Monday, June 10, 2013

today is your day...

Good morning everyone did you miss me? you didn't even notice I was gone lol...I'm feeling a bit better and although I still have to take it easy I thought I would do a bit of creating but it was so hard sitting in my craft room when it was 24degrees outside and the sun blazing down but I managed not just to make a card but decorate the inside too...will wonders never cease lol...I must admit Im feeling a little bit out of loop after not being about for so long (you would think it was years wouldnt you lol), so whats happening in the world of crafting then?, give me all the gossip, come on you know you want too...I don't have much gossip at all really, I haven't been out hardly at all and when I have I have been so exhausted when I get back I slept for hours...poor Phil must be fed up looking at the top of my head as I fall asleep on the sofa bless him, although he never moans and has taken such good care of me...oh one bit of news I got the results of the scans I have a few weeks back but will tell you about them when I have told you about my card is for our new challenge at Bunny Zoe's Crafts monthly challenge, this months challenge theme is Wings. I used a fabulous stamp that has both these cuties on it with their tin can phones, the stamp is called C.C. Designs SN Fairwee Josie's and Jilly's Chat and I coloured them with my distress inks and cut them out to use one on the inside

the amazing paper pad I used is called Glitz 6x6" Paper Pack - Colour Me Happy , wow this is one stunner of a pad, I love it and the sentiment on the inside is from the same one...I finished with a thin cut of the gorgeous Section SMASH Tape, a lush bow made from Organza Ribbon - Dusky Pink (25mm Wide), buttons from the Big Red button pack - 25g and Camouflage button pack - 25g and Prima Butterflies - Divine pack...everything I used is from Bunny Zoe's Crafts...I made the sketch up as I went along but am entering this for the Crafty Calender Challenge, The Hobby House Challenge and the Stampin' for the Weekend challenge too...right now my test results...picture the scene I finally get to the docs and tell him whats wrong with me and he has diagnosed pneumonia...then he says I thought you might have been in touch before now...why says I...well for the results of your scans...but that was only four days ago the nurse said at least a week for the this time I'm wondering whats going on...well I have news for you he says, you have gallstones and quite a few too, you will need an operation pretty soon...ever wish you had stayed in bed...not only Pneumonia and tablets but now gallstones... now that's what I call greedy lol...oh well things happen don't they and all will be sorted I'm sure...whatever your up to today whatever you do don't make an appointment at the Doctors, you never know what you might come out with lol...have a good one
Mina xxx

distress ink colours used
skin - antique linen, frayed burlap, tattered rose
hair - antique linen on front image
black soot on the inside image
clothes - front - shabby shutters, wild honey
inside - victorian velvet, peeled paint
shading on wings and cans - pumice stone


  1. Mina It's great to see you around again. I'm pleased your feeling better at last, just continue to take it easy for a while. I'm nsure the gallstone op will be fairly simple and you will recover quickly.
    Take care.


  2. Great to see you back.
    Lovely card.
    Gr Elly

  3. I am pleased to hear you are gradually recovering Mina and hope the gallstones are eradicated without to much discomfort.
    Your card is gorgeous. Love the image and the papers are scrummy. The buttons are fab.
    Hugs Sharon x

  4. So glad to see that your feeling better and have posted a card again. It's beautiful.

  5. :ovely to see you posting again Mina I missed your cherry posts :0) Sweet card and glad youre feeling abit bette tak care .

  6. Ohhhhh Mina the card is really lovely. I am happy to see you in blogland, I really missed your posts. And now gallstones, well you really aren't lucky :( Bit I heard that operation isn't that terrible and you recover quite soon. Take care! Big hugs! Mojca

  7. So sorry to hear of the upcoming operation and pneumonia. Too bad we can't send ourselves our own cards, because this one would cheer anyone up fast! I love how you put those two girls talking on the separate parts of the card!

  8. I did miss you. Your beautiful cards & lively conversation. Glad you are back. Sorry to hear you will be going back for gallstones. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Rebecca

  9. Happy to see you Mina !
    Your card is adorable, so fun !xxx

  10. What a gorgeous card Mina.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  11. thank you for joining us for the Hobby House first challenge
    Hugs Kate xx

  12. Oh Mina,
    I am sorry to hear you have pneumonia, and gallstones!! You poor girl :o(
    No wonder you feel so bad!
    I hope they get your operation in as soon
    as you are over the pneumonia.
    Great card! So so sweet...
    Big Hugs, Candy

  13. Oh my, what a crappy way to start the day, the Doc was bad enough. But at least you're feeling well enough to craft and post, so that's a major accomplishment! Hope they can get you in and fixed up in a jiffy.

  14. Oh, Mina. When it rains it pours. Please take it easy and don't overdo. If it's any comfort, I've had the surgery and you'll feel so much better afterwards.

    Hang in there, girl!

    Snoopy :D

  15. Nice to see you back doing a bit of crafting. Beautiful card too. Just don't overdo it.

  16. so gorgeous mina.adorable sweet images and I love your papers and take it easy too.

    xx coops xx

  17. Mina that card is divine! Love, love, love the papers! Such sweet lil' fairies and the layout over the two pages is fabulous!

    My hubby had gallstones removed late last year Mina, he'd been in agony on and off for years and misdiagnosed by useless GP's, until he ended up doubled up in excruciating pain in A&E sounding like a man in labour! I'd say it's a blessing the doc found them hunny, before they cause you pain, it's one of the worst by all accounts. Usually a quick keyhole surgery with quick recovery, so fingers crossed that'll be done without out too much fuss. Sending you healing thoughts! Hugs, Wends xxx

  18. Gorgeous card:) thanks for joining us at The Hobby House x
    hugs Nikki x

  19. Hi Mina, Sorry to hear that you have gallstones.
    Take things easy till you are in full health again.
    Gorgeous Card, love the paper and buttons
    Hugs Mau xx


Thanks for leaving me a comment I love reading them and appreciate you taking the time
Mina xxx