Saturday, October 06, 2012

jog on...

Good morning everyone have you got anything exciting planned for this weekend?...thank you all so much for your thoughts on the shoes yesterday they are a great help but I will try them all on and go with your advice of buying the most comfortable I think but it will have to be tomorrow instead of today as my lovely Phil has to work this morning and maybe some of the afternoon too so we had to postpone our shopping trip...I bet he volunteered to work bless him lol...I forgot to tell you all about a little thing that happened around the pool on holiday, I was lying there ipod plugged in my ears reading Fifty Shades and enjoying the peace when a woman chuckling next to me caught my eye she was looking over my shoulder...I turned around and took my ipod out and Phil was sitting in the shade his ipod in his ears reading Jeremy Clarkson and laughing so hearty that everyone was looking at him and smiling...I caught his eye and he shrugged and said 'its funny!', well need he say more was so nice to hear him laughing that loud it warmed my heart...and made everyone around us smile too...anyway onto my card for today which is using a long forgotten digi from Mayzy Art, I cant remember what shes called and Mayzy's shop isn't open atm so I cant find out either, its a great image too and my kind of jogger earrings and make up lol...anyway I coloured her with distress inks and used more of my scrap papers, this time they are Magnolia paper scraps and are from the Summer Memories range, the flowered is called Forget Me Not and the check I think is Blue Kitchen Cloth...I finished with a blue gingham bow, some buttons and a rub on tag mounted on more of the checked paper...the sketch is from Sketch Saturday but its last weeks so I cant enter but I am entering it into the Papertake Weekly challenge and the Use It Tuesday challenge too...I'm going to have a little mooch round Town and go for lunch while I wait for Phil to finish work today I think, well if I cant shoe shop I can at least eat lol...whatever your up to I hope your have a fabulous day
Mina xxx

distress ink colours used
skin - antique linen, frayed burlap, tattered rose
hair - pumice stone
outfit - pumice stone, tumbled glass, stormy sky
eyes - shabby shutters
lips - victorian velvet


  1. hahaha, lovely this girl. Sweet with the sentiment. Perfect.
    Have a great weekend, hugs Sinikka

  2. I whistle and sing while hoovering clients houses Mina, and catch them smiling sometimes at the awful noise I make..

    Fabulous card, love this image and such pretty papers with the flowers..

    luv CHRISSYxx

  3. You caught my heart with that blue gingham ribbon. Beautiful floral DP too. Looks like your jogger took your advice and got some real comfy shoes too

  4. Beautiful card,lovely ribbon and buttons.
    Gr Elly

  5. Gorgeous selection of cards since my last visit Mina. Sorry I can't help with the shoes, only your feet know the answer :o)
    Jackie xx

  6. What a gorgeous card Mina.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  7. Fabulous card and wow at the skin tones you achieved with distress inks! Ger x.

  8. Waw really pretty Mina. Great image and a lovely sentimetn. Hugs! Mojca

  9. Hello Mina, how are you. This is beautiful with a fab design and gorgeous papers. Love the image and beautifully embellished.
    Happy crafting.
    Love Sandra xxx

  10. Fab card Mina this would suit either of my granddaughters theyre always running Love the blues. Enjoy your week end.

  11. Good for your Phil,its good to bring a Smile.
    Fabulous card and papers Mina,love the image and lovely bow.
    Have a lovely day.
    Hugs Sue

  12. Fab card, Mina! love the papers and the fun Mayzy image! Great coloring! Hope you find your shoes tomorrow! Have a great weekend!

  13. brilliant card mina.fab fun image and i love your soft blue colours :D

    xx coops xx

  14. it is very beautiful card. I love these papers, color and a ribbon. hugs, Helena

  15. oh Mina - loving that blue and this image is just fab! Hugs Rachel xx

  16. Hi Mina I love your card with the cute image!

    Love From Rebecca xx

  17. Love it. I know a few people that card would suit. Shirley


Thanks for leaving me a comment I love reading them and appreciate you taking the time
Mina xxx