Wednesday, January 02, 2013

never throw anything away...

Good morning everyone, have you all recovered from your hangovers then lol...I don't actually know anyone that went out for New Years Eve, I think once you take into account the taxi's (horrendous double rates all night), the fact that you have to pay to get into usual free pubs and the cost of drinks, I don't think people cant afford that sort of night out anymore do you...its a waste of money unless your young free and single and looking for New Years Mr or Miss Right lol...we had a lovely evening all together...first a gorgeous roast dinner and loads of nattering and watched a bit of tv together and my lovely Dad was so full he nodded off and we couldn't hear the tv for his snoring bless him...the giggling stirred him a little bit though...a really nice family night...I hope you all had some family time around New Year too its so good for the soul don't you think...right now onto my card for today which was a super quick one...I made my card for the follow on to the mega Challenge at Crafts and Me challenge and realised I had read the wrong theme and made a card for Christmas instead of winter wonderland which is the super quick card made at 9pm last night, not the best card I have ever made but at least it fits the theme...I used the beautiful Daffodil by Sara Burrier at Crafts and Me, with a bit of strategic placing of a punched snowflake to cover the Daffodil she is carrying it fit the theme perfectly don't you think...I coloured her with distress inks and used some of my last few sheets of the Echo Park - Winter Wishes paper pad I bought from Bunny Zoe's Crafts...I finished with some lush sparkly silver ribbon and a ruffled bow...the ribbon was wrapped around a stunning mirrored jewellery box our Daughter and her other half bought me for Christmas...see we crafters never throw anything away do we, especially when its this pretty...the fab sketch is from the Stamp With Fun Challenge and I'm also entering it for the Papertake Weekly challenge and the Can you Digi it challenge too...when you have time you should enter the mega challenge at Crafts & Me Challenge as there are some lush prizes to win...I'm having a lazy day today and doing nothing for the first time it seems in weeks (its not really cause we had one on Saturday lol) I just feel in need of some rest...btw when do you all take your Christmas decorations and trees down, I think I will take mine down tomorrow...whatever your up to today have a brilliant one
Mina xxx

distress ink colours used
skin - antique linen, frayed burlap, tattered rose
 hair - pumice stone
shading - pumice stone
blue - stormy sky


  1. absolutely beautiful card Mina.

  2. Just lovely Mina had to laugh about the ribbon me too acquired some from xmas goodies lol

  3. No outside partying for this house. We had 3 of our granddaughters (14; 16 & 20 years old) with us so the house was quite lively.

    As for my Christmas decorations, I don't know when they will come down. I started thinking about it yesterday, but they are still up this morning, so.......LOL

    This image is a glittery beauty. She looks divine with that silver ribbon adorning her card.

    Happy New Year Mina

  4. Hi Mina, Happy New Year, Im so glad you enjoyed your New Years Eve with the family. Took my decorations down yesterday and gave it a good spring clean.
    Stunning card I love that image and your colour choice. hugs Shirleyx

  5. Gorgeous card Mina, and I have saved a few little bits of ribbon from gifts this year to use on cards also.

  6. Hi Mina, first of all I want to wish you a happy newyear! Happiness, health and lots of creativity! I hope we'll see a lot of eachother in blogland. Love your card, so elegant and I love the iceblue. Hugs Frea

  7. This is absolutely stunning, Mina! I love the blue and the wonderful shimmer! It's a gorgeous image! Happy New Year!

  8. Oh your card is gorgeous. I rhink I'll take my christmas decorations off at the end of the week, I just love the pretty little lights on the cristmas tree to much :) Hugs! Mojca

  9. Mina,
    It is IMPOSSIBLE for you to make a bad card! This is lovely & the coloring is beautiful as always. Happy New Year!

  10. so stunning mina.beautiful icy colours and i love the pretty image.
    I always wait until the 12th day of christmas (5th jan) before i take my decs down.

    xx coops xx

  11. Mina,
    As always, your card is beautiful and elegant - and, of course, your coloring is perfect! Thanks for joining us at Can You Digi It -hope to see you again soon!

  12. A wonderful wintry card. Her sparkles look great.

    Thanks for playing with us at CYDI?


Thanks for leaving me a comment I love reading them and appreciate you taking the time
Mina xxx