Sunday, January 27, 2013


Good morning everyone...are you all having a fabulous weekend...ours has been really quiet...the only thing we did yesterday was to go shopping for food for today's lunch...the whole family are coming for the Sunday lunch works...roast beef, yorkshire puds, mash and roast spuds, carrot's, sprouts and cauliflower and our world famous gravy (well I have mentioned on here its a food group on its own so that technically makes it world famous lol)...I love family Sunday lunches...we also went to get my lovely Dad a new vacuum cleaner as his twenty year old one has finally given up the here's a tale of never send two men to do what one woman can...when we got it out of the box the front wasn't attached and no matter how hard they tried they couldn't get it connected...short tempers I reckon, they were getting frustrated at it...of course it doesn't help when I walk over and with a couple of clicks get it attached does it lol...right now its candy time again...I meant to do this last Sunday as its for my Birthday but its better late than never...who fancies a shopping trip to Bunny Zoe's Crafts the?

my candy is a £10 gift certificate to Bunny Zoe's Crafts so you can buy what you what do you need to do then?

you must be a follower to join in and, now as much as I love my followers to bits...please don't be a candy follower...follow because you want to come back
leave me a link in the Mr Linky AND post a comment
post the picture and spread the word on your blog (sidebar is fine)
this is open worldwide and is open until the midnight (GMT) on the10th February
Good luck everyone you will love spending at Bunny Zoe's

enjoy the rest of your weekend and whatever you up to have fun
Mina xxx


  1. Happy belated(?) birthday!
    It´s fun what you tell about women and men doing the same things... for my husband and myself the funny thing is ironing, what I can do in a few minutes, it takes him lots of time!!!!!!
    Hugs, and thanks for the chance (although #1 is not to lucky)

  2. Hi Mina
    So sorry Happy Birthday hope you had a fabulous day and thank you for the chance
    Hugs Dianne xx :)

  3. Late happy birthday.
    Your lunches sound cosy - hope you'll have fun.
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  4. Happy Belated Birthday Mina. Hope you had a wonderful day.
    Thanks for the chance to win. Now off to do the link on my sidebar.
    Kathleen x

  5. Hi Mina - Sunday Lunch sounds good but not as good as a £10 shop at Bunny Zoe's - thanks for the chance! Will pop your candy in my sidebar! Hugs xx

  6. Late happy birthday!!
    Thanks for nice candy. I linked it on sidebar.

  7. Happy belated birthday Mina! Thanks for the chance to win your great candy, enjoy your lunch. Hugs Christine x

  8. Why did we all miss your B-Day???????? Many congrats and best wishes for the rest of the year Mina and thanks for the candy!!

    xx Irene

  9. Happy Birthday MINA :***

    Sto lat POZDRAWIAM

  10. joyeeux anniversaire en retard !!!

  11. great way to celebrate your belated birthday, Mina...I love to join in...did you see my blogcandy??
    xxx Margreet

  12. Happy birthday to you Mina.
    Thank you for the chance.

    Hugs Astrid.

  13. Thanks so much for the cj=hance to win your birthday candy Mina. Did you have to show the men how to use the vacuum cleaner as well? xx

  14. Thank you so much Mina for the chance to win this voucher..I'm sure I wished you a Happy Birthday, but lets throw in another one cause you are special...Happy Birthday to you....

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  15. Thanks for the chance to win Mina, I hope you have a lovely birthday.

    Jo x

  16. Hi Mina, hope you had a wonderful birthday! Thanks for a chance at this candy, I'm in a bit of a craft shopping frenzy at the moment, so I certainly know what I would do with that gift certificate!

  17. Many happy returns Mina!!! Gorgeous candy offering, hope you're keeping well, love the hoover antics. Ruby x

  18. Thanks for the chance to win and happy birthday! I went to my boyfriend's house (he lives far away) last week, where he lives with three other guys, so of course the first thing i had to do was clean, and they had obviously never used the hoover, because i turned it on, was happily hoovering away, turned around and the room was full of nasty-smelling blue smoke haha, unplugged the hoover and couldn't move it cos it was too hot to even touch :P and the same thing happened with them, putting the new one together, three men faffing about, i amble in and get it going in 30 seconds lol :P

    enjoy your sunday lunch :)

    Tags xx

  19. Happy Belated birthday sweetie. I am a Jan baby too. We are the best aren't we? Lol!!! Thank you so much for the chance to win this voucher.


