Saturday, May 12, 2012


Hi everyone I hope your having a fantastic weekend...we are having a resting one as we are still shattered from our little was a great day out but you wouldn't want to do it every week...ooohhhh I forgot to tell you while we were out and about we called into Aldi (would you believe Northern Ireland doesn't have Aldi), I had heard their moisturiser is excellent so decided while we thereabout I would get some, boy did I buy a lot lol...anyway I was sitting in the car and said I had never thought to smell it as strong artificial smells like perfume give me severe I pulled the top of it and the whole thing came away in my hand, I was covered from head to foot in cream...and it went all over the dashboard and window should have seen Phil's face lol...its a good thing I have a sense of humour isn't it...anyway enough waffle, who fancies the chance to win 20 metres of my lush ribbons I use the photo dosent do them justice at all (these are the ones I use myself not ones I wont use, including loads of checks and gingham's you have seen on my cards lately too), over the last few weeks every time I bought ribbons I bought an extra metre to give away so I have amassed 20 metres to give to what do you need to do

you don't need to be a follower but of course I would love it if you wanted too and
you liked my work enough to
put a link in Mr Linky AND leave me a comment
add a link and the photo on your blog (sidebar is fine)
even if your not too keen on ribbon (shock horror) tell all fellow ribbon freaks about it so they can join in
well that's it really, its open worldwide and you have until Midnight Saturday 19th May and I will announce the winner on the 20th
well that's me for today I will speak to you all tomorrow and good luck with the ribbon candy
Mina xxx


  1. Thanks for the chance to win Mina!

  2. Gorgeous ribbons, Mina! Thank you so much for the chance to win them!

  3. Ooo..yummy Mina...thank you so much for the chance to win your lush ribbons..gorgeous.

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  4. Delish on the lushious Ribbons thanks for the chance hugs Nikki C

  5. Hi Mina! What a beautiful assortment of ribbons. :-) Thanks so much for the chance to win them!

  6. Literally crazy over ribbons. Thanks for the chance Mina.

  7. I love ribbons!!!
    Thanks for the chance, Mina :)
    A big hug,


  8. Hi Mina,
    Your moisturiser story was hilarious lol probably not so funny at the time hehe. I can't believe N. Ireland doesn't have Aldi! Normally N.Ireland has everything that we don't down south. I live in Co.Westmeath and travel across the border to Newry every month just to go to Sainsburys and often head up to Belfast and never noticed the lack of Aldi lol I love Aldi, even picked up some "purple cows" (dunno if you have heard of that company,they used to be on Create and Craft) craft tools in there one time!!
    Anyways enough waffle from me lol thanks so much for the chance to enter for these gorgeous ribbons :)
    Fiona L x

  9. Who doesn't love ribbon???
    Thanks for the chanse to win some great ribbon :)
    Hugs, Lena Katrine

  10. Thanks for the chance Mina these are delish!!!!! xxx

  11. WOW how gorgeous,can`t have enough ribbon!
    Well how smooth are you today!Skin as smooth as a babies bum!LOL.
    Hope you have a good day,be careful when opening things today.If in doubt can you get Phil to be on standby with the camera!
    Take care Kelly.

  12. Thanks for the chance to win these gorgeous ribbons Mina!! Have a great Sunday!!
    Hazel xx

  13. Ooooh gorgeous ribbon - where would we be without ribbon!!?!!

    Thanks for the chance to win.


  14. Oh no, what a disaster with the cream love the beautiful card below.

  15. Oh Hun,I love ribbon,and my stash is really low and these are amazing,colours, bless you for the chance to win Hun,love hugs Cherylxxxx

  16. Gorgeous ribbon :)
    Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for the chance to win!

  17. Oh dear, what a nightmare with the cream. I can just imagine my hubby's face if I did that lol.
    Thanks for the chance to win some gorgeous ribbons.

  18. OOH I love Ribbon, can never have enough!!! Thanks for a chance to win!! HUgsxx

  19. thanks for the chance to win some scrummy ribbon, hope the cream smelt nice heard rave reviws about aldi cream but not tried it angxxxx

  20. oh lol - your story reminds me of a friend who got a powder puff for Christmas .. we opened our presents in a pub at the dinner table .. she pulled off the top of the tin and yes.. you guessed it .. powder everywhere!!
    At least the car will smell nice and be lovely and smooth lol
    Lisa x

  21. Such wonderful ribbon. Thank you for the chance to win.

  22. Thanks for the chance, Mina.
    Tine :)

  23. Oh Mina you really are accident prone! I hope you managed to save some moisturiser though and that it is as good as you've heard!
    I love your ribbon giveaway - please count me in your draw.
    Have a wonderful Sunday!
    Love, Andrea xx

  24. your new follower. Joined this crafting world a few days back. will be a great aid for newcomers to play with. Thanks for the chance to win.

  25. The ribbons looks absolutely stunning Mina, thanks for the chance to win the.
    Loved your saga with the face cream. I use Aldi products, however the anti wrinkle cream does'nt get rid of my wrinkles as quickly as I hoped.... thats the problem with wrinkles that are years old and weathered by the sun!!! Ha Ha... Wishful thinking I guess.

