Friday, August 30, 2013

Im not letting go just yet...

Good morning everyone how has your week gone?...anything exciting happened?...mine seems to have flown by in a flurry of washing and ironing lol...a little rant now, are you ready...why on earth do some able bodied people insist on parking in disabled places...its not just inconsiderate but harmful, they are put there for people who cant walk far and need to be closer to shops so why oh why would someone who is quite capable of walking insist on parking in them...I really hope with all my heart they never need them but just once it would be nice to see them get their comeuppance..the stores never seem to have any power to do anything about them either...I was in Florida once and remember seeing a young man pull into a disabled spot and run into a mall only to return to find a sheriff standing guard while his car was hitched to a pick up to be towed that's justice and I had the awful urge from my hotel window to shout 'revenge is sweet' lol, but I didn't...we have to keep the old British reserve going don't we, the reason I mentioned it was the other day I saw a young man and woman pull into a disabled spot, music pumping, she ran inside the store while he proceeded to stand outside his car smoking and wandering around it looking at the paint work...aaaaahhhhhhhhh it makes me so mad...ok little rant over...well it was just a little one today so you can come out from behind your seats the coast it clear lol....right now onto my card for today, I love this Snorkle Boy image from Mo's Digital Pencil don't just screams summer don't you think and I'm refusing to let go of the summer just yet...I coloured him with my usual distress inks and when I saw him I knew exactly what paper I would use for him, it just had to be this lush Magnolia Mythical Ocean 12" x 12" Paper from Bunny Zoe's Crafts...isn't it fab I love Magnolia papers they are great for distressing as it doesn't matter how much you sand or scratch they still look fantastic...I added a glittery swim sentiment made from some letters I found in my stash and finished with buttons from my stash to look like more bubbles...the lush sketch is from the Seems A Little Sketchy Challenge and I'm also entering it for the Shopping Our Stash Challenge and the Party Time Tuesdays Challenge too...I'm off to pack today so wish me luck lol, I have a special something to show you tomorrow, a brand new release blog hop and I have a card to show you on Sunday then I'm taking a few days off while I'm away to give the old mojo a boost...whatever your up to today have a brilliant one
Mina xxx

distress ink colours used
skin - antique linen, frayed burlap, tattered rose, spun sugar
hair - antique linen
swimsuit - milled lavender, faded jeans
flippers and snorkle - faded jeans, milled lavender
bubbles - tumbled glass
shading - pumice stone


  1. Such a fun creation. Love the soft colouring.
    Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}

  2. Totally agree Mina. I often have a moan to myself about this too. Lol

    Your card is gorgeous,
    Hugs Kelly

  3. Love your card mina, yes it makes me mad about disabled places as i am disabled myself and you do see abled bodied people use them. I have just come home after having major surgery on my stomach so good to catch up on blogs to see what i have missed.
    Caroline xx

  4. Some people just think the world revolves around them & that rules that apply to everyone else weren't meant for them! There is no accounting for some peoples children!!! Love your card, gorgeous as usual. Have a great holiday.
    Hugs, Renee

  5. I love your card! And that image is very fun! Your coloring is wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing this at Shopping Our Stash!

  6. Don't you apologise for your rant I totally agree.It is so frustrating when you see no badges on the cars and they've taken up a space we could have used.Such selfishness.It would be nice for them to experience what we feel.... wicked I know.. Absolutely fabulous card Mina.Love this image, the papers in fact everything.Hugs Debbie x

  7. Ohhhh I love the image and way you put your words on it. So cute! People are just inconsiderate this days I guess ... it's not just parking it's everything!!! Ehhhh,.. Hugs! Mojca

  8. Your card is adorable! I love the image and the use of buttons! Thank you for joining us at Party Time Tuesdays. Hope to see you next week.


Thanks for leaving me a comment I love reading them and appreciate you taking the time
Mina xxx