Yooohhoooo everyone, see I didnt forget, I have just finished cleaning one of the bathrooms so have popped on to show you the moodboard, which had to be changed totally because of Phils choice of sofas...let me know what you think good and bad, and any suggestions would be brill too

I have a lot of these already, the two sofas ordered of course, the lamps, suede rug and lightfitting so dont have to buy much else (yeah right lol)...thought you would like to see my choice of sofa that we didnt buy and I bet you see why the decor had to be changed on my moodboard lol

see what I mean lol....lush isnt it (without the cushions though I didnt like them anyway) but never mind its all changed now...thats me for tonight I will be back in the morning as usual...enjoy the rest of your evening
Mina xxx
p.s. my moodboard photo is a bit blurred click on it for a clear bigger one
The couch you chose would fit my tall frame perfectly, Phils is a lovely couch, but the sides are too low and I sit crooked...not that it means anything it is not my couch..lol..but I liked your pick. and I love the white side board drawer set..and the light, very pretty.
This looks gorgeous Mina. Really like the white dresser and the cushions. You are going to have a gorgeous room.
Bet Phil liked the lower arms on the sofa he chose. It is more comfortable when catching some zzzz's. Had a high arm sofa and hubby hated it for snoozing. LOL. Like your clean classic color palette. Leaves room for some fun splashes of color in pillows, wall art and such. Calm and inviting.
That looks like a great plan Mina.
I like your couch too.
Sue x
It'a a "cozy and male" looking sofa for the very comfy lazy hours...........Ben would pick the same I guess but I would soooooo pick yours (love green in any shade!!)even if I would have to sit up straight all night LOL!!!!
Cuddles from tropical Holland, Irene
this is gorgeous mina.your new house is going to look fabulous :D
xx coops xx
Ooh, everything looks gorgeous!Love both sofa's, especially yours and I have that rug!At least, one that looks identical.....it's gorgeous and always looks as new as the day I bought it!
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