Good morning everyone, how are you all...well we have arrived at our new house and wow are we exhausted...I don't have a card to show you today just a little chat and some pictures of the house...everything went fine on Monday except I smashed a mirror and stood on a piece of glass while I was trying to sweep it up, not a great disaster but really sore and loads of blood for a teeny sliver of glass too, well that will teach me to walk around in bare feet

this is a photo of our new bathroom, just look at that gorgeous bath, lush isn't it...I cant wait to paint over that blue though...I must tell you what happened on Tuesday, Phil went to work and I needed food so my lovely Dad went to the supermarket with me, I waved him off as I went into the I should explain at this time, we have a front door, a porch then another locked inner door...I got into the first door fine then the key went into the lock of the second one and refused to matter how hard I tried it just wouldn't budge, so I text Phil three times, then rang him twice, Dad was off out when he dropped me off and never ever answers his mobile so no joy there, our Daughter was off out with her other half 55 miles I sat and sat and sat and waited in the porch, sitting on those freezing cold tiles for 3 hours until Phil got home, we ended up having to smash the security glass in the second door to get more glass for me to step on lol...turned out the door opened fine from the inside, locks but doesn't open from the outside...go figure??????

this is my new craft room, the view is lovely all green and can see from the second photo of my craft room below why I don't have a card ready cant you. these boxes are just about half there's more....'groan' where to start but start I will...

well that's me for today, I'm starting my craft room, making at least one card then off out to buy paint with my Dad...oooohhhhh we do love a good shop together don't we...whatever your up to today watch out for flying glass
Mina xxx
Mina, what a lovely new home, certainly looks well cared for and I can't wait to see how you organise it. Hope the foot feels better soon, stepped on glass myself recently and was really painful. Hugs, Amanda x
Glad you almost made it in one piece mina..hope the foot heals soon, great bathroom and what a fabulous craft room..
Gorgeous bathroom & craft room Mina.
Ouch! Hope your foot is better soon!
What a pain about the door!at least you had food with you!LOL.
Have a great day,
Its looking so fab Mina its so exciting and to be able to organise your craft room from scratch - wonderful! Hope your foot is ok x
What a beautiful bathroom!! Hope your foot feels better. Good luck today, Colinda
What a gorgeous bathroom an a lovely view from your craftroom. Hope you get that organised soon. Take care and show us more pics soon.
woww Mina looks great, congrats with your new home, and i looking forworth to look at new pictures of your craftroom xx
well pet, my Mam always said don't sit on the cold concrete as you'll get piles, so you proved the theory you got piles too but as least yours are in boxes on your new craft room floor.
Your new home looks lovely Mina, but don't go walking around barefoot again! I am sure you will get your priorities right and soon have you craft room up and running :o)
Jackie xx
Your bathroom looks stunning Mina. Can't wait to see the rest of your house and your craftroom once you've settled everything into place. Enjoy your shopping. hugs Sharon x
oh mina, the house looks great - but please mind where you step! I stood on a piece of glass once that had been walked into the house and was in the carpet - cream too - can't tell you how much it hurt and getting the blood stain out! oh nightmare! You have my sympathy, I think you need to put your feet up and do some crafting.
Glad you are in and up and running Mina Craft room to be looks fab take your time sorting out Rome wasnt built in a day.
Hi Mina, these things never go straight do they, the old owners might have told you about the lock on the front door, how frustrating, it makes you wonder how they actually got in, via the back door perhaps? I know you will have fun with that craft room, you will need lots of units, lucky you. hugs Shirleyxxxxxxx
OOOH A lovely new home, we have started the task of looking for a new house and no joy as yet am excited tho as I will finally get a craft room!
Mina,your house is gorgeous.
Wierd door though.
Have a good day with your Dad.
Hugs Sue xx
Lovely house, Mina - I can see how light-filled it is from the pics. There's always something that doesn't work/can't be opened, etc. when you move somewhere though, isn't there?!! You've just found it really quickly!
Julie x
Glad you made it -almost in one piece- Mina and in Holland we say "smithereens bring happiness" so nothing can go wrong from now on LOL!!!!
Lucky you haveing shelves in the alcove of the craftroom and the rooltop bath is soooo pretty!!!
Cannot wait to see the finished house, hugs Irene
Your house looks lovely and bright and airy. Soon you will be organized and unpacked and creting will be in full force again.
No need to return this visit as I have the flu and didn't make a post this week.
Just getting round to comment on the blogs I follow...
Wooohooo Mina, here's wishing you and hubby loads of happiness in your new home! Sorry to hear about the glass - painful. I got locked in when my parents moved to their current home. It sounds as if you have a double lock of some sort. Have fun, Jo x
Glad all is well and you are up and running! Love the pictures!
I hope you will be very happy in your new home Mina.
Chris x
Hi Mina, congratulations on your new home! Your bathroom looks smashing! good luck on unpacking hun! And do be careful with anything breakable LOL!! Hugs Frea
Oh poor you Mina!!
Your hobbyroom looks great and I love that bathroom!!
XXX Heidy
oh i bet you are so pleased to be in your new home .your bathroom looks fantastic, love the roll top bath :D
xx coops xx
Congrats on your new home. Looking forward to see pics of your new craftroom when it's done. Good luck on unpacking everything. Hope you'll be settling in soon.
lovely veiw! are there no locksmiths that could have opened the door? look at the bright side ... your craft room is all clean right now! looks like it will be a fun place to play.
So sorry about your foot and the door. The rooms look great, can't wait to see what you do with them!
Hehe sounds like an adventure Mina :P But hopefully there won't be too many more hiccups, there's always going to be one or two when moving, so hopefully you're done with them now :P
Your home looks lovely though :) Bet you can't wait to get all settled and crafting again!
Tags xx
Good luck in your new house!
Very beautiful craft room!
Oh Mina it's all so exciting, I love a change, you'll soon have it all spruced up how you like it, that bath is gorgeous, can't wait to
Oops ! hope you're better today !
You house seems very nice, you will have a fab scraproom wow !
Thank you for sharing your joy with us !
So exciting, Mina! It all looks lovely and you'll really enjoy getting it the way you want it. Try not to step on any more glass! Tracey x
Great photos hun and I know EXACTLY how you are feeling right now! lol xxx
Hope your foot feels better soon Mina, Love your Bathroom and craft room, I bet you can't wait to get all those boxes unpacked.... as before the offer is open to help :)
Huge Hugs Mau xx
woo-hoo looks great Mina x
Wooohoooo, almost done, right? Hehe, it's worth the trouble when all is said and done and that tub, oh me oh my!! Looks exquisite!! Congrats!!
hugs, stephanne
Ow poor you, hope the foot heals soon. What a nightmare with the door - I think some new crafty goodies could help you feel better but you would need quite a few to do the trick.........!!
Ohh your new home looks fab, and I'm so envious of your craft room, what a lovely view! Hope your foot's OK.
Hi Mina
Welcome to your new home - I can tell you love it!
I hope your foot is healing well.
Poor you, having to wait for so long for your hubby to come home - that is weird how the door only opens from the inside - well, there must be sense in it somewhere LOL!
Good luck with the sorting and painting.
Love, Andrea xx
Great bath and bathroom occasionally miss a bath we have a wet room for my O/Hcan't get in and out of a bath due to health problems -love your new craft room
carol x
new craft room looks great Mina, plenty of shelves, you can never have enough shelves.
Love the bath, see what you mean about the blue, not my colour either.
Take care don't do too much at once
caroline x
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