Saturday, October 05, 2013

ok what now?...

Hi everyone I have tried for the last day to upload my cards to my computer and then onto here but nope nothing is working and when I try to download my laptop keeps cutting out...I will try again later but in the meantime you can pop on over to 

to pick up a bargain or two or three...and dont forget to join in the candy below too
Mina xxx


  1. I hope your problem will solve soon! Have you tried using different browser?
    I just did some shopping in the Bunny Zoe's crafts. Who could resist all the bargains, right? ;)
    Hugs! xx

  2. Oh no! Blimmin computers! Hope it starts behaving for you soon Mina! x

  3. Have you tried turning it off and then back on again ;-) xx

  4. Oh I hope you'll sort out your computer soon Mina. hugs! Mojca


Thanks for leaving me a comment I love reading them and appreciate you taking the time
Mina xxx