Good morning everyone, I hope you had a great Jubilee day yesterday well for all you British amongst us anyway, everyone else I hope you had a fantastic day too...ok now don't all faint...shock horror there's no card today as I really wanted to show you these amazing views of Glenveagh National park...its a stunning place isn't it, I must admit we went a little ott on the photos though these are a teeny fraction, we took 97 lol...the top one is just under the visitors centre and is the first view across Lough Veagh towards the castle...beautiful isn't it...although it wasnt a sunny day it was warm and dry and I think the photos turned out ok...what do you think?

this one is from the formal garden looking down towards the castle...this is across from the castle and is the Orangery, the arch is made of wood and is a beautiful frame for the stunning formal garden

ok hands up everyone including us who want to live in this gardeners cottage at the top of the formal garden...its empty but we were willing to move in then and there...how amazing are those poppies

these next two shots are my wonderful Phil's 'arty' shots, I was sitting below the castle chatting to a lovely American woman and her Husband who were touring Ireland, they were from Illinois...and it turned out we were staying at the same hotel...weird eh lol...Phil climbed to the top of the turrets to take this stunning shot across the Lough...are you impressed, I am

another arty shot from Phil again, this is a statue in the formal Victorian garden, would you believe he lay on his back to get this shot...its a fabulous shot though isn't it...ok I wont make you suffer anymore photos now although I wish I could show you them all, it really is a beautiful place...Im having a craft room day today, I have so much to catch up on and I will be back tomorrow with a card I promise...whatever your up to today have a brilliant one
Mina xxx
It looks absolutely gorgeous Mina! x
Wow, it looks so beautiful!! Great photo's and yes i wanna live in that cottage too! Enjoy your craftday, Colinda
Beautiful photographs, it looks like a lovely place to be :o)
Jackie xx
Spectacular photos! Yes yes yes I wanna live in that cottage! (they do have gardeners, don't they) Gosh it is so beautiful and I do love Phil's artsy photos.
It looks like a fabulous place Mina,tell your Phil great photo's.
I would move in a flash into the cottage.
Have a lovely carft day.
Sue xx
Gorgeous photos Mina - t really does look like a stunning place xx
Stunning photos of a fabulous place! THanks for sharing them Mina..
Christine x
Fab photos Mina and Phil certainly looks a beautiful place.TFS
Wonderfull photo's Mina !
Hugs Monique
what a stunning place, must put it on my list when I visit Ireland
Its a beautiful place Mina, I love all your photos and envy you your visit. It looks so relaxing. hugs Shirleyxxxxxx
Beautiful place and stunning photos. I'd move into that Gardener's Cottage in a heartbeat, if only ... :) Thanks for sharing your visit with us. Elizabeth x
Thanks for showing us your wonderful photos, they are beautiful! yes I would so love to live in the gardeners cottage.
Love,melly. xx
Thanks for sharing the wonderful pictures!
stunning photos, looks like a lovely place.
Well done Phill, amazing place and the cottage is just screaming "take me" I even would manage the garden to be able to live there!!
Strange to see that huge Balinese statue in such a place!!!!
xx Irene
Wow what abeautiful landscape,and yes I want to live there too~!!
XXX Heidy
Thanks for sharing so beautiful images ! This is a lovely place !
oh those are wonderful pics, and yes Phil did a masterful job in his shots, I am first generation Irish and have not been to your (our) beautiful country, but someday I will pay a visit, thanks for sharing, hugs
What beautiful scenery! I would love to visit there some day. Phil did a great job with the photos.
Thank you Mina for letting me tour Ireland with you. It is on my bucket list, but not sure if I will really make it there. LOL
I really enjoyed the pictures Mina and would love to see more. Your husband has a good eye that's for sure!!
Gorgeous photos, Mina! What a beautiful place! Thanks for sharing them with us!
Beautiful photo's Mina, I just wished you'd taken some of Phil as it sounds like he was in some funny postions to get his shots lol. Enjoy your craft room. Donna x
Thanks for sharing those gorgeous pics. The world has so much beauty to be seen!
thanks for sharing the gorgeous pics
Gorgeous pics, thanks for sharing.
Beautiful pics .. looks like you had a wonderful time
Lisa x
Very beautiful pictures Mina!
fantastic pics mina.it looks so beautiful and peaceful and stunning scenery ;D
xx coops xx
Stunning photos love the arch and castle beautiful scenery-right off to pack if you will inbox me the full cottage address
carol x
Wow Mina it looks abslutely stunning darl xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Looks a beautiful place to visit. Great photos.
Hi Mina
I'm so glad you had a fabulous weekend, and thank you for sharing your photos - I just love Phil's arty shots! I really want to visit - maybe one day LOL!
Enjoy your week.
Love, Andrea xx
i wish I could have gone with you! The photos are just lovely & the scenery is certainly spectacular. Enjoy!!
phil gets points for all that climbin, and laying around on his back,...hmmmm that may not have come out quite the way I meant it! LOL It's obvious you had a grand time!
What gorgeous Pictures Mina, Its on our books if we get back to Ireland :) We came over in 2004 and loved it :) but haven't managed another trip since so its well over due.
Brilliant photography xx
Hugs Mau XX
Super pics, Mina. Looks like a beaut of a holiday destination (weather permitting!). Hugs, Lesley
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