    Take care

    Love Sheila x

  26. Thank You Mina for this opportunity to win this lovely Blog Candy

  27. How fabulous,thanks for this Mina.
    Hus Sue xx

  28. I couldn't help but smile at the thought of you and your husband's car covered in your new moisturizer! Thanks for the chance Mina x

  29. ohhhh yes, yes, i love ribbons, thanks dear for the chance to win xx

  30. Hi Mina,
    ooh that heap of ribbon looks lush!i love how you use ribbon on your cards when i try it never looks as bows are rubbish lol
    Thanks for the chance :) x

  31. Oh wow Mina lots of lovely ribbons, thanks for the chance to win them. hugs Shirleyxxx

  32. Thanks for a chance to win some gorgeous ribbon Mina. Thanks for sharing the story about the moisturiser - usually it me that gets covered in the contents of jars and tins when I open them (especially on 'planes for some reason) glad to know I'm not alone! Jo x

  33. Oh I do so love ribbon!! Had a good giggle over your moisturiser never did say if it was scented....hope not!

  34. Now that's what I call lush ribbon Mina, gorgeous.Loved your story - you do get into some scrapes.Thank you for the chance to win dearie.Hugs Debbie x

  35. oh, you are so generous. that red ribbon looks just luscious. they all look great the red one just catches my fancey. thanks for the chance to win.

  36. Is there ever a day without something crazy happening Mina??? My Ben would have freaked out with me and the car covered in moisterizer (we once had that with icecream and he was soooooo not amused so whenever I eat/drink/open something I know what's coming LOL!!!!).
    All those, yeah I would love to have them, so thanks for the chance!!!

    Hugs, Irene

  37. How can anyone not love ribbon lol. Gorgeous candy Mina and thank you for the chance of winning. Hope you still have some cream in the tube left x Susan x

  38. Did you say, "Ribbon Freak"? Well I know I qualify for this one ha ha. Beautiful ribbon, I can just feel their richness. Thanks for the opportunity Mina. Hugs,Linda

  39. ooooh ribbons - who doesn't love ribbons? honestly?! thanks for the chance to win hun. Just to let you know I have followers candy over in my little part of the web if you want to pop over x

  40. What yummy yummy candy Mina, I won't enter this time though seems I won your super big candy last week.
    I will post it on my side Bar though for others to see. :)
    Huge Hugs Mau xx
    will let you know as soon as my stamp comes xx

  41. of course I will become a follower. I just stumbled across your blog and now you'll never get rid of me. ahahah your new stalker.
    Lots of great things here.
    those ribbons are gorgeous. who in the world doesnt like ribbon? I know I do. thanks for the chance to win some have a great sunday

  42. Hiya Mina! I've linked it up in my sidebar ~ what gorgeous ribbons! Luv the colors :)

  43. Ribbon, ribbon, ribbon!!! How can anyone not want more ribbon? (shock, horror, disbelief!) Had to laugh about your least the dash won't get cracks! I'm with you on strong smells, esp. perfume, give me blazing headaches. Nothing worse than being stuck in the elevator with somebody who took a bath in the darn stuff! Thanks for the chance,

  44. Beautiful ribbons!
    Thank you for the chance.

  45. What a beautiful ribbon. Thank you so much for the chance to win.

    Hugs AStrid.

  46. Hi, Mina!
    I am your new follower :) You create so beautiful cards that I will be visiting you with pleasure!
    Thank you for your candy!

  47. Oooh! yes please Mina!!!! yummy lush ribbon!.I had to laugh at your misadventure with the cream i could just picture it! lol!!!

  48. Just discovered you blog. All of your cards are stunning a great inspitations. Thanks CLairex

  49. Such a nice prize !! Tahnks Mina for the chance to win ! :-))

  50. Who wouldn't want ribbon Mina....can't even get my head round, I'm off to link up and thanks so much for a chance to

  51. Wonderful ribbons! Thanks for the chance to win these:)I'm your new happy follower,because I looked some of your creations,they are so beautiful,pretty colours,papers,cute and sweet image,some details I like:)
    If you visit my blog,leave a comment you like my cards,I'll very happy.

  52. First time I have visited your blog, beautiful cards, lovely candy! I'll be checking you out again. Very inspiring.

  53. Gorgeous ribbon Mina, thank you for the chance.

    Pam x

  54. Thanks for the chance to win those lush ribbons. xx

  55. Ooooo, all that lovely ribbon!Thanks for the chance to win!
    Hugs Jo x

  56. Hi Lush ribbon what else could a crafty lady want ??? Thank you for being so generous ;0)

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. Thanks for the chance to win these nice ribbons Mina!

  59. Now who doesn't like ribbon!!! I love it! Thanks so much for offering some to us.

  60. Mina it is nice to see your from Ireland as my grandfather was from there as well. would love to visit someday. Oh not sure what the linky is but I have become a follower. My blog is come over and visit I just started it a few weeks ago and have a long way to go to be done but visit anyway please and follow me as well.


Thanks for leaving me a comment I love reading them and appreciate you taking the time
Mina xxx