Thursday, December 13, 2012

A message from Phil...

Good morning everyone ...again.... are you all well and having fun with Christmas yet, or is the stress getting to you?...Yes finally I have managed to upload some photos I wanted to show you today, today is a very hard day for me its the anniversary of my Mums death and I always find it a bit hard to create for today so thought you wouldnt mind Phil message and our tree photos my Mum had a super wicked sense of humour Im sure she would love this photo of Phil...he said he wanted to send you all Christmas wishes and I was to apologise for his lack of velvet jacket and cravat but they were in the wash lol...the photo below is of our living room Christmas tree, please note we still dont have curtains yet....ooohhhh we so need to get our fingers out after Christmas and get the house finished...not too much waffling today and I will leave you in peace to enjoy your day
Mina xxx


  1. Tree looks lovely Mina and Merry christmas to Phil too although Im not posing for my wishes lol
    hugs from me

  2. Hi Mina
    Your tree does look lovely and so does your fireplace. I love Phil's Merry Christmas pose!
    Big hugs to you - it is the anniversary of my mother-in-law's death tomorrow, so my hubby is not feeling on top of the world at the moment so I'll need to be giving him plenty of hugs!
    Love, Andrea xx

  3. Lovely tree and handsome're a lucky lady! Hang in there today Mina, cuddle from Holland, Irene

  4. A very pretty tree, Mina, and I love how you have decorated Phil with those letters. He may, at some point want to put his arms down though! I know what it's like to have lost an adored parent and my thoughts are with you today! Hugs, Lesley

  5. Oh wow Mina that is one gorgeous tree well done you, and Phil is looking very festive to. hugs Shirleyxxx

  6. I think the house is shaping up beautifully...I don't like curtains so i left my blinds bare...the last couple of houses i did pulmut boards on top with a sort of fancy molding at the top...this house i have kept the white wood blinds kids always bug me that i need curtains!!!
    You tree looks fabulous and the living room and mantle look like that room is finished!!! Love the elegant wallpaper!

  7. Your tree looks gorgeous, Mina and Phil is looking very festive! Thinking of you on this difficult day and sending you big hugs.

  8. Thinking of you and your dat on this day.
    Phil is cool, so funny shot ! And superb Christmas tree !

  9. lovely pictures, and Phill looks good, realy in the mood for christmas, big hugs for you both xx

  10. Great photos Mina, love the tree and a lovely Christmas message from your thoughts are with you today...take care..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  11. oh love your pics... the tree is fab and Phil is even fabber lol
    Thinking of you
    Lisa x

  12. Great pictures Mina and thinking of you on this difficult day!!
    XXX Heidy

  13. Thinking of you today sweetie.Lovely message from Phil - bless him.You take care and remember you're among friends.Here if you need me.Hugs Debbie x

  14. Waht pretty pictures and just love the gorgeous three. Thinking of you on this difficute day. hugs! Nojca

  15. So this is your amazing hubby! He's quite handsome but you shouldn't tell him so & give him a big head! I'm glad you have him to help you thru this day. Hugs!

  16. Hugs to you and yours and a very Merry Christmas to you and a Big thank you for the many inspirations that you have given me over the past year.

  17. your tree looks gorgeous mina and fabulous pic of phil, he`s a star.sending you hugs.

    xx coops xx

  18. Didn't pop in yesterday, Mina so I just saw this post. Wouldn't life be grand if we could always keep those we love alive and with us? The pain you are feeling is a testament to all the love you and your Mom shared. To be loved like you were loved is the real blessing. You will be together again so keep all those precious memories close to your heart. Hugs to you and that special guy you married.

  19. Beautiful Tree Mina and Merry Christmas to you and Phil.

  20. Merry Christmas Mina & Phil and a Happy new Year, time heals all but never forgotten, and love your Christmas tree Hugs xx

  21. Phil is looking very festive here & your tree is lovely. Hugs to you Mina!
    Hugs, Renee

  22. Lovely pictures Mina, and chin up - no one can take your happy memories, and I'm sure your mum would want you to be happy to remember her, not sad that she's gone...easier said than done I know, but try to think of all the good memories she gave you.

    Hugs from Tags xx

  23. Hi Mina, sorry just catching up on posts but I thought of you on and off all day on the 13th. Our mums are so missed and so precious. An extra Big Hug for your dear Dad xxxxxx
    Love the tree and pic of Phil, Thanks Phil, you are a handsome man :) no wonder Mina loves you to bits.... or is cause you can cook xxxxxxx
    Hugs Everyone xxMau


Thanks for leaving me a comment I love reading them and appreciate you taking the time
Mina xxx