  20. Hi, I am a relatively new follower and just love your cards. I have learned so much from you in such a short time. I always look forward to reading your post every day. Any ways I got off track sorry.
    I always loved Sunday dinners too. When my grandmother was alive we wood go to church then I would help her cook a big feast. Those where the days.

  21. Wow great candy Mina and thanks for the chance to win. Hope you had a lovely birthday and enjoyed your family meal last Sunday. It sounded yummy!

    Hope you had a lovely family Sunday lunch today.

    Kat xx

  22. Thank you so much for the chance at your birthday candy, Mina! Enjoy your day with your family!

  23. Hi Mina,

    Hope you had a fabby day and Happy Belated Birthday wishes too,

    Luv Sam x

  24. Thank you Mina - twice. Once for this lovely candy and once for passing on my issue yesterday! Hugs, Lesley

  25. Happy Birthday, Mina! And thanks for a chance to win! :)


  26. Oh Mina you are so generous. Thank you for the chance. hugs! Mojca

  27. Hi Mina. We were still too snowed-in to go shopping yesterday so it was a chore I had to do today whether I wanted to or not. Today it is a case of snow, what snow? Hard to believe that only a matter of hours ago we had to abandon the car as we couldn't get it all the way home!

    Thanks for offering this great candy. Would just love to win so will have to keep my fingers crossed.

    Have a fab day with your family.
    Tine :)

  28. happy birthday to both of us. I was last fri. the 18th. love reading your blog daily. I have no blog of my own yet. will definitely post when I do. for now I'm a craft voyeur from the other side of the pond. love all of the stuff you do. thanks for a chance to win. i'm still waiting for the picture of your daughter's cat. ... you promised! hope your done with the nasty bug you had. happy birthday!

  29. Knowing how I am always waaay behind, I am sure I missed your birthday - so I hope it was a really happy one! Off to link you hun. Hugs Sxx

  30. wow! what a generous giveaway! :) thanks for the chance :)

  31. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a fabulous day. Thanks for the chance to win some candy. Lots of hugs coming your way, Robin

  32. Thanks for the chance to win Mina and hope you had a fab birthday.

  33. Happy Belated Birthday, Mina :o)
    Oh I had to laugh at the story of your dad and your husband - that happens at my house all the time. Isn't it just too funny!
    Thank you very much for the chance to win your wonderful blog candy.
    Big hugs, Candy
    Hugs, Candy
    Magnolia-licious Designer

  34. cara mina,
    buon non compleanno a te!!!!!!!!

    ....visto che è già passato mi unisco al coro degli auguri come il cappellaio matto: BUON NON COMPLEANNO A TE !!!

    sarebbe fantastico vincere qualcosa su bunny zoe, e per questo incrocio le dita, ma è sempre fantastico leggere i tuoi post e guardare le tue bellissime card.

    un bacione

  35. Great blog candy thanks for the chance to win I will go post it on my blog now. Happy Crafting.

  36. Happy belated birthday Mina and thanks for the chance to win the candy!!
    Hugs Hazel xx

  37. Happy Birthday! I love your work and I am a new follower now...

    Thank you for sharing your talent with everyone...
    Psst I have a new shop opening and it has a Candy too...only if your interested...
    Hugs Kobie

  38. Happy belated birthday, thanks for the chance to win angxxxxx

  39. Lol reminds me of hubby and son trying to put together my grandsons swing. I dont think they even looked at the picture on the front of the box let alone read the instructions. My daughter in law and sister in law had it together in 20 mins, after guys worked on it for almost two hours lol.
    Happy Birthday and thanks for the sweet comment on my owl card.

  40. Thanks for the chance to win such a fab prize. Have linked in my sidebar x

  41. Hope your birthday was great and thanks for a chance to win candy. I love to visit your blog. Your coloring is always so beautiful.

  42. Happy birthday! Enjoy on your special day! :)
    And thank you for the chance to win this great candy!
    Hugs! xx

  43. Thanks so much for the chance at some great candy!

  44. I am going to try again Mina. Maybe this is my Lucky Month. Thank you for your generous candy.

  45. Happy Birthday Mina! I hope you had a great Lunch! My daughter just had a big Birthday party on Saturday and it was a blast! We are recovering...
    I wish you a lots of great projects!
    Your candy is on my sidebar.

    xoxo from Croatia

    Marina J a.k.a. aunt Mina

  46. Thank you for the chance to win Mina.Very generous candy.Glad you had a lovely day.Hugs Debbie x


Thanks for leaving me a comment I love reading them and appreciate you taking the time
Mina xxx