Friday, October 05, 2012

lost it...

Good morning everyone sorry I'm late this morning but my internet connection was off for the last 12 I got on the phone this morning to tear them off a strip as I pay extra for their super fast reliable service and was going to give someone a piece of my mind (not that I can afford it lol)...the young woman on the phone was so nice and explained about updating the system etc to give me a better service, apologising for not letting me know when...I came of the phone thinking what the hell happened there...they should give that girl a raise she is SO good at her job lol...anyway its back on now, a bit hit and miss but back'ish...I need your opinion today...remember the shoe saga well I want to ask your opinions...I have found three shoes and want to know what you think so the FIRST (incredible value and good reviews), SECOND (stunning, excellent reviews but oh boy that price) and THIRD (another incredible price and I love the ruffle but maybe not as comfortable)...let me know what you think as I cant take you all shopping with me (I wish) and need some advice, I would ask Phil but hes sick of listening to the show saga and my beautiful Daughter would go for something completely different and super high which I would totter around in for a couple of hours then go barefoot for the rest of the day lol....anyway onto my card for today and I'm still lacking mojo in a major way but here's my effort anyway...this is such a beautifully delicate stamp and I really didn't do it justice...its from Wild Rose Studio and is called Hanging Gifts, its so pretty isn't it, I will have to use it again to give it a better go I think...I teamed it up with one of my favourite Christmas pads so far the My Mind's Eye - All is Bright 6x6 pad, I finished with a Gingham Wired Edge Gold Thread Ribbon - Burgundy bow everything is from Bunny Zoe's Crafts...I made the sketch up as I went along but am entering this for the Anything Goes challenge and the Delightful Challenge...I'm going to lock myself in my craft room today until either my mojo comes back or I go nuts...its a toss up which will come first lol...whatever your up to today have a good one
Mina xxx
distress ink colours used
skin - antique linen, frayed burlap, tattered rose
hair - frayed burlap
blues - mix of stormy sky, tumbled glass
red - barn door
shading - stormy sky
bunnies - antique linen, barn door
birds - frayed burlap, barn door


  1. Great card Mina & glad to hear that you're back online again.

  2. Gorgeous card, I would go for 3 but price always rules me I do love 2 tho they look super comfy.

  3. Waw I love your gorgeous card Mina ... well about the shoes ... I love the third ones best they are so beautiful, but I suggest you to pick the ones you felt most comfortable in. if it's going to be a long party you won't regret it ;) Hugs! mojca

  4. I love your card, Mina, it's so cute! That image is adorable!
    Of course, comfort always has to been the main thing with shoes... I love the 3rd option with the ruffle... beautiful! They look comfortable as well, don't they?

  5. Hiya Mina,I love your gorgeous card.Fab image and colours.
    Me I would go with the ruffled shoe,It just adds a Bit more pazzaz.
    Hugs Sue x

  6. Mina if it was me I think I would go for the 1st ones as they look really smart and you will be able to wear them for any occasion so you will get more use out of them. That's me always practical.

    Love your card.


  7. Stunning card. I'd go for the first pair of shoes - comfort is everything.

  8. Gorgeous card Mina love the image which is coloured so beautifully and the layout is fantastic. Caroline xxx

  9. Love this card Mina and that image is so beautiful.
    Right shoes, if it was me I think I'd go for the first ones, elegant and simple and will suit any occasion. Loved the second ones, but OMG they are far too expensive. Not sure about the ruffle on the third pair, I think it could limit where you could wear them. That's my opinion, but whichever you chose they will look stunning sweetie.
    Chrissie xx

  10. Love your card Mina and as much as would like to help you..I cannot see shoe 1 and 2 booooooohooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    The 3rd one looks very elegant.Is there a chance the ruffle can be taken off so you could wear it for more occassions???

    xx Irene

  11. Love your card wish when my mojo was missing I could create like that :) - I would go for the ones with the ruffle but I bet number two would be most comfortable and last the longest - have fun trying them all on and if you are like me you will come home with something totally different lol

  12. Gorgeous card, Mina! I love the papers and the soft and sweet image! I love all the shoes, especially the ones with the ruffle, but don't get those if you think they'd be uncomfortable. I'm sure there is a good reason why the second ones have such a big price tag!

  13. Hi Mina love your card such pretty colours! Mmmmm shoes what a problem! I have to go with comfort providing they look good. So I would go with whichever were the most comfortable! I don't know how many pairs I have that felt fine in the shop then when I got them home I couldn't ever get them on!! What's that all about??

  14. Such a sweet card, Mina. The image is adorable.
    Hugs Sinikka

  15. What a beautiful card Mina.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  16. I'd go with the first pair. After all, you're a crafty person, I'm pretty sure you could make your own ribbon ruffle. And comfort is really important.

  17. beautiful card, i think i would go for 1, if i brought 2 i wouldhave to wear them every day, 3 i think you would be limited to what you could wear them with, best wishes ginny

  18. so gorgeous mina.i love the image and your colours are stunning.
    i have looked at all the shoes and i like the second choice the best, they looks so classy and comfy.

    xx coops xx

  19. Hi Mina,
    Long time no see. What a fab card and a gorgeous image. I love those papers too.

    Now on to the shoes..
    I love the look of shoe 3 but if they are not comfy I would'nt buy them.
    Shoes 1 and 2 look identical until you read the small print.
    Shoe 2 are leather, whereas shoe 1 are 'other materials!
    I always buy leather shoes if I know I am going to be standing in them for a long time....leather allows your feet to breathe and also gives more than man made ones.
    Yes they are pricey, but they look very classy and after all this is a special ocassion.
    I guess a classy lady needs a classy pair of shoes! Heh?

    Love Sheila x

  20. Fantastic card, Mina - what a gorgeous image and perfectly coloured!! Shoeswise, I like no 3 - the ruffle just adds a touch of specialness for the special occasion! So interesting reading what everyone else thought!! Hugs, Juliexx

  21. OK..shoe no.1...simple, elegant, great price...but are they comfy??..shoe 2..too expensive, but are they comfy??...and shoe 3 very pretty ruffle..expensive..but you can add that ruffle onto the first pair...and are they comfy??

    No help whatsoever eh! Mina...

    fabulous card, love the cute image
    and pretty soft colouring..

    luv CHRISSYxx

  22. Love your bird on your gorgeous card. Ditch #3. Never buy a pair of shoes if they hurt your tootsies. I would dream to own a pair of #2, but the sensible side of me would take #1 just because they look good, are comfortable and a great price.

  23. Love your card. Mina, go with the most comfortable pair. The ruffle is stunning but limiting, the price of the second whew. Go with your gut. You have great style, your cards show it.

  24. Oh I love your sweet, gorgeous card.

  25. This is gorgeous . Thanks for sharing it with us at anything goes challenge . Hugs Emma xx

  26. Love your pretty card, really has a lovely vintage vibe to it! Good luck with the shoe hunting, I think I would go for #2 as they look the best and I always go for quality if I can afford to. Thank you for playing with us @ Delightful Challenges this week :)

  27. Lovely card and such a sweet image. Thanks for sharing at Delightful Challenges.


Thanks for leaving me a comment I love reading them and appreciate you taking the time
Mina xxx