Thursday, March 15, 2012

its a double...

Good morning everyone, I hope your all well, sorry there wasn't a card yesterday but my head is so busy worrying about my Dads operation today that I just couldn't make one, I'm sure everyone who knows me had kinda guessed that, I know its not a major operation and will be over in a few hours but its so important to us and after all...hes my precious Dad isn't he...I hope you all joined in with my candy yesterday as the prize is a lush one and well worth winning...its a long post today so I wont waffle on too long first card today is for our Blog Hop at Mo's Digital Pencil Dreamteam this month its our lovely Debby's turn to host and she chose Verdigris (a touch of green), you should have arrived here from the wonderful DEBBIE who is bound to have something wonderful to show you as her work is always so stunning...I chose this gorgeous little cutie from Mo's Digital Pencil called Easter Carly, there's two versions of Carly and the other is with a carrot...only Mo can draw that beautiful little face...I coloured her with distress inks and used a mix of K&Co and My Minds Eye papers, I finished with some lush ribbons and a few Petaloo sparkly flowers and velvet leaves and sticky gems...

your next stop on our hop is the fabulous POPS and don't forget to leave a comment on everyone's blog for a chance to win one of two $5 vouchers for Mo's Digital Pencil...the fab sketch I used is from The Sweet Stop and I'm also entering this for the Simon Says Stamp challenge and the Allsorts challenge.
Right now for the next one, are you all still with me or wandered off lol?...this one if for our new challenge at Colour Create challenge, this time is our wonderful teamie Sharon's turn to host and she chose the stunning combo of Pink, Blue, Sage and Cream/White, I love this combo as I can always find lush papers in these combos, so fantastic choice Sharon, the added option (which I forgot about oops) is use something ripped or torn...I used this fantastic image from High Hopes stamps, isn't she fantastic, I love love love that hair and she made me smile while I was colouring her, she is called Annie with her Kitty

shes on sale too (even better) over at Bunny Zoe's Crafts, I coloured her with distress inks and paper pieced part of her fabulous dress with some of the lush papers I used from K&Co Julianne 6x6 paper this pad soooooooo much...I finished with a mix of rose some punched leaves and a lush rich pink ribbon and bow, the sentiment is from my stash...the fab sketch is from Sunday Sketch and Stamp and I'm also entering it for the Crafty Bloggers Network challenge too...I cant wait to see what you come up with for our challenge this time

phew that was a long one wasnt it thanks for sticking with it and listening to me whinging on...I'm off to try and keep my mind occupied today so I'm not thinking too much, I so wanted to go with my Dad, but with his 'I don't need a bloody audience' attitude didn't think it was a good idea for us all to go lol...whatever your up to today have a fantastic day and don't forget your comments for the hop to stand a chance of winning
Mina xxx


Victoria x said...

following the Mo's Digital Pencil trail and stopped by to see your cards - absolutely beautiful - such delicate colouring - yummy x

Lissa said...

I LOVE how you colored them! Mo's image reminds me of my daughter when she was younger. Oh, how I miss those days! ;) I love the simplicity of the card and how you bring all the attention to the image. Very beautiful!


cheryl said...

morning Hun really hope your dads operation goes well Hun,thinking of you let us know how he gets on,as for these cards they are just gorgeous the detail is amazing and just love the colours,and the papers,work beautifully,hugs Cherylxxx
Extra Hug,for your dad xxxxxxx

Unknown said...

Mo's images are always adorable and the way you colour the images make it more sweet..Glad to join the blog hop

Christine Harrop said...

Just adore Easter Carly. So sweet. My prayers are with you and your Dad.

heidy said...

Hi Mina hope your dads operation goes well ,thinking of you!
Love both cards but I always do lol!
Love your work!
XXX Heidy

Kreativa Kakan said...

I haven't seen this image before and she looks really good with this soft colours. The flowers is gorgeous too.

Hurja Hilma said...

Very lovery card! :)

Unknown said...

Hi Mina, such a lovely card you made today. Great image! There seems to be something wrong with Pops blog. I tried entering it earlier too on the LOTV blog hop and blogger keept saying that it has been removed. Wanted to tell you because that meand the Mo Manning blog hop stops here, I don't know where to continue! Hugs, Frea

Squirrel x said...

Both fabulous card hunny - and I can't choose between them as they are both so gorgeous! Keeping everything crossed for dad. Sxx

Nena's Crafts said...

Fabulous cards Mina !
Really enjoying the blog hop.
Nena x

caroline said...

another stunning card, love the colours and such lovely flowers

caroline x

Carolas lilla Vrå said...

Lovely cards. That sweet little girl with the bunny feels as springtime but a bit like autumn to :) Love that!
hop.... :)

Irene said...

