Tuesday, March 20, 2012

a touch of lace and loads of hair...

Good morning everyone I hope your all well and happy...well I finally got the food processor that my darling Phil wanted and I'm expecting some wonderful cooking creations to be made...so Phil will be a happy bunny, hes not the gadget person in the family, but he so loves to cook...I can see I'm going to have to sit on my Dad hes chomping at the bit to be driving again and I'm having to persuade him not too until he has had his check up just to make sure his sight is has improved enough...I had great fun yesterday afternoon colouring this amazing Make it Crafty image, isn't the hair just stunning and brilliant for people like me addicted to colouring...this gorgeous beauty is called Adele, of course I used my usual distress inks to colour her and I'm loving doing blonde hair atm, I love making the shadows darker and its not as hard as it look...honestly lol...I would do a tutorial but I'm absolutely rubbish at them and they take me forever to do...I teamed this gorgeous image up with some more of the amazing Prima 6x6" Paper Pad - Almanac I bought from Bunny Zoe's Crafts, lush lush pad...I finished my card with some stunning deep cotton lace I bought before Christmas and just found a couple of days ago and a couple of punched butterflies...the sketch I just made up as I went along but I'm entering this into the Use Your Stuff Challenge and the Creative card Crew challenge too...O still haven't got around to commenting on your blog yet, I'm so so sorry, bad blogger Mina and a slap on the wrist...I just haven't had the time as my DT work has been keeping me so busy, I think maybe something will have to give as I'm missing my blog hopping so much, well I'm off to my craftroom today to see how far ahead I can get to free up some time for a wee hop around tonight...whatever your up to today, if you see my Dad out in his car send him home please lol
Mina xxx
distress inks used
skin - antique linen, frayed burlap, tattered rose
hair - antique linen, grayed burlap
eyes - shabby shutters


  1. That is gorgeous Mina, just love that image and the beautiful soft colouring.

    Pam x

  2. oh just love this image Hun,and those amazing soft delicate colour tones hugs Cherylxxx

  3. Aww Mina I love her! This is just so gorgeous and coloured beautifully. Loving those papers too - so pretty! :) lol where has your dad gone?

  4. Good Morning Mina, glad to hear you had fun with Adele - she certainly has amazing hair!
    I love the papers you chose to go with her.

  5. This is fabulous. Love the soft pretty colour scheme and that image is so lretty, her hair looks so soft.

  6. Oh Mina, Mina, Mina! Not only is she gorgeous but your card is gorgeous too! I just love everything about this card! Judy x

  7. THis is so pretty and feminine ..
    Lisa x

  8. Gorgeous card Mina,she is very pretty.Lush paper and fab colours.
    Glad your Dad is feeling tons better and your Phil has his processor.
    Have a lovely day.
    Hugs Sue xx

  9. Wow! Mina - the card is amazing...

  10. Очаровательная открыточка!!!

  11. Love your gorgeous card Mina.

  12. What a beautiful lady!!! Have a sunny day, Colinda

  13. So very pretty, and everything about it is perfect.
    Chris xxx

  14. This is so pretty Mina gorgeous hair and yourve chosen the right background to set her off and the lace.Enjoy your day.

  15. OMG Mina this is amazing!
    XXX Heidy

  16. Stunning Mina, she is a real beauty.

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  17. Ooooo, Mina, she's gorgeous, you've coloured her fantastic!
    Jo x

  18. Stunning creation hon.... love all that hair!

    Christine x

  19. Oh Mina that is stunning and your colouring is just impecable, and those papers are gorgeous.
    Sorry your dad is impatient to be driving again, hope it wont be to long for him. hugs Shirleyxxx

  20. oh wow.love this mina.fantastic image and your colours are so beautiful :D

    xx coops xx

  21. love the soft colours on this sweet cartd, Those papers are just a big must have! lol

  22. Wgat a lovely card. Nice stamp and nice colors you used.

    Hugs AStrid.

  23. Gorgeous card, Mina! I love the light colors and papers! Your coloring of the wonderful image is extraordinary! Have a good day!

  24. Gorgeous card lovely,
    beautiful design and her hair is so pretty! I would love to see a tut by you :)
    Love, Mel. xxx

  25. Sooo beautiful. Your coloring are so wonderful!

  26. Stunning card, look at all that hair! I used to have that much too, I kind of miss it.....

  27. Just Lovely !!!!
    i have bought antoher stamp (anastasia) but i think that i will buy Adele too ! She's wonderful !
    Love your papers !

  28. fab, fab, fab Mina, beautifully coloured. Happy cooking Phil and slow down Dad

  29. I for one would love for you to do a tutorial! I love how you color and today's card is exceptionally beautiful!

  30. Ooohh it's soooo beautiful!!!

    gr. arjette.

  31. How gorgeous is this!
    Thanks for playing along with the Use Your Stuff challenge this week.

  32. This image was just made for you! You are the Queen of hair coloring in my book! It always comes out just awesome when you do it. I so envy you that talent! Gorgeous card!

  33. Hi Mina, Your coloring of the images throughout your blog is totally gorgeous. Love the soft pastels. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and becoming a follower. So glad to have you and I hope you will be back again soon...."Hugs"

  34. Hi Mina, oh my goodness your card is beautiful, love the image! Hope you have a great day.
    Hugs Cheryl

  35. So beautiful. Amazing that you used distress inks to colour your image. Thanks for joining us on UYS blog.

  36. she is so pretty!!!!!!!!!!

  37. The card is beautiful and the image is really perfect...

  38. OOh shes so beautiful Mina and her skin looks real I love this card xxxx

  39. Gorgeous just gorgeous Mina, love that hair..xx

  40. Fabulous colouring! Love the lace
    Thanks for joining us at the Creative Card Crew challenge #6
    Margaret DT

  41. Gorgeous Image Mina and your colouring is as amazing as always.
    Don't you squish your poor Dad sitting on him :O xx

  42. wwwwoooooooooooooowzie, tht is a stunner, I luuuuuuuuuuv this card!!
    Hgus, Alessandra

  43. Unless I come here every day, I do so struggle to keep up! Lots of loveliness, Mina, and this one is charming! Gorgeous papers and beautiful colourwork. Hugs, Lesley


Thanks for leaving me a comment I love reading them and appreciate you taking the time
Mina xxx