Saturday, April 06, 2013

revenge of the red...

Good morning everyone do you have anything brilliant planned for today?, we wont be going far as poor Phil has to go into work this morning and wont be back until late lunchtime...I will give you a little hint for the future, when your planning a shopping trip with your Daughter...never, never, never wear high heeled boots because 4 hours later you will feel like your walking on broken glass lol...oooohhhhh what we go through for vanity...the reason we went on a little shopping trip was our Daughter has just got a brand new job and has to go away for three weeks for training...its a fantastic job and whats really important is its full time...she has been existing on a part time job since she was made redundant and has finally landed a fantastic managerial job heart has been broken watching her struggle on a part time wage when she was used to a Managers wage but waiting finally paid off and she has the job of her we had to go to town for a little make over shopping trip, new hairdo, makeup, clothes etc so she can look her best for her three weeks in a four star hotel (no of course I don't envy her lol)...I'm so thrilled and excited for her and hope she enjoys her time away even though it is for work...of course I will worry myself sick while shes away but at least I can feed her other half and keep him company so I still have my surrogate son to pamper lol...I know you will all wish her your best and keep everything crossed that things go smoothly because your such caring people but Im sure she really doesn't need luck shes brilliant at her job and is so clever...right now onto my card for today which just goes to show just when you think you have managed to get a handle on colouring with the dreaded red, it jumps up and bites you on the bum lol...I noticed when I uploaded this that the red on her lips mustn't have been dry properly when I made the card and has spread a little so she has much fuller lips than she should have...of course this stunning image is from Mo's Digital Pencil and is called Kitchen Dance c...amazing isn't it, I coloured it with my usual distress inks and how about these fantastic papers them...they have been designed by my mate Jak Heath, they are from the Romancing Paper multi talented is that woman and would you believe you can get them for just £1...I cute some of the roses out for embellishments and used a beautiful satin ribbon to finish it off...the lush sketch is from the Feeling Sketchy Challenge and I'm also entering it for the Delightful Challenge and the Paper Crafting Journey Challenge too...I'm off to take something to settle my stomach as its churning at the thought of our Daughter driving all the miles she has too on her own...ooooohhhh the joys of parenting lol...whatever your up to today have a fantastic relaxing one
Mina xxx
p.s. ots candy day tomorrow so pop back for a chance to win something gorgeous

distress ink colours used
skin - antique linen, frayed burlap, tattered rose, spun sugar
hair - him - pumice stone
her - frayed burlap
outifts - her - top, lips, beads, nails and sandels - fired brick, barn door
skirt - pimice stone, forest moss, peeled paint
his - top - pumice stone, barn door
trousers - antique linen
shoes - frayed burlap
shading - pumice stone


  1. You didn't smear the red, He did. LOL.

    Beautiful card Mina and you are right about Jak she is so very talented and this paper is gorgeous.

    Good Luck to DD, but I am sure she won't need luck. She is very fortunate to have found a "perfect" job. They are so few and far between right now. She must be very smart!

  2. Oh I am so happy for your daughter Mina! Oh I so wish to be in her shoes ... being out of a job is just frustrating ... Really wish er the best time. Your card is just gorgeous. hugs! Mojca

  3. Congrats for your daughter and fingers X-ed it will be everything she hoped and waited for so long!!!
    Love the card and you managed the red perfectly!

    xx Irene

  4. what a wonderful image Mina - really fabulous! Big Hugs rachel xx

  5. Oh I just love this card Mina.Fantastic use of the red.Lush.Bless your poor feet.What are you like!!!Good luck to your daughter - good for her.You must be so proud... Have a nice weekend - I'm going to craft.I've done a few chores so now it's time to play.Hugs Debbie x

  6. Gorgeous card! and massive congrats to your daughter, best of luck to her in her new job x

  7. Stunning card Mina - I love the colours and Jak's papers are beautiful! Awesome colouring too! Hugs, Juliexx

  8. What a gorgeous card Mina.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  9. so stunning mina.really love the image and your papers and colours are gorgeous ;D

    xx coops xx

  10. Gorgeous card, and I love this image.

  11. Great card Mina I love the image.
    Thanks for joining us @ Feeling Sketchy this week :)

  12. What a fun card Mina, I love the red roses and this fun image too. Good luck for your daughter on her new job and hope your feet are much better :)
    Wishing you a lovely Sunday xxx

  13. Great card Mina. Thank you for joining us at Feeling Sketchy.
    I hope all goes well for your daughter.

  14. Great card Mina. Thank you for joining us at Feeling Sketchy.
    I hope all goes well for your daughter.

  15. Really happy for your daughter Mina, hope all goes well...
    Gorgeous card, love the red.xx

  16. Great news about your daughter! I myself am currently looking for the perfect job! Great card, lovely image! Hugs, Hanneke

  17. This is a fab image Mina and I think you have done a brilliant job with the red. The papers are rather gorgeous.
    We can never stop worrying about our daughters can we but I am sure she will be absolutely fine.
    Hugs Sharon x

  18. What a lovely card with beautiful flowers.

    Hugs, Astrid.

  19. stunning card Mina, great colouring, image fantastic, just fab
    caroline x

  20. Gorgeous card, fab colours & the roses look great!

    Thank you for sharing with us at Delightful Challenges this week, good luck!
    Hugs Shell xx

  21. This is fabulous Mina.I love Mo Manning images, they're so fun and the paper is gorgous. Thanks for joining in with us at the PCJ challenge xx


Thanks for leaving me a comment I love reading them and appreciate you taking the time
Mina xxx