Wednesday, December 19, 2012

altogether now.....Santa clause is coming to town...

Good morning your singing in your head now lol...isn't it amazing that when you get your head in the 'mode' you can get more done in one morning than you have in the month before...I got loads of the extras for Christmas done yesterday I was like a woman on a mission stotting from shop to shop, lists in hand ticking things off as I went and whoosh before you knew it finished what I had to do, I still have a bit to do but didn't have the lists with me lol, I'm one of those people that makes lists for everything or I would remember nothing at all...I kinda wished I had the rest with me I'm sure I would have got the whole lot finished...well we finally managed to get our Daughters car fixed it would have been cheaper to buy her a new one lol, well that's a bit of an exaggeration but you know what I mean...we said we would get it fixed for her Christmas present as she needs her car but it seems strange just having little things to put under the tree for her...mind Phil says my idea of 'little things' and other peoples are totally different things and most people would call my 'little things' main presents...well shes our only child and is meant to be spoilt don't you think lol...right now onto my card for today and Santa has finally arrived, I just realised the other day I hadn't used a Santa image for a card this year, well that had to be rectified asap so here's the fabulous happy gorgeous Skating Santa...isn't he brilliant, look at that face...hes by Rick St Dennis...I coloured him with distress inks and glittered him up to within an inch of his life lol...the amazing papers are a sheet from Cosmo Cricket's Dear Mr Claus range and is called Santa's Letters...I love the stripe side combined with the ornaments side don't you...see this is why I love double sided papers they go together so well and you don't even have to think about it...I finished with a thin red ribbon and attached a ribbon bow to one of the baubles cut from the paper...I have no idea where the sketch is from I found it in an old notebook and liked it so used it, if anyone knows tell me so I can give them credit please...I'm entering this for The Pretty Little Ribbon challenge, House of Gilli challenge and the Sweet Stampin challenge too...I'm off to finish the rest of my lists today while I'm on a roll...whatever your up to today have a good one
Mina xxx
p.s. I just remembered the sketch is from Sunday Sketch & Stamp challenge

distress ink colours used
skin - antique linen, frayed burlap, tattered rose, spun sugar
shading - pumice stone
boots, belt & gloves - black soot
suit and hat - fired brick


  1. Mina, the santa is adorable and the layout is as always gorgeous. Caroline xxx

  2. Adorable and gorgeous card Mina.

  3. Lovely!
    No one can use papers like you.
    Hugs Chris x

  4. Lovely card Mina one of those cards that puts a smile on your face.

  5. This is gorgeous Mina, fabulous Santa image.
    Merry Christmas to you & your family.
    Wendy xx

  6. Wonderful card Mina, as always. Wishing you and your family a merry christmas. Hugs Val xxx

  7. Oh so funny Santa, love your card Mina !

  8. Beautiful card ^_^ Funny image ^_^
    Big hug,

  9. Oh your card is so cute and I love the cute santa image, he is just full of joy. And I totally understand you abaut lists, I don't go anywhere without them :)))) Hugs! Mojca

  10. Fantastic colouring Mina, and such a great image..he is so jolly.

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  11. oh love this mina.he ia fantastic santa and your colours are gorgeous :D

    xx coops xx

  12. Awww this is gorgeous, love it. thank you for joining us at Sweet Stampin this week and good luck xx

  13. Love your creation Mina and your colouring is always an inspiration.

    It's lovely to see you at Pretty Little Ribbons challenge this month, thanks so much to joining in.

    B x

  14. oooh ooh oooh Miss, this is mine, Miss!! Received your fabulous card today Mina- and it is just so awesome- LOVE your colouring! Loved my ribbons too, thank you! Hugs, Juliexx

  15. Such a fun card! Thanks for joining us at Sweet Stampin' this week :) Helen x

  16. Hi Mina
    I love this Santa! Reminds me of our ice skating experience last weekend - my skates were glued to the ice though and my hands glued to the side of the rink. The children had fun though, and Richard enjoyed his Faggots in Gravy in the restaurant while we were on the ice. ha ha!
    Love, Andreaxx

  17. WOW this is a christmas card and a half. The father christmas image is just amazing and sums up the fun that we have at christmas and also his personality LOL!

    Thank you for joining in with our free sketch challenge at Sunday Sketch & Stamp.
    Claire (DT)

  18. I have to tell you how good your coloring is on this Santa. I know I always tell you that, but the Red, Black and shading is phenomenal. They are so hard to do too. Love it Mina.

  19. I saw this in the flesh, Mina, and it's a beauty! Hugs, Lesley


Thanks for leaving me a comment I love reading them and appreciate you taking the time
Mina xxx