Friday, November 16, 2012

look what we adopted...

Good morning everyone sorry I'm so late, I decided to wait until this morning to photograph my card and duh wouldn't you know it my batteries are completely plan B and I decided to show you what I bought instead or should that be know how excited we have been about spending our first Christmas in our new house and together well we decided to put up two trees instead of one (told you we are like a couple of kids in a sweet shop lol) we have been hunting for traditional tree decorations for our 'kitchen tree' and found these amazing robins being made by my friend Naomi, aren't they just stunning, they are felted and so beautifully made too...would you believe these are only £2.50 each (I paid for these they werent freebies I promise you), we were looking at some felt ornaments at the weekend and they were £5-7.50 each and not as gorgeous as these, I must admit (slapped wrists Mina) I thought at that price they would look homemade or be tiny but I hang my head in shame for thinking that, they are so professional and a brilliant size and how well do they match our kitchen too... so we have our first ornaments for our kitchen tree, we just need about 30 more I reckon lol...hurry up Naomi and make something else...I'm going to make some rustic ornaments myself so watch this the meantime you can see what Naomi has's the direct link to the Robins too...right I will be back a bit later when my camera is all go so speak to you then
Mina xxx


  1. Mina these robins are gorgeous. Caroline xxx

  2. Mina, they're fab and match your teapot perfectly! thank you for the tip, I contacted Naomi on Etsy :)

  3. Gorgeous Robins Mina, I love the red tea pot too
    HUGZ Fleur xXx

  4. this look gorgeous Mina. I bet that will look beautiful as a decoration. hugs! mojca

  5. These are soooo cute. I'm completely dying to get my decorations up. Am resisting until December though :) x Jo @ T4T

  6. I love robins and these are brilliant well done to your friend.

  7. What a great find and soooooo nice with those other warm red items, cozy Mina!!!

    xx Irene

  8. These little robinsa re just gorgeous!!! I can imagine them on a tree with some large rusty red jungle bells used for decorations.
    I hope you find some more perfect ornaments for that special tree.

  9. awww they are adoarble.

    Hugs Sue

  10. Aw, it's so lovely how excited you both are about your first Christmas in the new house Mina!! The robins are absolutely gorgeous, love them! You've just reminded me that I have some wooden snowflakes for decorating somewhere in my long forgotten stash lol! hugs, Jane xxx

  11. Love those robins Mina! Sounds like you're gonna have a fantastic Christmas in your new home. I've promised Miss Rebecca we'll put our tree up on Dec 1st.....I can't wait!
    Hugs Jo x

  12. The birds are very cute and they look so soft.
    Hugs Sinikka

  13. Mina
    Love the little birds - but the teapot - love it!! Looking forward to more decorating pictures of your new home. Much happiness always - Big Hugs and many blessings

  14. Hello Ive just been going through my blog list and thought I'd pop by and say hi...have a lovely weekend..Lorsx

  15. so gorgeous mina.i saw these on naomi`s blog and they are stunning and cheap as chips too :D

    xx coops xx

  16. Off to check out what she has on her blog. These will be perfect on your kitchen tree.


Thanks for leaving me a comment I love reading them and appreciate you taking the time
Mina xxx