Friday, February 15, 2013

officially fed up now

Good morning everyone, ok now Im officially fed up and mad now...I have tried four times to upkoad my card for today...its either my usual rubbish isp problem or blogger...whichever I surrender for now and will be back a bit later to try, try, try and try again...speak to you all later
Mina xxx


  1. How irritating! I hope you will sort it out soon, good luck! Hugs, Hanneke

  2. Oh Dear Mina,
    I'm sorry you're having issues; we will all still be here for you when you are up & running again. Try not to stress.
    Big hugs.

  3. Try using Firefox or Google Chrome, if your using Internet Explorer wont let you upload at all. hugs Shirleyx

  4. wishing you luck and we'll be waiting.Thanks...

  5. Hi dearest friend,I solve with Google Chrome,is better than Google,try my friend^_^
    ig hug,


Thanks for leaving me a comment I love reading them and appreciate you taking the time
Mina xxx