Tuesday, October 02, 2012

who's fault?...

Good morning everyone I hope your all well and having a brilliant week...I'm feeling just a little bit better today thank goodness...I meant to ask all your opinion yesterday, one evening on holiday I got all dressed up and wore my best dress but was in a hurry leaving so grabbed everything and rushed out...now who's fault is this, I'm sitting sipping a mojito and put my hand up to my ear because my earring felt like it was falling out only to discover I had on odd earrings...now I don't just mean different colours, shape, weight, style and colour, I mean the whole lot lol...now I maintain this is Phil's fault a. because he made me rush out mid earring putting in and b. because he was the one sitting looking at me and never even noticed lol...I wonder how many women noticed and thought I was either a nutter or someone starting a new fashion (yeah right)...and men say they take notice of us lol...right now onto my card for today which is using another Mo's Digital Pencil beauty...this little sweetheart is called Bekka with Challah, isn't she just stunning...I coloured her with distress inks and used some of the stunning papers from the Prima 6x6" Paper Pad - Romance Novel pad...I love this beautiful pad I bought from Bunny Zoe's Crafts...I just noticed when I was uploading my photos that the bow I used had been a bit floppy and covered her head, sods law isn't it when your pleased with the hair colouring that it ends up covered lol...the gorgeous metal frame is from the great Tim Holtz of course and the sentiment inside was cut from the same pad as the papers...I'm entering this for the Card Makin Mamas challenge, The Crafty Bloggers challenge and the Lollipop Crafts challenge...I'm finding it really hard to catch up atm but will hopefully have a crafting day today and something nice to eat at long last...wish me luck with both I need it lol...whatever your up to today have a brilliant one
Mina xxx

distress ink colours used 
skin - antique linen, frayed burlap, tattered rose
hair, frayed burlap
scarf, dress trim and shoes - crushed olive
dress & ribbons in hair - tattered rose
tights - antique linen


  1. Yep! Defiantly Phil's fault I would say!
    Gorgeous card Mina, beautiful colours.
    Hope you feel better soon.

    Pam x

  2. Oh she is gorgeous Mina.

  3. Beautiful as always Mina!!
    XXX Heidy

  4. Another gorgeous card Mina, and it's definitely Phil's fault :o)
    Jackie xx

  5. Oh she is so cute and love the backing papers a really pretty card.Yep Phils fault like it was mine when hubby left his walking stick hanging on the supermarket trolley lol Enjoy your day

  6. She is a darling Mina, gorgeous colouring,such a beautiful card.. and not too long ago I wore a pearl stud in one ear, and a gold stud in the other, and every client I went to said to me, do you know you have odd earrings in, well, by the time I got home I did...lol..

    luv CHRISSYxx

  7. Gorgeous card Mina, and yes another vote for Phil's fault here. Debs xx

  8. Super beautiful card Mina^_^
    Love the paper and the sweet image^_^

  9. Yep! I would blame Phil too.
    Gorgeous card Mina,love your beautifuly coloured image.
    Hope you fell loads better soon.
    Hugs Sue xx

  10. beautiful card Mina - I wouldn't worry about fault though - life's too short! Hugs rachel xx

  11. Fab card Hun and a very cute image I always enjoy reading your little stories and antics they make me smile.

    Hugs Wendy

  12. Gorgeous card Mina! The colours are so beautiful :) Definitely not your fault ;) hehe :)

    Tags xx

  13. beautiful card Mina, love the sweet image!

  14. Hey, at least the bow is a very similar color to the hair. And it doesn't really cover up that much.

    Hope you feel better soon.

  15. Oh dear Mina, never mind you could always say you were meant to wear odd earings. I love your card its just gorgeous, shes such a little cutie, and those papers look just perfect. hugs Shirleyxxx

  16. So beautiful card Mina,I love the image and the colours.
    So gorgeous papers.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  17. You have coloured her beautifully, Mina and she looks perfect with those pretty papers and lush bow! The only thing that would have improved it and made it more trendy is if you had given her one pink and one green pearl earring - perhaps one a dangle and one a stud! Hugs, Lesley

  18. Hi Mina, You also have to wonder how many women knew, without a doubt, what had happened..lol....not ot worry, at least you were on holiday and had a drink in your hand...

    Love that sweet card, so cute.xx

  19. so stunning mina.your bow is lush and gorgeous image and papers ;D
    lol to your earrings.when i went to meet my inlaws for the first time, it was at a family party and i thought i looked fab until me and now hubby went to play a game of pool and i noticed i had odd shoes on, both black suede but one had a huge suede bow on the top.lol :D

    xx coops xx

  20. Too funny, Mina! Of course it's all darling Phil's fault, lol. Glad that you're feeling a bit better. Sweet card, lovely coloring, hair and all!

  21. A great Card Mina, you are so hard on yourself xx
    hope you are improving xxxxxx
    Hugs Mau xx
    Phils fault...lol

  22. I would say Hubby,s fault they have a habit of rushing you out, then say well you should have been ready.
    Great card as always Mina, glad to hear you are feeling better, i don't know how you manage to keep up with all the cards, it seems to take me all day to do 1 at the moment.

    caroline xx

  23. Beautiful card!
    Thanks so much for joining us at CMM. DT Member Shannon/Shannon83k

  24. Very cute card, love the image thanks for joining us over at the CBN Challenge this month,
    CBN DT

  25. What a stunning card. So lovely. I like the softness of colors and that image is absolutely gorgeous. Also love the CAS style design like Plastic Card, which make the card POP. Thanks for sharing.

  26. Captivating card with eye pleasing shade and the way you embellish it inspires me a lot..can you guide me how can i design inspirational Plastic cards like that....


Thanks for leaving me a comment I love reading them and appreciate you taking the time
Mina xxx