Friday, January 04, 2013

say one for me while your down there...

Good morning everyone how are you all...well and happy I hope...I wasn't being disrespectful in the title for this post, but this image always reminds me of my Mum, if she ever saw anyone on their knees for any reason she would always say 'say one for me while your down there' lol...I think that's why this cutie always makes me smile...well Phil turned out not to have the flu thank heavens...but...he went to work as normal yesterday and then was asked to go to his bosses office to be handed a piece of paper to sign and told he was working too hard and needed a rest and he had three days off to rest up so he wouldn't be burned out...they told him they couldn't afford to lose him from ill health...brilliant eh? he doesn't have go back to work until Tuesday...its nice to know wasn't just me thought he worked too hard and long over Christmas and that he's appreciated...although the poor man has spend most of last evening asleep so he must be pooped the poor lamb...well a bit of R&R and spoiling over the next few days should make him feel a bit better I think...right now onto my card for today and then a question for you all...this little sweetie is the beautiful Em Praying from Mo's Digital Pencil, now who else could draw this beauty and her cute rabbit...I coloured her with distress inks and teamed her up with these lush papers from the Prima 6x6" Paper Pad - Romance Novel from Bunny Zoe's Crafts but its out of stock atm I think...I love the embellishments on these papers don't you...I finished with some tags from the same pad, a huge organza bow and a cream rose...the lush sketch is from Sweet Sketch Wednesday and I'm also entering it for the Sassy Cheryl's Digi Stamps Challenge and The Paper Shelter challenge too...right now for an question for I post too often?, I would really appreciate your honesty as if I am that would explain why I'm plummeting down in the ratings?...maybe every one is fed up coming to the blog every day and I should cut back a bit...your opinions would be brilliant thanks...we are going to head out for a lovely walk in the country today followed by soup and sandwiches in the car, well its still a bit nippy for a picnic outside isnt it lol...whatever your up to todat have a brilliant one
Mina xxx
p.s. dont forget the Sugar Nellie blog hop tomorrow at 11am...loads of prizes and some lush new digis to show you all so speak to you then
distress ink colours used
skin - antique linen, frayed burlap, tattered rose
hair - antique linen
nightdress - stormy sky, spun sugar
headband - Victorian velvet
rabbit - spun sugar, antique linen


  1. Hi Mina, it`s great to know that phils bosses realise what they`ve got and he`s not just a `number`. With regards to your posting, I think you should carry on as you are. I love looking at your new creations, you`re such an inspirtion. Hugs Val xxx

  2. Oh she is adorable Mina, what a cutie, and such a delicate card, love her. Lucky Phil is all I can say to have such a caring boss. You could die at your desk here and no one would notice til you started to smell. I wouldn't worry about the ratings sweetie - it's the Christmas effect - things will be back to normal soon. Hugs Sxx

  3. My Mum says that too and now so do I! Such a cutie and love the soft colours. Look after Phil won't you, poor man x

  4. Very sweet card Mina, love the image and the pastel colours. Hugs Frea

  5. I LOVE this card ... the colours are gorgeous! As for your postings I read them every day, they are so inspirational ...but I don't always comment (I must do better!) Please keep posting .. xx

  6. Hi Mina. This is a really lovely soft card, fab papers and image.
    I think xmas & new year has made it a bit quiet all over blogland and we've all been off doing other things. I love visiting to see your creations even if I don't leave a comment every time xx

  7. you definitely don't post too often. I look forward to your posts, daily. the world is not right if there's not one from you. I don't know how your ratings are judged. I don't always comment but I do always read.

  8. Gorgeous card, Mina! I love the papers and this sweet image from Mo! Wonderful coloring! I look forward to visiting your blog every day! I think things got pretty quiet over the holidays with everyone off and doing family things. Have a good weekend!

  9. How precious!!! Gorgeous coloring of this sweet image. And I love that big yummy bow and flower too. Thanks for joining us at Sweet Sketch Wednesday.


  10. I love to see your posts Mina !
    This card is superb, my favorite papers, and so cuuute image !

  11. Oh Mina it is gorgeous and I just lough out loud when I read what your mum used to say :))))) And waw I really must admit that there are not many employers that would do something like they don for Phil,...
    Regarding to the posting .... OMG just don't stop, I loveeeeee to read your daily adventures, they make me smile and I love your pretty cards too so much.

  12. aw glad Phil is getting a break, what nice employers. Great card Mina and as for your posting, I still look, just don't always get time to comment these days. x

  13. Phil can be really happy with such a boss.
    A sweet card and sweet sentiments.
    Hugs Sinikka

  14. What a beautiful card. Love that fantastic big bow. So glad you could join us at SSW.
    Hugs, Heide SSW-DT

  15. A gorgeous card Mina. Such a sweet image and loving the papers and lush bow. Sounds like hubby needs a bit of looking after and rest.
    I don't think you post too often. I always pop by to see your new creations and have a read even if I don't always have time to comment.

  16. so gorgeous mina.she is such a pretty image and i love your colours.
    i like your daily postings hun ;D

    xx coops xx

  17. Gorgeous image and I love the vintage feel to your card. I epsecially love all the added detail work. Beautifull!!
    Thanks for joining us.
    Nancy SSW-DT

  18. Hi Mina

    This is such a devine card - i adore the image - just perfect.

    I hope you have a great weekend.

    Toodle Pip

    Hazel x

  19. I don't know about ratings. I know I check you regularly to see your delightful creations and hear your loving stories. Create and post when it is fun for you Mina. It won't stifle your creativity and stress you out. I'm still a Big Fan of PinkPuds.

  20. Your card is gorgeous Mina & the post title isn't disrespectful in the least! My Mom says that too...could you say a little prayer for my Mom....she is in hospital in end stage renal failure. They have given here only a week or so to live. It breaks my heart to watch her slipping away.
    About the ratings...I love your posts...they always bring a smile to my face, so NO, I don't think you post too often....ignore the damned ratings!!
    Hugs, Renee

  21. Oh such an adorable card. I love the papers - I'm always jealous of your paper stash! lol.

    I love you posting daily, you're cards are always so inspiring :)

  22. Oh my such a lovely card Mina! Soft pretty coloring of the sweet image and I love the vintage feel of it. Gorgeous bow just tops it off perfectly. Thanksnfornsharing this beautiful card with us at SSW!
    Sharon, SSW DT

  23. This is so SWEET. Love your image and your coloring is perfection!! So glad you played along with us at Sweet Sketch Wednesday!!
    Blessings to you Mina!!
    Sally SSW-DT


Thanks for leaving me a comment I love reading them and appreciate you taking the time
Mina xxx