yesterday not as much as I wanted though, I would usually on a good night visit between 50 and 60 blogs (see I'm totally addicted) but last night only managed about 20 as its like running in the sea at the minuet my connection is sssssooooo slow its like surfing in slow motion...I think a slap on the legs for BT is needed again don't you...right now onto my card for today and its for our new challenge at Colour Create challenge, this time its our fabulous Shanna's choice and she chose White or Cream, Light Brown and Dark Brown with an added option of adding hearts, I love this combo don't you and its perfect for a vintage look...I used another of the new images from Wonderland stamps for my card, I love this gorgeous image don't you, I coloured her with distress inks and teamed her up with this amazing double sided Graphic45 paper from the Steampunk Debuntante collection called Mechanical Mind, I love Graphic45 don't you, I would love every single one of their papers and their embellishments, do you think they would give me a job lol...the little piece with the dragonfly on is another of their papers too called Botanicabella collection/Antiquity, I finished with some gorgeous Seam Binding 1/2 inch CROQUETTE BEIGE from the Pretty Little Ribbon Shop and a Prima metal flower and a charm...the fabulous sketch is from Mojo Monday and I'm also entering it for the Fab 'n' Funky challenge and the Creative Craft bingo challenge (Ribbon, Brown & Flower)...right I'm off out today I need some fresh air to clear out the cobwebs...whatever your up to today have a fantastic one and if you have time pop on over to Colour Create to have a look at our amazing teams makes...oh and btw The Pretty Little Ribbon shop still has a challenge on
Mina xxx


  1. Oh, Mina, Alice in this style I like more! The card is great! You chose a beautiful metal accents! And I look forward to spring! But ... this morning it is snowing again!

  2. Just gorgeous Mina. This colour combo is my absolute favourite.

  3. Lovely vintage look Mina, enjoy your walk! Ruby x

  4. Wonderful colour combo, beautiful card :o)
    Jackie xx

  5. Oh my goodness, what a fabulous card. I love the colour combo, you always have a knack of blending coluring and papers together. A fabulous image, she reminds me of my niece so maybe I might have to go shopping later!!
    Have woken up to a lovely sunny morning here, only our fourth dry day in a month! Global warming I think.
    Take care.
    Love Sheila x

  6. love the colour combo and those papers!I have crocus up but the snowdrops are still in bed here

  7. I'll be honest Mina - I really don't get Steampunk, but, having said that, you've played this one down beautifully and I think she's brilliant! Gorgeous colour scheme and Alice is looking mighty fine! Slow broadband? We have none at moment (so I'm getting to work early, how desperate is that) Hugs Sxx

  8. This is so pretty your going vintage...great coloring and a lovely flower!
    xxx Margreet

  9. This is fab Mina the shape is perfect for the image great colouring and that metal attchment is perfect. Enjoy your outing,
    Shopping and eye hospital for me.

  10. Marvellous card. Love the image and the marvellous backing paper.

  11. Hi Mina,fabulous card,love the colours and charms.Have a lovely day and thanks for your comment.
    Hugs Sue xx

  12. This is gorgeous Mina,so stylish in all the browns, and yes it's freezing here in Holland and everybody gets mad as we can probably go ice-skating in the next few days. I can not wait till spring arrives, just like you! Hugs Gemma

  13. Lost for words Mina STUNNING ! every inch ;0)

  14. I love your circular card, Mina! The image and the coours are wonderful, I don't normally 'go for' Steampunk but this is special!
    Diane x

  15. Wow! Simply fantastic! Fantastic coloring and great background.

  16. oh wow this is amazing .. i love it ! what more can i say?
    Lisa x

  17. Wow, great card! Love the colors and your coloring! I too hope spring will come soon! My birthday always falls just in spring (24 March) but a few years ago it was snowing madly then! Let's hope this year it will be nice and warm :). Hugs, Hanneke

  18. Morning hon

    Very elegant sophisticated image and card!

    Christine x

  19. Gorgeous Mina, I love how you let the paper work for you on this one. I love paper, my favorite medium.

  20. Hi Mina. Love the colours on your card. Great image and love the little flower clock charm. Donna

    P.S. I just prefer stamps to digis as I don't feel confident enough to use digis.

  21. Once again your image looks like a china doll. I wish I could come and take lessons from you. But it is a long way from my home in North Carolina to Ireland - oh woe is me!!
    I think you ought to write a how to book - or have you? I love your artwork and that is exactly what it is - art!

  22. what fantastic colouring and a great card mina,thanks so much for joining us at creative craft challenges in our bingo theme,
    hugs sandra Dt
    p.s we have a dt call open till
    21st feb for those who are interested in trying out. x

  23. Gorgeous card, Mina! I love the color combo and the beautifully colored image! Hope you are having a nice day!

  24. Now that's what I call a sophisticated card. The creams and browns are perfect.Stunning.Have a great day dearie.Love Debbie x

  25. Hi Mina! My internet's weird now, too, so having trouble seeing images. I love this card you made! Fab coloring and design - love the monochrome design!

  26. Wonderful card, love this vintage look wow ! This image is wonderful !
    Have a nice day, it's cold here too ! brrr !

  27. wowzzaaa Mina, so vintage and romantic.

  28. Mina, this turned out great!! I love how the corsette and dragonfly script piece are over the edge of the circles! You always colour so beautifully, too.

  29. Love this image, very well coloured and I just love that metal clock flower. Hugs ,Frea

  30. What a beautifull card.

    Hugs Monique

  31. Mina this card is really beautiful, I love the metal embellishment. Lee xx

  32. Wow, it's gorgeous Mina! Love the colours:)

  33. wow this is fantastic mina.i really love the image and your colours and shape are gorgeous ;D

    xx coops xx

  34. I nearly bought this image and then changed my mind! MISTAKE! Having seen your GORGEOUS make, Mina, I might have to go back to Gayle's again! And I was being so good when I was there last time! Hugs, Lesley

  35. Ohh'' a gorgeous make Mina you have coloured this image beautiful,
    isn't it freezing over here chum stay warm it's to get colder I think that's what the weatherman said :)
    Hugs Sarah x

  36. Such an elegant card. Thanks for joining us over at OSAAT.

    Janet, DT

  37. fab card, thanks for joining us at FnF :D

  38. Elegant, stunning, gorgeous! What more could I say? She is perfect.

  39. Its lovely Mina and these are some of my fav card colours stunning xxxxx

  40. Whether you are a Steampunk fan or not, this is gorgeous. Wow again on your coloring. I so need a lesson on hair. Very artsy and dramatic!

  41. This is fabulous Mina, love the colours...gorgeous.

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  42. This would look superb as a wall hanging. Love it x

  43. Wow!! this is gorgeous! Love the shape and image, its so different and love the embellies. xx

  44. Such an elegant card, so very vintage! Thanks for playing along with Fab N Funky this week!

  45. Stunning Mina - she suits these colours so well!! Hugs, Juliexx

  46. I just LOVE your clock flower embellishment--it's amazing! :) That image is fabulous--LOVE this!


Thanks for leaving me a comment I love reading them and appreciate you taking the time
Mina xxx