Monday, September 23, 2013

its all about the paper...

Good morning everyone how was your weekend?...good I hope...after the happenings of Friday, Saturday wasn't too bad but Sunday wasn't good when a friend of our Daughters was rushed to intensive care and we had to pick her up from the hospital...poor lamb and I'm hoping and wishing he will recover fast, my heart goes out to his its fingers crossed for this week to go ok I think...thank goodness Phil seems a bit better but woke up yesterday with a stinking head cold bless him, maybe that's what the really bad headache's were about, that coming on...he has been told in no uncertain terms to keep it to himself lol...I will have to keep him away from my lovely Dad too the last thing he needs is a chest infection as hes really prone to them and it worries me sick when he gets one...I don't think we were the only ones having a bad weekend though, we called into a local store to get me some hairspray and in the middle of shopping a child let out the most blood curdling scream I have ever heard, it made everyone stop what they were doing and spin around...and why? sweets lol...the parents were mortified....right now onto my card for today...yes I have a card to show you and one for tomorrow and one for Wednesday made too...will wonders never cease lol...this little stunner is of course from Mo's Digital Pencil, now who else would draw this so beautifully...shes called Gathering Kindling and I coloured her in monochrome tones using my distress inks...I wanted to give her a sepia photo feel...what do you think did it work?...I found a stack of Christmas pads in my stash, long forgotten and stashed for a rainy day...this paper is from one I bought last Christmas from Bunny Zoe's Crafts and is My Mind's Eye - 6x6 paper pad All is Bright...I have decided to get back to basics for my mojos sake and go with an all about the papers will see what I mean over the next week or so...I started crafting because of my love of stunning paper pads and want to rekindle that love...this is just one sheet of paper would you believe all the layers are printed on it...beautiful isn't it?...all I added to finish was a strip of vintage lace and a Prima flower from my stash, I think its all that was needed don't you...I have been racking my brain trying to figure out how to make the cards I have seen around that have loads of embellishments on them then realised I don't have too I can just make 'my' cards cant I...silly mare that I am lol...there is no sketch as the layers were done for me but I'm entering this for the Our Creative Corner challenge, My Creative Moments Challenge and the Brown Sugar Challenge too...I haven't a clue what I'm up to today but am hoping it doesn't include hospitals, doctors surgeries or anything medical and am keeping my head down just in case lol...whatever your up to today I hope its a safe and well one for you and those you love
Mina xxx
p.s. did you enter my candy yet...its the post below if you would like to join in

distress ink colours used
skin - antique linen, frayed burlap, tattered rose, spun sugar
hair - frayed burlap
coat - antique linen
jacket - scattered straw
skirt - old paper
boots and basket - frayed burlap
shading - pumice stone


  1. Absolutely adorable and gorgeous too, especially love the sepia look.

  2. so stunning mina.adorable image and your soft colours and papers are beautiful.
    i hope you and your hubby are feeling 100% soon and i hope you daughters friend will be ok.

    xx coops xx

  3. Mina your life is a roller coastrer, fingers X-ed this week will be a calm one without any scary/shocking things happening to you and the family!
    Gorgeous card, love the shades!!

    xx Irene

  4. Oh Mina it's sooooo gorgeous, love the pretty flower and the sparkle. Glad that Phil is feeling better. hugs! Mojca

  5. Mina this is absolutely beautiful! Thanks for sharing at Brown Sugar Shades of Brown Challenge. Also saying a prayer for your daughter's friend. Take care.

  6. Beautiful card Mina, love the image and the paper is gorgeous. Lovely detail too.

  7. The sepia tones are so beautiful and give your card a very nostalgic feel. Love the doily in the corner too. Thanks so much for joining in our Forgotten Things Challenge at Our Creative Corner. Anne x

  8. Such a beautiful card! Thanks so much for joining us at Our Creative Corner this month - Love from Laura xxx

  9. Really fabulous! Loving all the details!
    Thanks so much for playing in my "seasons" word play saturday challenge at My Creative Moments.


Thanks for leaving me a comment I love reading them and appreciate you taking the time
Mina xxx