I'm Mo-Hopping and wow Mina, your card is a dream!! Such a lovely image and all the details just perfect!!!
Good luck with your Dad, he will be fine I'm sure!!!

Hugs, Irene

Jane said...

2 perfect cards...try to stay calm today, you could always tidy your craft room to stay xxx

Chrissy said...

I love your Dad's thinking like mine..bless them..

Gorgeous cards, hopping along and the darling we girl is beautiful, fabulous colouring and love the flowers...the next wee girl is so cute too, love her the cats smile....gorgeous papers..hope all goes well with your Dad....sending cyber hugs...


Unknown said...

Beautiful cards Mina love the image on the one at the top...FABULOUS
Well done
Hugs Elaine

Laura said...

Hi Mina, WOW your cards are stunning! I especially love the way you've coloured the image on the first card, stunning.
Laura (new follower) xx

Jilli said...

Fabulous card Mina, love your colouring. Sending you huge hugs and healing thoughts for your Dad. x

Pillan said...

Love how you coloured little Carly!!

Mary J said...

Two amazing makes Mina! Your colouring ont he Mo's one is stunning!

Sarah said...

Thanks for sharing your beautiful card, can't wait to see more...

Jessie said...

Both cards are beautiful! Sending prayers for your Dad's operation today.

Sue said...

Two beautiful cards Mina,your Dad will be fine,big hugs to you both.
Hugs Sue xx

Tammy said...

Both of today's card are absolutely beautiful! Praying your dad's surgery will be perfect and that he recovers quickly!

Sherry said...

gorgeous cards ... prayers for your dad... for a speedy recovery

arjette said...

Both cards are beautiful!!!!

gr. arjette

Jane said...

Great creations Mina - love them both.

mandy said...

Oh Mina I love the Easter Carly stamp she is so cute love the way you colored her in hugs Mandy xxx

My'scardcorner said...

Two lovely cards Mina such cute images..Good luck to your Dad today hope all goes well.Hugs from me as I know what that is like being at home when a loved one is having n op.

Mau xx said...

Gorgeous cards Mina, as always your creations are so beautifully coloured xxxx
Had your dear Dad in my thoughts all morning,Lots of special prayers being said xx sending you all huge hugs and lots of love xxxxxxxx
Mau xx

debby4000 said...

Oh I love your cards Mina they're gorgeous.

Amanda xx said...

Such a gorgeous Mo image and sucha beautiful card xxx hugs amanda

Adriana said...

Beautiful cards. Nice colors an coloring.

Denise said...

Just look at that little cutie all dressed in her Sunday best. Gorgeous card Mina and wonderful hop.
Keeping you and your Dad are in my thoughts today.
Denise xx

Jackie said...

lovely cards, I love how you colored the mo's card, just lovely

Vivi Casale said...

omg... how cute these cards are.. love both of them!!!

coops said...

gorgeous cards mina.fabulous colours and designs and the images are so sweet.
i hope all goes well with your dads op today.

xx coops xx

Diane said...

Hi Mina
I've just spent a happy 20 minutes catching up with all your wonderful work and it's all stunning! I can't believe how long it is since I last paid you a visit - I'm a really bad blogger!
Try not to worry too much about your darling Dad - I do understand how you feel but I'm sure he'll be just fine and so glad to get the procedure done.
Diane x

Paola ♥ said...

Gorgeous creations.
The first is my favorite.
I love the cute image and your beautiful coloring.

Paola ♥

Alyce Kit and Clowder said...

Mina these are adorable! I love the layouts and your beautiful colouring :)

Unknown said...

Love the white clothes - beautifully done! Stunning card.

Celestial Things

Crafty Loops said...

Both cards are beautiful Mina. I hope everything goes well today with your wee Daddy and that the operations is a success. Lee xx

Whimcees said...


Your cards are lovely - the coloring on both so beautiful! Wishing you a sunshine day! I hope that all goes well with your father's surgery!


Barbara Diane

Lynn (toomanycrayons) said...

Love the pretty muted effect on your Mo Manning card. That stuffed bunny she holds is so cute for a spring card.

brenda said...

Two super cards Mina and perfect for our theme. The first has to be my favourite, you do those soft pale colours so well.

Thanks for joining in our Say it with Flowers theme at Allsorts this week.

B x

Rhodidodi said...

I love this image from Mo! super card once more and sending love and hugs to your Dad xx

LORi said...

Absolutely precious Mina!! Love love love it!! Hugs-LORi


Hi Mina
Both cards are gorgeous and beautiful and wishing your Dad all the best with his op today
Hugs Dianne xx :)

Mary said...

Oh ny gosh your first card is totally adorable I love that image so sweet. Your second card is gorgeous too :) Wishing your dad a speedy recovery.

Jak Heath said...

simply fabulous, both of them.

Bonnie said...

Following mo's hop and you card is just so cute!! Good luck to you and your dad

Dee said...

Your cards are absolutely lovely. I really like your choices of colours and you colour so well. I am going to enjoy the hop for sure!

Lau W said...

Oh the both are adorable ! Such a lovely image for the second (love cat lol !). your papers are splendid !
Hugs for you and for your dad !

Jovan said...

OMG...the first card is just BEAUTIFUL! I love the second card too!

Shazza said...

these are wonderful Mina, hope y our Dad is okay x

Loreal Blondi said...

Your layouts are just yours :) Lovely cards, both of them.

Unknown said...

Both cards are adorable! Beautiful coloring...Hugs! Leah Ann

Rebecca said...

Hi Mina,your cards are really cute my favourite is the second one with that little kitty cat
Love from Rebecca xx

Gretha said...

Beautiful cards Mina, hope your Dad is oké after the operation.
Hugs Gretha

Grenouille Greetings said...

Love them both, Mina! The image on the second one is a hoot and adorable on the first. Hope Dad is doing okay! Hugs, Lesley

Michelle J M said...

Simply adorable as usual! Sending good wishes for your Dad. Michelle x

Trisha said...

Oh my gosh, Mina!! Your cards are truly amazing. These images are so amazing and you did such a beautiful job. Thanks for sharing. patnbobcuddy at gmail dot com

Sharon Traynor Designs said...

Two superb cards Mina. You just keep turning 'em out, girl! :-) Beautiful blog hop card....but I'm biassed - I adore your CC creation; it's breathtaking.
Sharon xx

Carla S. said...

Two absolutely gorgeous cards, Mina! I love everything about both! I hope all went well with your Dad's surgery today.

Andrea said...

Hi Mina
I hope everything went well for your Dad today and that he has a quick recovery.
I love both your cards today - the Mo image is so cute.
Love, Andrea xx

Kjersti said...

Beautiful cards Mina!
Love the green colours in the first - and the adorable little girl:)
Have a nice Friday!

Andrea C said...

Hope your Dad is okay, he sounds like a strong one. Your cards are absolutely gorgeous as always x

Vicky said...

Very precious cards. wow.

Chark said...

The Mo image is so stinkin' cute and the colors you chose are fab!

Pretty Paper Junkie said...

One more compliment. Awesome!

Debbie Pamment said...

Your cards always have such an elegant feel about them - I just LURVE your unique style - gorgeous!

S.C.Gardner said...

very lovely cards...

Desire Fourie said...

Gorgeous creations. Loving Annie and her kitty - too adorable.

Dawn T said...

Fabulous cards Mina. Love your Mo's one in particular. Great colours

coquine1635 said...

your card are so cute

Colinda said...

Goodmorning Mina, how cute is the little easter girl and how she's holding her bunny is so sweet!!! Hope your dad's operation went well!! Enjoy your day, Colinda

Turtle In The Sand said...

Late commenting on this, but......
1) I know your Dad's surgery went well and he is so funny telling you to stay home. (Don't you hate it when they are right?)LOL
2) Mo's little girl is absolutely precious and your coloring perfectly enhances it.
3) This little girl and her cat are pure personality. Absolutely love her. I'm going to have to have a peek at the blog to see more.

Have a great day. Linda

Pop's Cards said...

Morning sweetie this is stunning I love this, fabulous colours too hugs ♥Pops ♥

Hamrow said...

Love these colours. Your cards are brilliant. Thanks.

Eve xx

Sharon said...

Two gorgeous cards, I'm loving the cute Easter image with the Bunny!
Adorable :)

Sharon x

Zosia said...

All the very best to your dad and hope everything will go well for him.

Love the soft colours you have used and the cutie just makes it special.

Julie said...

Two absolute stunners Mina!! Such beautiful soft colours and gorgeous papers!! Fabulous works! Juliexx

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, thanks for entering the CBN Challenge, good luck xxx

Trish said...

Two beautiful cards. Thanks for the info on the clouds. Hope your Dad continues to make a good recovery.

cats whiskers said...

Your wonderful cards always leave me sitting looking at the screen with ny mouth open and these two are so sweet and stunning, love them both. Thanks for joining us at Simon Says Stamp dear
Jacqui xx

Moments by Marla said...

I stopped by for Mo's Blog Hop - but had to stay a little while to look at some of your other projects. They are all beautiful. You do a perfect job matching your coloring of the images and the background paper. Thank you for some great inspiration!!!

Anonymous said...

I really appreciate your colors combinations!

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